Chapter 953
Seeing him, Du Ziji hurriedly put on a smile on his face, stretched out his hand, and said, "Mr. Lightning, I have known you for a long time, and I am very glad to meet you." shook hands.Then he said unceremoniously: "I'm sorry, Mr. Du Ziji, please forgive me. I am not sure about the Saudi police's ability to handle cases. Therefore, our people will personally intervene in this matter, and I hope you will give us the power to act cheaply. ""This..." Du Ziji's face was full of embarrassment.The power to act cheaply mentioned by Lightning can be large or small, and it even includes the power to shoot and kill people.Although those kidnappers, Du Ziji also hated them.But allowing foreigners to kill people at will in their own country, even if they kill bastards and scum, is detrimental to the country's constitution.

Seeing Du Ziji's reluctance, Lightning's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said with a gloomy face: "Your Excellency, I am not afraid to tell you the truth, this so-called power to do things cheaply is entirely for your face. Even if you do not approve, We also know how to kill when we should, and never let it go!" Hearing Lightning's domineering words, Du Ziji couldn't help but smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Okay, Mr. Lightning, I'll give you the power to do things cheaply. To be honest, in Saudi Arabia, I am the first president to grant such power to foreigners, hehe... I hope I will not be reviled by my citizens! But having said that, I still hope that Mr. Lightning will be cautious, even if it is given Let me save some face."

After sending Du Ziji away, Lightning's face became even more gloomy. Looking at the military attache, he asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?" The military attache said bitterly: "This afternoon, according to the schedule, Mr. The school condolences to the Huaxia students there. Who knew that such a thing happened on the way back!" "It's unreasonable! You are so brave, can't those kidnappers recognize that they are going to kidnap the Huaxia ambassador?" After Lightning heard Furious, he slapped the table and roared loudly. "Please... Excuse me, are you Mr. Lightning?" At this moment, Xiao Hai asked Lightning a little nervously.The momentum of the lightning is overwhelming, especially when he is angry, Xiao Hai feels a little scared in his heart.

Lightning's pair of electric eyes jumped over the military officer and landed on him. He frowned slightly and said, "I'm Lightning, do you know me?" Before you faint, let me come to you and tell you that you have a way to rescue Uncle Shen." Lightning raised his eyebrows and asked, "Xiao Li? How is he now?" The military officer said with a serious face: "I just asked the hospital Xiao Li's condition is not optimistic, many organs in his body have been damaged, and he is still in a coma. But the doctor said that his life is not in danger." Lightning took a long breath, and suddenly shouted: "Gaofeng!"

As soon as Lightning finished speaking, a slender, handsome man, about 30 years old, flashed in from the door.Lightning gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Spread people out, use all the power in our hands, even search through the rat holes of Saudi Arabia, and find me an ambassador. Once you find it, report back immediately!" "Yes!" Gao Feng After listening, he swiftly and quickly swept out.The military officer stared dumbfounded at Gao Feng's disappearing back, and murmured, "Mr. Lightning, who is this person?" Lightning glanced at him, turned around and sat down on the sofa without answering.

"Mr. Lightning, I think these people are here for Uncle Shen. Uncle Shen must be in a very dangerous situation if he falls into their hands. You must find a way to rescue Uncle Shen as soon as possible!" Xiao Hai looked at Lightning, I don't know why, but I have a kind of trust in him from the bottom of my heart.Instinctively feel that if there is one person in this world who can rescue Shen Zhenxin from danger, then this person must be Lightning.Lightning turned to look at Xiao Hai, and sized him up carefully.After commanding the Sky Spike for so many years and experiencing countless storms, Lightning has fully matured.His eyesight is even sharper.Although Xiaohai in front of him is still young, his eyes are clear and bright, and wisdom is hidden in them. Given time, he will become a great weapon.

Lightning smiled slightly, and said confidently and domineeringly: "Don't worry! A place as big as a palm in Saudi Arabia, I can turn it over with a sneeze. No matter who the other party is, even if they can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, my people They will be picked out too! Let's just wait and see. Since these bastards dare to break ground on Tai Sui, they must have the consciousness of death!" Lightning's words made Xiao Hai and the others all feel a chill...

In an abandoned factory building on the outskirts of the Saudi capital, it was dark and humid, and the air was filled with a strong foul smell. Shen Zhenxin was besieged by a dozen kidnappers.Facing more than a dozen vicious kidnappers, Shen Zhenxin frowned. Apart from anger, no other emotions could be seen on his face.

