Chapter 952
"What are you going to do?!" Xiaohai and Xiaohui yelled loudly from afar.Hearing their roars, Xiao Li's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly shouted at them: "Don't come here, it's dangerous! Go back and call for help!" The Saudi Joint University is nearby, and if the two of them move fast enough If so, there is still time.Xiao Hai froze for a moment, hesitated.At this time, Shen Zhenxin spoke, and shouted in a deep voice: "Listen to Xiao Li! Hurry up, he won't last long!" As soon as Shen Zhenxin said the words, Xiaohai immediately pulled Xiaohui around and ran towards the school. "Damn it!" Seeing Xiao Hai's actions, Kidom cursed angrily, not daring to delay any longer, patted Laf on the shoulder, and said, "I'll leave that kid to you! Get him done!"

There was a cruel smile on Raff's face, he rubbed his fists, and pushed towards Xiao Li step by step.At the same time, other kidnappers began to quietly surround Shen Zhenxin. "Hey..." Raph suddenly let out a ghostly laugh, and punched out his big fist, hitting Xiao Li's chest fiercely.Xiao Li was lucky in his dantian, watching Laf's approach with piercing eyes, and when he saw the right moment, he swept out his arm quickly, blocked Laf's arm, and pushed his fist aside.There was a sharp pain in his arm like a broken bone, which made Xiao Li secretly horrified. This Raph's strength was really abnormally strong.

Seeing Xiao Li baring his teeth and grinning in pain, Raff smiled more triumphantly, shook his fist, and threw a second punch without giving Xiao Li a chance to breathe.Xiao Li cursed secretly in his heart, pulled himself together, and didn't confront him head-on this time. He lowered his body and slid past Raf's fist. At the same time, the right fist hidden at his waist suddenly blasted out, hitting Raf's lower abdomen straight. , making a dull sound. "Damn it!" Xiao Li couldn't help roaring, and swiftly swept his body backwards.Raff's lower abdomen seemed to be made of steel. Raff didn't even respond to the punch, but Xiao Li's fist felt like it was cracking.Raff slapped the muscles on his lower abdomen triumphantly, his face was full of complacency, and he coldly threw a provocative look at Xiao Li.

Xiao Li was furious, and was about to go forward to fight him desperately, when he suddenly saw a few kidnappers sneaking up to Shen Zhenxin's side, and was about to attack him.Xiao Li was furious when he saw this, he pushed Laf aside, and jumped up to Shen Zhenxin's side like an angry dragon, his legs flew out like whips, only to hear the constant crackling sound, A few guys who wanted to fish in troubled waters were thrown out like torn sacks, moaning.Just when Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief, Raff rushed out like a leopard, his fists were like waves, and he attacked Xiao Li mercilessly.

"Xiao Li, be careful!" Seeing Xiao Li in danger, Shen Zhenxin couldn't help shouting in shock.There is no need for Shen Zhenxin to warn, Xiao Li himself has already realized that something is wrong. Raf's punch is icy cold, and Xiao Li has already felt heavy pressure before he reaches his body.Without even thinking about it, Xiao Li's body spun suddenly, and his fists blocked Raff's arms in turn.pain!Heart-piercing, heart-piercing pain!Xiao Li's face turned pale in an instant, and he was a little worried whether his two arms were broken by Raph's terrifying force, but he didn't have time to check, because Rafe's second punch was already very close to him.

"Bastard!" Xiao Li cursed angrily, clenching his teeth like a mad cow.
Sacrificially ran into Raf's arms.Raff didn't expect Xiao Li to do this, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He was hit by Xiao Li, and his body was rushed by force. He couldn't help but staggered a few steps, but he didn't fall down.But Xiao Li himself bounced back as if hitting a wall, and fell heavily to the ground.Raff grinned, grinned a few times, stepped forward abruptly, grabbed Xiao Li by the collar and lifted him up.Before Xiao Li could react, Raff fell on his back, lifted Xiao Li's body over his head, and hit the ground fiercely.This almost made Xiao Li faint, and a faint trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Raff hasn't enjoyed the game yet, and was about to do the same thing again, when Shen Zhenxin uttered a thunderous roar, "Stop!" Although Shen Zhenxin looked gentle and elegant on the outside, but when he was angry, Naturally, there was an irresistible majesty, and Raf was involuntarily intimidated by his power, and let go of Xiao Li who was struggling on the verge of coma.Kidom frowned, sneered a few times and said, "Why, you can't stand it anymore?" Shen Zhenxin stared at Kidom with bright eyes, which made Kidom feel guilty and a little embarrassed He coughed and said coldly, "Will you follow us? It's up to you now."

Shen Zhenxin sneered, and said in a deep voice: "If you just let me go with you, why bother? Let him go, and I will go with you right now! But I can guarantee that you will be the ones who regret it in the end!" Dom frowned, glanced at Raff, and said, "Let him go!" Raff let Xiao Li go with some reluctance. "Mr. Ambassador, can't..." Xiao Li said to Shen Zhenxin with some difficulty.Shen Zhenxin shook his head with a wry smile, shook off the kidnapper who grabbed his arm, snorted heavily, and then got into Kidom's car.

