The strongest peasant city

Chapter 954 Urgent!

Chapter 954 Urgent!
"Does it only need to be reduced by [-]%? If that's the case, it shouldn't cause too much impact on our country." Du Ziji said with some relief.But this relief didn't last long on his face before it disappeared without a trace.Seeing that Du Ziji's face seemed not quite right, Baraku couldn't help but tighten his heart, and asked with a frown, "Du Ziji, what's wrong with you? You don't seem very happy." Du Ziji said bitterly: "I'm happy, I'm happy now. I just want to cry!" "Why?" Baraku couldn't help but exclaimed.

Du Ziji said bitterly: "Congratulations, you have achieved good results at the negotiation table, but I'm afraid it will be useless." Du Ziji's words made Baraku's heart rise to his throat, and he asked in a deep voice: "In the end? What happened?" Du Ziji said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid you would never have imagined that just as you and the leaders of the OPEC member states were having a heated discussion about production cuts, Mr. Shen Zhenxin, the Chinese ambassador, was actually kidnapped!" "You said What!?" Baraku's eyes widened sharply, and he said in horror, "How is this possible? How could such a thing happen?!"

Seeing the excited Baraku, Du Ziji's face became more bitter, and he murmured: "How I wish this was just a nightmare. When I opened my eyes, Shen Zhenxin was sitting in his office reviewing documents. But... ...Hey!" "Bastard! Which bastard is it? It's messing us up at this juncture. It's good, all our efforts are in vain. Hmph... It's ridiculous that we still want to be courteous and introduce other people's technology .But they can’t even protect their ambassador! This is so ironic, it’s such a shame!” The more Baraku spoke, the more excited he became, his entire face was flushed with blood.

Looking at the furious Baraku, Du Ziji said: "Barack, don't get excited. Although things are bad, they are not irreparable. Chinese people have always been magnanimous, even when treating their enemies. As long as we If we can catch the murderer in time and rescue Ambassador Shen Zhenxin, then everything will turn around." "Yes! There is still hope! The key is to act quickly. If these bastards kill Shen Zhenxin with such viciousness, what will we do? Everything is really over!" Baraku said in a trembling voice with a nervous expression on his face.

Du Ziji nodded and said: "Don't worry, I have ordered all the police to dispatch to search and rescue Shen Zhenxin. The army is also on standby at any time. No matter who dares to behave wildly on my Saudi territory, I will kill him!" "Mr. President, Vice President Alpha wants to see you!" At this moment, the beautiful assistant to the president walked in gracefully and said. "Alpha? What is he here for? Shouldn't he be recuperating at home?" Baraku raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.Du Ziji gave a wry smile, already vaguely guessing Alpha's intention in his heart, waved his hand, and said to the assistant: "Go, please come in Alpha!" After a while, the assistant to the president led the angry Alpha into the room.

Seeing Du Ziji, Alpha didn't wait for Du Ziji to speak, and drank loudly, "Your Excellency, Mr. Shen Zhenxin, the Chinese ambassador, was kidnapped. Do you know?" Alpha's words confirmed Du Ziji's guess. Nodded, said: "I already know, I'm trying to rescue!" "Find a way to rescue? Hmph, easy to say! At this juncture, under your leadership, such a thing happened, don't you Do you think an explanation should be given to the people of the whole country? You must know how important China is to our Saudi Arabia now. If they stop cooperating with us because of this, Your Excellency, you will become a sinner for Saudi Arabia through the ages!"

"Alpha, please pay attention to your words! Standing in front of you is the supreme leader of Saudi Arabia, you can't help but shout here and there!" Du Ziji was fine, but Baraku was furious and couldn't help shouting scolded.

"A supreme leader who can bring prosperity to the people and shade his descendants will naturally be respected. But a president who can't benefit the people can also be cast aside!" Alpha ignored Baraku's fury and said lightly . "Then you mean that Du Ziji is a despised president?" Baraku asked angrily.Alpha said indifferently: "You said this, I didn't say it! But Your Excellency, I need to remind you that Shen Zhenxin's safety is related to the life and death of our Saudi Arabia. If you don't handle it well, I have to follow the constitution It stipulates that your presidential power will be frozen, and I will act as the president! Although I am already old, for the sake of the future of Saudi Arabia, I have no choice but to go out of the mountain!"

"Huh! That sounds good! For the future of Saudi Arabia? I think it is because of your insatiable power and hopelessness! Don't worry, the situation you said will never happen, you should go back to catch your fish obediently Go!" Baraku was annoyed at Alpha's way of adding insult to injury, and couldn't help but sarcastically loudly.Alpha glanced at him coldly, and said quietly: "Baraku, and you! Don't always try to please the Chinese at the expense of sacrificing the interests of the country and the people. This only shows your incompetence. You and I will not be polite!" "Ha! It seems that you want to catch us all? Well, then you come, we wait! I want to see how much old bones you have Portion!" Baraku said coldly.Alpha gave the two of them a deep look, then turned and left.

