Chapter 950 Change
"Don't, don't, don't! Uncle Shen, I'm joking with you, don't take it seriously! I'll call someone right away!" Seeing that Uncle Shen was really going to take the things away, Xiao Hai became anxious all of a sudden, and hurriedly took the things away. Out of the phone, a burst of frantic dialing.After a while, a large group of youthful boys and girls gathered towards Shen Zhenxin from all directions, there were as many as a hundred of them.Shen Zhenxin looked at them with soft and kind eyes, like a modest elder looking at his own children, that kind of deep fatherly love spontaneously emerged, no wonder he has such a high prestige among these foreign students.

"Uncle Shen, you are here!" Accompanied by a burst of clear and sweet laughter, a slim girl walked towards Shen Zhenxin quickly.Shen Zhenxin stared at it, and said with a hehe smile: "Xiaohui, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are beautiful again. Look at your happy face, Xiaohai has been taken care of by you, right? Hahaha..." Shen Zhenxin's series of long laughs made Xiaohai Hui's pretty face blushed suddenly.Xiaohui, a postgraduate student at the Media College of the Saudi United Higher Education Institute, is really beautiful. She needs to have a good figure and a good face. I don’t know how many wealthy children are chasing him crazily, but fate is doomed. The red line of marriage leads.Xiaohui rejects all suitors, but she is devoted to Xiaohai.

In order to be able to get close to Xiao Hai who only reads sage books and keeps her ears shut, Xiao Hui has spent a lot of trouble. It was not until she became the vice president of the International Students Association that she got in touch with Xiao Hai more.Fortunately, Xiaohai is not an elm lump, and he has realized Xiaohui's deep affection. Over time, the two finally walked together.The dream come true, Xiaohui should feel happy, but Xiaohui's brows are faintly shrouded in a trace of sadness.Shen Zhenxin's eyes were so vicious, he could see them all at once.Based on what he knew about Xiao Hai, Xiao Hai is an extremely serious young man with a strong sense of responsibility. Once he accepts Xiao Hui's feelings, he will never do the bastard thing of empathizing with another.From this point of view, the young couple encountered some kind of problem.Seeing so many people around, Shen Zhenxin didn't break it.

Seeing all the Huaxia students unloading their things with joy on their faces, the students from other countries were all envious, and at the same time complained in their hearts, where did the ambassador of their own country die, why didn't they know to come to condolences to themselves?With a smile, Shen Zhenxin took out a brand new laptop from the trunk of the car, and handed it to Xiaohui.

Xiaohui has always wanted to have a laptop of her own, but in Saudi Arabia where prices are calculated in US dollars, this wish seems unrealistic. "Uncle Shen, this is..." Shen Zhenxin stuffed the laptop into Xiaohui's hand, and said with a smile, "This is for you, see if you like it? Actually, I don't know much about computers, so I asked the salesperson I took the most expensive one, can you see if it suits you?"

"For...for me?" Xiaohui could hardly believe her ears.Just because she knew that the embassy was not rich, Xiaohui couldn't believe it was true.Seeing Xiaohui's surprised and puzzled expression, Shen Zhenxin smiled and said: "The computer is in your hands, who do you think it is for? Take it, I know you and Xiaohai have 'consummated merits and virtues', I have thought about it a long time ago." Here is a gift for you. You are in need of this, take it!" "But your embassy is also very difficult, this gift is too expensive, I... can't take it!" Xiaohui said very Sensible, even though he was eager to own this laptop, he still gritted his teeth and pushed the laptop out.

"Hahaha..." Xiaohui's sensibility made Shen Zhenxin feel relieved, and said with a smile: "Okay, Xiaohui, don't refuse anymore. To tell you the truth, the current Huaxia embassy is not as embarrassing as before. Since If I can give it to you, it means I can afford it! Hurry up and put it away!" "Xiaohui, Uncle Shen, what are you talking about!" Under Xiaohai's command and dispatch, not only was the truck full of things unloaded, but Allocation is required.Seeing Xiaohui and Shen Zhenxin chatting happily, they walked over.Xiaohui gestured to Xiaohai for the laptop in her hand, and said, "Uncle Shen gave it to us. I said it was too expensive to take..."

Seeing that what Xiaohui was holding was the latest laptop computer, Xiaohai was also taken aback, nodded in agreement, and said to Shen Zhenxin: "Uncle Shen, this gift is too expensive, we can't take it, you still Keep it for yourself."

Shen Zhenxin frowned in displeasure, and said, "Xiaohui is a master's student at the School of Communication. She doesn't have a computer of her own, so it's inconvenient to do anything. Do you want her to be cheeky every time and run to Do those foreigners borrow it? Don’t think how expensive this computer is, it’s nothing to your Uncle Shen. Don’t say anything else, I won’t take back what I gave away. "

Xiaohui looked at Xiaohai as if asking for help, Xiaohai was older than her, and thoughtful about things, Xiaohui was used to listening to him in everything.Seeing that Shen Zhenxin's expression was very determined, and that Xiaohui really needed a laptop of his own, Xiaohai didn't refuse any more, and said gratefully to Shen Zhenxin: "Uncle Shen, thank you very much!" Saying so, Xiaohui's face unconsciously showed a touch of joy, and she gently stroked the metallic laptop in her arms, as if she was stroking a lover.Only then did Shen Zhenxin nod in satisfaction, and led the Huaxia international students to find a classroom and sit down.

