The strongest peasant city

Chapter 961 Questioning

Chapter 961 Questioning
"It's dangerous, it's really dangerous!" After a while, Baraku slowly came back to his senses, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said blankly.Du Ziji's heart was like a thousand troops running together, unable to calm down, he said nana: "If Powell's conspiracy really succeeds, Kidom, I'm afraid our father and son will have no place in the whole world. Powell, you are too much!" It's so insidious!" Du Ziji gritted his teeth and said full of hatred.Baraku said in a deep voice: "Du Ziji, the whole matter is now very clear. Powell saw that we have been getting too close to the Chinese people recently, so he tried every means to destroy them. Forcing Kidom to kill Shen Zhenxin, then our Saudi and Chinese people The relationship will immediately drop to freezing point. I am afraid that even if we want to repair the relationship between the two countries, the Huaxia people will not agree. Fortunately, Kidom can repent in time and protect Shen Zhenxin desperately, otherwise the whole thing will really be out of hand Already!"

Du Ziji nodded in agreement, looked back at Kidom, and said, "Kidom, although you are young, but fortunately you can still distinguish right from wrong, which makes me very relieved." Sighing, he said with a sigh: "Now I understand what a magnanimous person Mr. Shen is! You kidnapped him, but not only did he not hold grudges against you, he also excused you everywhere. He even took you from a kidnapper What kind of mind is it to become a great hero? Kidom, I don’t ask you to be able to reach the level of Mr. Shen in the future, as long as you can have a tolerant and bright heart, I will be satisfied!”

Kidom nodded sincerely, believing that this lesson is undoubtedly the most far-reaching lesson in his life. "The reason why Shen Zhenxin did this is probably not only to protect Kidom, but also to maintain the friendship between China and Saudi Arabia. Du Ziji, Shen Zhenxin has fully expressed the sincerity of the Chinese people. We must cherish this A hard-won friendship!" Duzi Keen let out a sigh, and said in a deep voice, "Baraku, do we have a trillion-dollar budget for national infrastructure construction this year?" Baraku nodded thoughtfully He said: "There is such a budget. Businessmen from all over the world are staring at it!"

Du Ziji said in a deep voice: "Of course I know this! For this trillion-dollar cake, the Minister of Commerce of Country M has already called me countless times. Huh! Damn people from Country M, while thinking about how to harm us, You are still thinking about how to make our money, what a bastard! I decided to use this trillion dollars to show our sincerity in repairing with Huaxia. All infrastructure projects that can be bid in Huaxia will be bid in Huaxia, the largest Relax the bidding restrictions for Chinese companies to the maximum. The more Powell tries to destroy the relationship between China and Saudi Arabia, the more I want him to be disappointed!" "Hehe... If Powell hears this news, I'm afraid he will go crazy! "Baraku couldn't help laughing.

"Crazy? Hmph... This is too cheap for him. I want him to be ruined and regret his whole life!" Du Ziji's eyes flashed a sharp coldness like a knife, and Baraku couldn't help but tremble. Du Ziji had seen this kind of light in his eyes, and once this light appeared, it meant that Du Ziji was really angry.After praying for Powell in my heart, I turned around and went out to arrange the budget.

After Baraku left, Du Ziji cast his eyes on Kidom, and said slowly: "Kidom, you can repent in time, and you didn't make an irreparable mistake. This is a blessing among misfortunes. Now, Mr. Shen I have completely stopped caring about the fact that you kidnapped him. Instead, I have praised you a lot, and think that you are a prodigal son with an unlimited future. I hope you will not let him down, and you will not let me down. The Huaxia people are me The most gentle, humble, tolerant people I have ever met. Being good friends with them is the greatest wealth in life. If you have such an opportunity, you must seize it!" These words need not be said by Du Ziji, Kidom He had already realized it, and nodded at Du Ziji.

Du Ziji smiled slightly, and said: "I have time to visit Mr. Shen, and thank him. Boy, if it's not someone else, don't talk about you, even your father, I will be finished!" Seeing Du Ziji talking, While walking to the door, Kidom asked subconsciously: "Father, where are you going?" Du Ziji sneered, and said in a low voice: "Go to Powell! He directed such a good scene, I have to compliment him Compliment him! Hmph!" After speaking, he turned around and left with a murderous look all over his body.