"This old bastard is obviously trying to take advantage of others!" Baraku looked at Alpha's back and gritted his teeth.Du Ziji sighed for a long time, his face was gloomy, and he murmured: "The house is leaking and raining continuously. It seems that we have been driven to a dead end. If we can't rescue Shen Zhenxin successfully, our political career will come to an end." It's over!" "By the way, do you think Shen Zhenxin was arrested by Alpha?"

Baraku's heart moved, and he said loudly. "Don't you think this is very possible? In order to force you to step aside, Alpha captured Shen Zhenxin and made you lose the Chinese people as a big backer. Then he relied on the support of M country and his own power in Saudi Arabia to attack you. After forcing you to step down, pretend to be the savior, rescue Shen Zhenxin from the kidnappers, and let the Chinese people be grateful to him, so that Alpha will gain the support of the two superpowers, China and M country, at the same time. Who can move?"

Du Ziji couldn't help being stunned when he heard Baraku's words. After pondering for a while, he slowly shook his head and said: "With Alpha's insidiousness, it is possible to do such a thing. But even if I step down, He can't be the president either, at most it's an interim president's power. Although this satisfies his desire for power, is he willing to take such a big risk? Huaxia people are not fools. Once things fail, he will die miserably I'm afraid even the people of country M can't protect him. Besides, although Alpha is bossy, he is patriotic. He, like us, wants Saudi Arabia to be good, so at this time, he will not risk the world's wrongdoing and leave dangerous murderer."

Baraku was persuaded, shook his head wearily, and said: "In short, I just feel uncomfortable looking at this old bastard. If it wasn't because of his age, I would definitely beat him up! Say I don't care about the country and the people He doesn’t think about how many benefits he has let the people of country M take away from us in Saudi Arabia over the years. Old bastard!” Du Ziji said with a wry smile: “Okay, you don’t want to fight against him, you should find a way to save him first. Go back to Shen Zhenxin, I hope he is fine now..."

Time passed by every minute and every second, and everyone in the embassy was sitting on pins and needles.Even a steady item of lightning couldn't stand it anymore.According to experience, the kidnappers must have some purpose in kidnapping people.It's not for money, it's for power, but no matter what it is for, they will always call the relatives of the kidnapped and let the relatives of the kidnapper find a way to achieve their goals.But Shen Zhenxin was kidnapped until now, and the kidnapper hasn't made a single phone call. What does this mean?Explain that what they want is in Shen Zhenxin, and think a little more, maybe what they want is Shen Zhenxin.But no matter whether it is a thing or a person, Shen Zhenxin is facing a huge danger at this time.

Regarding the kidnapping of Shen Zhenxin, the central government has paid great attention to it, and the leader has called more than once to inquire about the situation. "Mr. Lightning, what should we do? If we delay any longer, the ambassador..." The military attache, whose face paled a lot because of nervousness, stared blankly at Lightning and asked.Lightning frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I think there will be news soon!" As soon as Lightning finished speaking, Gao Feng pushed the door open and walked in.Seeing that it was the peak, everyone sitting in the room stood up, even Lightning was no exception.Lightning stared at Gao Feng with burning eyes, and asked anxiously, "How is it? Is there any news about the ambassador?"

Gao Feng's face showed a look of shame, and he said to Lightning full of guilt, "I'm sorry boss, we searched all the places in the city, but we didn't find any traces of the kidnappers." "No? What about outside the city?" Lightning My heart couldn't help sinking.Gao Feng seemed a little embarrassed, but Gu hesitated to speak.The outside of the city is getting bigger, even if all the soldiers of the Sky Spike can fly, it will take some time to check them all.Lightning raised his eyebrows, anger flashed across his face, and he shouted loudly: "Hurry up and look for it! Mr. Ambassador has something wrong, so I only ask you!" Gao Feng frowned bitterly, and was about to turn around and continue searching. , Lightning stopped him abruptly, "Wait a minute!"

Everyone looked at Lightning in puzzlement. Lightning lowered his head and pondered for a while, then took out the phone from his pocket, and said, "Wait here, I'll make a call first!" Then he walked to the back room.After closing the door, Lightning hurriedly called Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang had arrived in the capital at this time, and was sitting in a hotel suite, thinking about how to resolve the conflict between Long Linger and Long Sihai.The thoughts that had just been sorted out were suddenly interrupted by the sudden ringing of the phone.Li Xiaogang frowned involuntarily, and took out his phone with some dissatisfaction. Seeing that the caller ID was from lightning, Li Xiaogang hurriedly connected the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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