Chapter 962 Rejection of Bids
Powell let out a long breath, calmed down his restless mood, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. President, you seem to have other purposes for coming this time, I think you should stop making circles, just say what you want Du Ziji's expression turned cold, and he said: "Powell, you are the ambassador of country M, the representative of the government of country M and all the people of country M in Saudi Arabia, so I usually respect you very much, but you are too much. He actually wants to put our father and son to death!" Du Ziji simply said everything, staring at Powell coldly, waiting for his answer.

Powell looked puzzled, and asked: "I don't know what you're talking about, let alone what I did to make you so angry!" Powell's hypocrisy and what he said were all expected by Du Ziji In the middle, he snorted contemptuously and said, "Powell, don't hide it anymore, Kidom has already told me everything! Black material? Heh heh haha... Thanks to your thinking!"

Du Ziji's words made it difficult for Powell to remain calm, and his expression suddenly changed.There was a hint of panic in his eyes.But he still said stubbornly: "Is Mr. President... playing charades with me? I can't understand more and more!" Du Ziji said lightly: "I know you can understand, but if you insist on pretending to be confused, I don't understand. No way. After all, I have no definite evidence in my hand to prove that you are related to the kidnapping incident. Kidom’s own one-sided words alone can’t convince anything. You also saw this, so you can be a stable Diaoyutai. But it’s okay , we have plenty of time, we can play slowly, and see who plays to death! Aren’t you going to assist Alpha and replace me? Just come and see who gets the last laugh!”

Listening to Du Ziji's challenging words, Powell's heart was full of bitterness.I thought it was a stroke of genius, but I didn't expect to lift a rock and shoot myself in the foot.From Du Ziji's words, this is clearly a formal quarrel with him.Powell is very arrogant, but not to the level of Tian Xia Zun.Du Ziji is also the president of Saudi Arabia. If he really breaks with him, the already unfavorable situation of country M in Saudi Arabia will be exacerbated.Powell smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. President, don't get angry, just listen to my explanation."

Du Ziji snorted coldly and said, "Explain? What else do you have to explain?" Powell frowned and said, "Mr. President, more than 80.00% of the oil produced by Saudi Arabia every year is sold to our country M. So , I have always thought that our two countries are the best trading partners, and I am also very sincere about our friendship..." Du Ziji interrupted him rudely, and said in a deep voice: "I think you cherish your country M's territory in Saudi Arabia Vested interests in China, right?" Powell said with a chuckle: "Mutual benefit is the biggest goal pursued by our two countries! So it is understandable for you to understand this way. Mr. President, in fact, I know that Saudi Arabia has made such a foreign policy. The reason for the change is that the Chinese have mastered an extremely advanced desert control technology, and this technology is urgently needed by Saudi Arabia. I can understand this. But what I don’t understand is why Saudi Arabia must suppress M while being pro-China China, I hope Mr. President can understand our feelings."

"Hmph... Powell, are you saying that the reason why you encouraged my son to kidnap and even murder Shen Zhenxin is all my fault, and I forced you to do this, right?" Du Ziji said in a cold voice.Powell hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, that's not what I meant! Mr. President..." Powell wanted to go on, but Du Ziji was impatient, stood up abruptly, and said in a deep voice, "You don't need to explain anymore, I don’t want to hear it anymore. In the future, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States will really face a breakdown, Powell, you have to take full responsibility for it!”

Looking at Du Ziji who got up angrily, Powell frowned and lost interest in explaining, and said in a deep voice: "Huh! Du Ziji, no matter how high-sounding your words are, you can't hide your bad nature of being a mother if you have milk. In the past, we The people of country M have given you a lot of benefits, so you show your kindness to our country M frequently. Now that the Chinese people are more important to you, Saudi Arabia, you immediately turned around and followed them like a dog. You like this Is someone worthy of being the president of Saudi Arabia?" After a pause, Powell continued: "You are right, I am going to support Alpha to replace you. You'd better cherish these days when you are the president, because these days will not Too long!"

Du Ziji looked at Powell with serious eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your confession. However, this is Saudi Arabia, not country M. You people from country M are not allowed to make trouble. Want Alpha to replace me? Yes, then take out your Come on, let's see if I, Du Ziji, can handle it!" After speaking, he left Powell's office with a shake of his sleeves.Looking at Du Ziji's cold back, Powell snuffed out the cigar in his hand on the table angrily, and cursed angrily: "Bastard! Bastard! Du Ziji, you will definitely regret today!" Out of control, Rick said hurriedly: "Mr. Ambassador, now it seems that Kidom has said everything, what should we do?"