The embassy of country M, inside Powell's office.Powell's mouth is like a chimney, constantly emitting smoke, rendering the whole office into a misty 'fairyland', but Rick doesn't seem to like this fairyland, frowning from time to time, She waved her hands in front of her to drive the smoke away from her. "Do you think Shen Zhenxin is sick?" Suddenly, Powell asked Rick loudly.Rick was struggling with the smoke in front of him, but he didn't react, and asked in a daze, "What?" Powell snorted and said, "He clearly knew that Kidom kidnapped him, so instead of being angry, Instead, in front of those Saudi officials and envoys from various countries, Kidom was lavishly praised, saying that Kidom was unruffled and saved his life with all his might. Isn't this... Isn't this nonsense? Don't the Chinese people Masochist?" With Powell's character, it is impossible to understand what tolerance is.

Rick frowned, and said: "The main thing is that the Russian named Raff is useless. If he could kill Shen Zhenxin, why would he be in such trouble?" Powell said in a deep voice, "Raff hasn't returned yet. I think nine out of ten it fell into the hands of the Huaxia people. Although it is impossible for Shen Zhenxin to find evidence, if Raff recruits something, it will be bad for us. It is best to let him never speak." Rick eyebrows Picking it up, he murmured and asked: "Mr. Ambassador, do you mean...kill him?" Powell glanced at him, and said quietly: "Do you have a better way than this?" Rick after all He was a businessman, and he was a little apprehensive about the murder, frowning and froze there.

"The only question now is, where will the Huaxia people lock Raff?" Powell ignored Rick's expression, but muttered to himself.Rick smiled wryly and said: "The Chinese people are so mysterious, I'm afraid it's not easy to find out..." "It's not easy, but you have to find out! It's better to work hard for a lifetime, and we have to kill An Sheng now if we want to live in the future." Raff!" Powell yelled.Rick coughed and asked again: "What about Kidom? He is also an insider, won't he tell the truth?" Powell said confidently: "Do you think it is possible? Now Kidom Dom has been regarded as a great hero by everyone, and he is in high spirits, and he is beautiful in his heart! Will he tell the truth stupidly?" Rick didn't say anything, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart.

"One more thing!" Powell's face sank, and he said: "Although the Chinese people can't get real evidence, they will definitely suspect us, and the anger of the Chinese people will definitely fall on us. In order not to be caught by them I was caught off guard, I have to go and arrange it first." After speaking, Powell picked up the phone by the table, and was about to dial the number, when Secretary Anna came in with a sway, and said crisply to Powell: "Ambassador, President Du Ziji is here. "Du Ziji? At this time, he probably came here because of the kidnapping of Shen Zhenxin! Hmph, please come in!" After speaking, Powell put down the phone again.

With a cold face, Du Ziji rushed in with a windy walk. Seeing that Rick was there, Du Ziji sneered at him and said, "Mr. Rick, so you are there!" Maybe it was because of a guilty conscience, Rick saw Seeing Du Ziji's unfriendly smile, he looked a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! Since Mr. President and Mr. Ambassador have something to talk about, I think I'd better leave first!" "Wait a minute!" Du Ziji stopped him and said : "Mr. Powell and I talked about ordinary things, Mr. Rick doesn't have to leave." Rick frowned and had to sit back again.

After the three sat down, Du Ziji turned to look at Powell, and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Powell, what do you think about the kidnapping of the Chinese ambassador, Mr. Shen Zhenxin?" With confidence, he said confidently: "I believe this is just an accident, and the security situation in Saudi Arabia is relatively reassuring. President Du Ziji does not need to worry about this at all."

Du Ziji nodded, and said quietly: "The security situation in Saudi Arabia is very reassuring, but under the influence of some conspirators, the originally safe environment is becoming unsafe. I can't help worrying!" "Conspiracy Home? I don't understand, what exactly is Mr. President referring to?" Powell asked Du Ziji with raised eyebrows.Du Ziji snorted softly, and said, "Why does Mr. Powell ask knowingly? Isn't Mr. Shen Zhenxin's kidnapping a good show directed by someone?" Du Ziji said, his gaze full of deep meaning.

Powell's heart sank, he stood up suddenly, and said loudly: "I heard Mr. President's meaning, it seems that I suspect that I, Powell, sent someone to kidnap Shen Zhenxin!" Du Ziji laughed haha, and said: "Mr. Powell, Why are you so excited, I didn’t say that.” After a pause, Du Ziji continued after Powell took his seat again: “Recently, our Saudi government has made some minor adjustments in foreign policy. It makes your friends from country M feel uncomfortable, but it is absolutely fair! In addition, our Saudi government attaches great importance to the friendship with country M. We want to maintain it, but if someone insists on destroying it, there is nothing we can do. The earth is so big that it spins the same without everybody. Am I right, Mr. Powell?"

(End of this chapter)

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