Kidom looked at Shen Zhenxin triumphantly, and said quietly: "Ambassador Shen, you probably never thought that you would have such a day, did you?" Shen Zhenxin snorted heavily, and said coldly: "People's fate is inherently unpredictable. For example, you are complacent and majestic now, but who knows what will happen to you at this time tomorrow? Hehe... Maybe you will become a sad face on the execution ground Death row prisoner!"

"Hahaha... Dear ambassador, you really know how to joke. At this time, you are still so humorous!" Kidom laughed wildly, his voice suddenly froze, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Hand over the materials!" Shen Zhenxin I was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Material? What material?"

Kidom sneered, and said, "Shen Zhenxin, why are you pretending to be confused with me here? What other materials are there, of course, are the black materials you painstakingly collected about Du Ziji's various misdeeds!" Shen Zhenxin was stunned for a while, a little funny He said: "Who told you that I have these things? If you really want these things, you should also go to people from country M. People from country M are the best at collecting information, especially in this regard."

"Bastard, do you still dare to speak hard? Come here and teach him a lesson. Let him understand that the status of an ambassador cannot protect him!" As soon as Kidom's words fell, Raff stood up with a grinning grin.Kidom grabbed him and said, "Forget it! You punched him, and his old bones still fell apart? I only want things, not human life!" Unhappy, he withdrew his hand sullenly.A kidnapper beside Shen Zhenxin understood and punched Shen Zhenxin on the back, knocking him to the ground.Shen Zhenxin resisted the pain in his body, stared at Kidom, and shouted loudly: "You bastards, you will not end well..." Before Shen Zhenxin finished speaking, he was trampled down. The foot was broken.

Feeling that it was almost done, Kidom waved his hand and stopped his men.Looking at the dying Shen Zhenxin lying on the ground, Kidom sneered and said: "How about Mr. Ambassador, the taste is good, right? Be obedient and hand over the black materials, and I will spare you! Otherwise, this desolate and desolate place , is the burial place of you, Shen Zhenxin!" Shen Zhenxin breathed a sigh of relief, stared at Kidom, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what black material you are talking about, I don't have it!" "Ha! It seems that you Chinese people It's really a hard bone. But it doesn't matter, we have plenty of time, I can torture you slowly until you hand over the materials willingly. Come to someone, hang him up, and let him see the real chapter!" ...

In Duziji's mansion, Baraku walked in with a happy face.Not seeing Du Ziji's gloomy and depressed face, he kept saying, "Good news, good news, Du Ziji, hehe..." Du Ziji turned to look at him and asked, "What good news?" Baraku laughed Laughing, he said: "It's good news that you can never imagine. I spent a whole day in a video conference with the heads of several other OPEC member states, trying to persuade them to join us in cutting oil production for the sake of Huaxia's oil listing made room. Guess what happened?"

Du Ziji's heart moved, and he said: "Seeing your face is full of joy, the negotiation is probably a success..." Baraku laughed and said, "The president is the president, and I can't hide anything from you!" Surprised, he couldn't help but asked in amazement: "It really succeeded? And it only took a day. is this possible? Could it be that those guys collectively took the wrong medicine?" Baraku shook With one finger, he said with a smile: "Du Ziji, you are also talking about yourself when you say that." Du Ziji froze for a moment, then nodded with a wry smile.

Baraku said in a condensed voice: "It's not just you, I didn't expect this negotiation to be so smooth at the beginning. As soon as I put forward the proposal to reduce production, I got the unanimous support of several other countries. Later I analyzed Take a moment, this is actually inevitable. In the past two years, the power and influence of the Chinese people in the Middle East has grown exponentially. Up to now, it has deeply affected the countries in the Middle East. Especially the war-torn Iraq, for the The Chinese people they brought peace and tranquility can be said to be in awe. China is more and more embodying the demeanor of a big country in the land of the Middle East, but any politician with a little bit of foresight understands that at this time and China The most important thing is to maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship!"

After hearing Baraku's words, Du Ziji nodded in agreement.Baraku went on to say: "In addition, I doubt that these countries have more or less known that the Chinese have mastered the advanced technology of desert control. Looking at the Middle East, which country is not troubled by desertification, this technology is equally important to them .It's a lot of money to exchange a little bit of oil for this revolutionary technology.
Very good deal.We are smart, and others are not fools!With these two factors, it is not surprising that those countries would agree to cut production so readily!After a whole day of discussions, several major members of OPEC have initially reached some agreements.According to the current output of Longteng Energy Group, OPEC will give up a certain share in the international market, and these shares will be allocated to each country according to the current market share of each country.Like our Saudi Arabia, which accounts for [-]% of the total oil output by OPEC, then our Saudi Arabia will cut [-]% of its production to support Longteng's oil. "

(End of this chapter)

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