Powell frowned, and murmured: "There is an idiom in China called 'three people make a tiger', which means that if many people tell a lie at the same time, the lie will become true, not to mention Quito What Tom said is true. If he is the only one who says that, a single tree cannot make a forest or a climate, we can completely ignore it, but if Ralph also speaks at this time, what Kidom said It would be terrible if the subordinates stand up again." Rick panicked, and said in a nasty voice: "Mr. Ambassador, this... this kidnapping is not a light crime, and the kidnapper is China's ambassador to Saudi Arabia. If we lose, our fate will be miserable!"

Powell yelled grumpily: "Nonsense, don't I know these things, I need you to remind me?" After yelling, Powell frowned tightly and pondered for a long time. Said in a deep voice: "The top priority now is to get rid of Laf right away, we can't wait any longer!" As he said that, he picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers, and issued an order to search for Laf throughout the city. In order to protect its own interests in Saudi Arabia, the embassy of country M has established a huge intelligence agency, and the head of this agency is Powell. With his order, countless spy personnel of country M are hiding in every corner of Saudi Arabia Immediately searched around like a dog.

After ordering everything, Powell sat down heavily on the sofa, and said, "What we have to do now is to wait for the news..." Rick said, "Mr. Ambassador has done everything possible, and I am very relieved. This year, the Saudi government approved a total of One trillion dollars in infrastructure construction budget, my company is actively bidding for one of the big projects, I have to go back to work, if I win this project, I will have nothing to worry about for the rest of my life!" Powell stared with disdain He glanced at him and said repeatedly: "Go, go! You businessmen, money always comes first!" Rick smiled bitterly, and was about to leave when the phone on Powell's desk rang suddenly.

Powell reached out and picked up the phone. The call was from the Minister of Commerce of Country M.Before Powell had a few pleasantries with the other party, the other party began to complain: "Powell, what is going on? Why did the Saudi government suddenly reject all bids for infrastructure construction in Saudi Arabia by our country's enterprises? Are you a resident? Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, tell me what happened in Saudi Arabia?" The Minister of Commerce's words seemed to be a heavy blow, hitting Powell's softest heart, and asked with a sudden change of face: "What? Is there such a thing?" about?"

Seeing that Powell's expression was wrong, Rick's heart sank, and he fixed his eyes on Powell. Country M is a commercial country, and business determines politics. In country M, the future and destiny of almost all politicians are in the hands of the heads of major financial groups.In country M, politicians can offend the citizens without hesitation, but they dare not offend the CEOs of these consortiums.Du Ziji's refusal of the bids of these M-country companies undoubtedly means that they have cut off their financial resources. The anger of the leaders of these consortiums has nowhere to vent, and it will definitely fall on Powell, the M-country's ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

This is definitely a huge crisis for Powell.Powell's family is certainly a well-known big family in country M, but his family also needs to rely on these consortiums. In order to appease their anger, Powell's family will definitely abandon the car to protect the handsome man. The unlucky one is Powell.Thinking of this, Powell's heart was filled with horror, and sweat rolled down like rain. "This, this..." Powell muttered while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.The Minister of Commerce seemed a little impatient, and said with a drink: "Powell, the heads of those consortiums are furious at this moment, and they want to eat you alive! If you can't handle this matter, think about your end So!" After finishing speaking, the phone hung up heavily.

Holding the phone, Powell was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.Rick asked nervously, "Mr. Ambassador, what happened...?" : "Rick, you should call back and ask, the Saudi project you bid for is probably over!" "What!?" Rick has pinned all his hopes on this project, and has always been full of confidence and determined .Hearing Powell's words, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone, ready to ask the truth, but at this moment, his company called first.

Rick hastily pressed the answer button, and the news on the phone completely stunned him.The notice from the Saudi government was already on his desk, and their company's bid was officially rejected. "How can this be? This is against the spirit of fair competition in business! I want to sue them!" Rick was extremely annoyed and smashed the phone in his hand to the ground, roaring angrily.Powell said bitterly: "Sue? Where are you going to sue? Du Ziji is right, this is Saudi Arabia, and it is their territory. Besides, the Saudi government wants to reject your bid. There are a thousand, 1 reasons Did you win the lawsuit?" "Then what should I do? I am determined to win this project, Mr. Ambassador, you must find a way! Why don't you come forward and put pressure on the Saudi government in the name of the M country official!" Rick looked flustered Said.

(End of this chapter)

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