Shen Zhenxin did not stand on the podium to give a speech, but sat in the middle of the foreign students, with Xiaohai on his left and Xiaohui on his right.It is customary to ask about their life in school.Speaking of this, everyone suddenly seemed very excited. Shen Zhenxin frowned, turned to look at Xiao Hai and asked, "Xiao Hai, what's going on?" Xiao Hai said with a smile, "Recently, I don't know why. We Huaxia international students suddenly showed great concern. In the school cafeteria, there were always some Western dishes such as bread and salad. But recently, rice and steamed buns suddenly appeared in the cafeteria. The school also specially invited a skilled Huaxia Chef, who cooks all kinds of Huaxia stir-fried dishes for us."

"That's not all." Xiaohui took over the conversation and said, "Recently, the school is considering reducing the accommodation fees and even the tuition fees for our Huaxia international students. This is really strange!" Shen Zhenxin listened to it and was happy .The foreign students were surprised, but he didn't.The Saudi government's policy towards Huaxia has really changed thoroughly, and even the Huaxia students have not missed it.Shen Zhenxin stood up, looked at the foreign students with piercing eyes and asked: "Students, do you think this is strange? But it is not strange at all to me! You don't understand why they became like this, then let Let me tell you, because our motherland is becoming stronger and stronger. With the backing of a strong motherland, no matter where we go, the backs of our Chinese people will be straight!"

Shen Zhenxin's impassioned words caused a commotion among the foreign students.Shen Zhenxin pressed both hands, and then said earnestly: "Students, if a small tree wants to grow into a towering tree, it must have strong roots. The same is true for people, people also have roots. People without roots, Like duckweed that drifts with the tide, people will look down on you wherever you go. Our motherland is our roots. Because of roots, you all can thrive and be respected by foreigners!

Shen Zhenxin's words seemed to be a shot in the arm, which made all the overseas students shake in their hearts, with deep pride and pride for the motherland flowing out of their faces.Shen Zhen stared with satisfaction at the young faces in front of him with high fighting spirit, full of vigor and hope, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.With a pioneer like Li Xiaogang, a great man, and these fresh reserve blood, how can China not be strong? "Students! Our roots, our motherland support us to thrive. But on the other hand, our roots, our motherland also need you students, watering it with sweat and hard work. Students, you are the future of the country. Whether you can be a good master, let us China continue to stand in the forest of nations in the world, and create greater glories, all depends on your efforts today. I believe in you, the people of the motherland believe in you, and you will definitely be able to Take up this great and glorious responsibility, and make our China's future even better and more magnificent!"

Shen Zhenxin's words made people's blood boil, and all the foreign students applauded and cheered desperately, making all the foreign students who passed by the door look sideways and tongue-tied.Shen Zhenxin was happy in her heart, waved her big hand, and said: "Okay, after talking so much, I'm also a little hungry. Let's go, I'm treating guests today, and I invite everyone to have a big meal!" "Okay!" Shen Zhenxin's words once again aroused There was a burst of cheers, and this time the cheers seemed to be stronger than before.

Compared with the excitement of the foreign students, Xiao Hai was much calmer, pulled Shen Zhenxin, and said softly: "Uncle Shen, so many people, isn't it too wasteful..." Shen Zhenxin couldn't help laughing and said: " Xiao Hai, I am not worried about this treat, but you are worried about being invited, hahaha... I really don't know whether to say you are honest or what you are! It doesn't matter, I said earlier that the recent times are different, you Don't worry!" After speaking, with a smile on his face, he led more than 100 people to kill outside the school.

Fortunately, the Saudi United Institute of Higher Education is located in the city center, and there are no shortage of hotels around. The group quickly found a hotel big enough to sit down.Soon the food was on the table, and the international students who hadn't improved their food for a long time completely let go. Regardless of their status, they ate large pieces of food, enjoying themselves.Shen Zhenxin was beaming with joy as he watched, and he was so happy that his appetite increased a lot unconsciously.Since they were all students, and there were classes in some evenings, Shen Zhenxin didn't allow wine, and everyone just ate.So this meal did not last long.

After the rest of the international students finished eating, they left first and went back to school.And Xiaohai and Xiaohui were specially kept by Shen Zhenxin.Looking at this pair of children, Shen Zhenxin said with a smile: "Xiaohai, Xiaohui, among so many of our overseas students, the two of you are the ones I associate with the most. To be honest, I have already regarded you as my friend." Take care of your own children." "Uncle Shen..." Xiaohui and Xiaohai were moved and shouted at the same time.Shen Zhenxin smiled, waved his hands and said: "But I am more of an ambassador in your hearts, which makes me somewhat disappointed..."

(End of this chapter)

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