With a cold and contemptuous smile, Raff shook his middle finger at Xiao Li, and then followed behind Kidom.Xiao Li felt anxious and struggled to stand up from the ground, but fell back to the ground due to bursts of severe pain.After Kidom and others left, Xiao Hai led a large group of Huaxia students, armed with sticks and weapons, and rushed over.Seeing Xiao Li lying on the ground, Xiao Hai hurriedly helped him up, and asked, "Brother Li, where is the ambassador?" Someone has been kidnapped, go...for help!"

As soon as Shen Zhenxin was kidnapped, Xiao Hai became anxious on the spot, and asked repeatedly: "What did you say? Who did it? Who is so bold?" Xiao Li frowned in pain, and murmured: "No... Don't ask so many questions! Hurry up and find Mr. Lightning!" "Who is Lightning? Where should I find it?" Xiao Hai's face was full of confusion and helplessness. "Big... embassy..." After Xiao Li finished speaking the last three words, he passed out because of exhaustion. "Xiao Hai, brother Li seems to have passed out, what should I do?" Xiao Hui had never encountered such a thing before, and she seemed a little confused at this moment.

After all, Xiaohai is older and calmer when things happen. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Come here, some boys, take Brother Li to the hospital first. Xiaohui, you go to the police station to call the police, and I will go to the embassy. People go back first!" As soon as Xiao Hai's words fell to the ground, a group of people immediately took action, and Xiao Hai stopped a taxi and went straight to the embassy.Xiao Hai was very anxious at this time. Shen Zhenxin was China's ambassador to Saudi Arabia and had a prominent position. The kidnappers even dared to kidnap him, which undoubtedly showed that the other party was a vicious person.Saudi Arabia has always been a place of right and wrong, and cases of ambassadors from various countries being kidnapped by terrorists are not uncommon.Although the situation in Saudi Arabia has improved greatly under the iron-fisted rule of the sky thorn, the terrorists have not been completely eradicated.If Shen Zhenxin was really kidnapped by terrorists, then Shen Zhenxin's situation would be worrying.

When Xiaohai brought the news to the Huaxia embassy, ​​the whole embassy turned upside down like a frying pan, and became a mess.It was the first time that the ambassador was kidnapped by terrorists. This was the first time that the Chinese ambassador had been kidnapped. All the staff were a little confused and didn't know where to start.At the same time, Du Ziji also learned the news.When Du Ziji heard the news from the Minister of Police for the first time, he thought that the Minister of Police was joking with him, but when he found out that it was not a joke, Du Ziji seemed to be kicked , suddenly jumped up from the chair, his face instantly turned pale.

At this critical moment, such a thing happened, to Du Ziji, it was like being slapped and slapped in the head. "What's going on here? What do you, the police minister, do?" Du Ziji looked at the police minister angrily, wishing he could hug the old man and bite him.The Minister of Police's face was full of bitterness, and he didn't know what to say.During this period of time, his life was quite carefree and easy, the crime rate plummeted, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. I dare not say that he did not pick up lost things on the road, at least not so many people troubled him.But who would have thought that not long after the good times, such a catastrophe happened, and he also suffered a lot.

"What are you still doing here? Why don't you check it out! Check it out for me, what kind of bastards are causing trouble for me, once I catch them, I will kill them myself!" Du Ziji roared angrily, and sent the police minister to kicked out.On the streets of Saudi Arabia, which had been silent for a long time, bursts of sharp sirens suddenly sounded again.This makes the Saudi people who are enjoying a peaceful and peaceful life tremble and feel a little scared.

All the Saudi police officers were canceled their vacations and were sent to the streets, sniffing around like dogs. For a while, the streets of the Saudi capital were turbulent, and the pedestrians were trembling, and they were really nervous. "President Du Ziji, I think you should give us Chinese people a reasonable explanation for what happened in Saudi Arabia?"

The military attache of the embassy said to Du Ziji with a serious face.Du Ziji's face was full of bitterness, and the wrinkles on his forehead formed a Sichuan character.Thinking of how all the hard work he had put in for so many days had come to naught, Du Ziji scolded those who kidnapped Shen Zhenxin in his heart.I just don't know how he will feel when he finds out that the person directing all this is actually his own son.

"I'm sorry!" Du Ziji stood up sincerely, bowed deeply to the military attache and the staff of the embassy, ​​and said in a deep voice: "As the president of Saudi Arabia, I feel deeply guilty about the kidnapping of Ambassador Shen Zhenxin. However, please Don't worry, everyone, I have ordered the police station to solve the case with all my strength, rescue Ambassador Shen Zhenxin as quickly as possible, and punish the criminals severely!" "Thank you very much!" At this moment, hearing the wind, he hurried back Lightning walked in with a stern expression.Du Ziji had already heard about Lightning from Baraku. Although he didn't know that Lightning was the leader of the famous Sky Spike, he knew that he had a high status in Longteng. It was this time that the two sides negotiated on the oil issue. Plenipotentiary.

(End of this chapter)

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