The strongest peasant city

Chapter 963 A Career

Chapter 963 Two Careerists

Powell shook his head weakly, and said with a wry smile: "Rick, don't be naive anymore. You heard what Du Ziji said just now. Do you think my actions are useful besides embarrassing? I didn't expect that, Du Ziji He will take revenge on us on this matter, you bastard!" Rick suddenly said angrily, "I knew from the very beginning that it would be unwise to instigate Kidom to kidnap Shen Zhenxin. Turn against yourself!" Hearing Rick's complaint, Powell was furious, and scolded: "What do you mean? Are you blaming me? If I didn't protect the interests of you businessmen from M country, keep your To make money, so that your wives and children will not starve to death, why should I do this?"

Seeing that Powell was really angry, Rick hurriedly said with a smile: "Mr. Ambassador, please calm down. I definitely don't mean to blame you. For so many years, you have been the umbrella of us businessmen from country M. In order to protect our Benefits, hard work, we all know this, and we are grateful to you in our hearts. But right now, the situation is difficult and critical, we are just businessmen, we have never seen a big scene, let alone have as many ideas as you, I am I hope you can think of ways to help us get rid of this unfavorable situation as soon as possible!" Rick's words calmed the anger in Powell's heart a little.Powell snorted, sat back on the sofa, and said in a deep voice: "At this point, there is no other way! On the one hand, find Raff and kill him as soon as possible. On the other hand, let's go to Alpha and let him stand for us. Du Ziji is circling in front of him. The current president is Du Ziji after all, we must ease the relationship with him!"

After listening to Powell's words, Rick also deeply agreed, and the two hit it off immediately, and rushed to Alpha's mansion without stopping.But Alpha was extremely depressed at this time, and Shen Zhenxin was kidnapped, which gave Alpha a chance to drive Du Ziji out of power.So he thought he was very courageous and went to have a big fight with Du Ziji.He thought that everything would go as he expected, but who knew that Shen Zhenxin would return safely so soon, and he didn't have the slightest intention of resenting Du Ziji, which made Alpha very disappointed.All his plans to force Du Ziji to step down were also shelved.The dream came to nothing, and Alpha couldn't get rid of the boredom in his heart, so he had to compete with the fish in the pond.However, if a person is stubborn and doesn't do what he wants, even the fish seems to be much smarter, just don't bite his hook, the hated Alpha yelled at him regardless of his identity, pulled out a pistol from the waist of the bodyguard behind him, and pointed at the pond The fish swimming in it is a wild shot.

old fox.To say that he is an old fox is not just about his shrewdness, but also about his calmness.How many times disasters have befallen him, in other people's eyes, it is already regarded as a catastrophe, but he is always calm and unhurried, calm and calm, and resolves everything lightly.It was the first time that he lost his temper like today.Powell and Rick glanced at each other and learned something new about Alpha.Alpha, who had calmed down, frowned when he saw the two of them when he turned around, and returned the pistol to the bodyguard calmly. His face returned to the original calm, but he didn't know if his heart was also the same calm.

"Mr. Powell, Mr. Rick, you are here." Alpha said in a steady tone, as if the person who went crazy just now was not him.Since Alpha acted as if nothing had happened, of course Powell would not foolishly repeat what happened just now.Powell came up and said straightforwardly: "I have had enough of Du Ziji, and I can no longer stand Saudi Arabia led by him!" Alpha smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid I can't help you with this, now there are Chinese people to support him , even I am afraid I can't do anything to him!"

Powell raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Alpha, why do you say that. Du Ziji has Huaxia people as the backer, but you also have the full support of our country M. Huaxia is indeed growing at a jaw-dropping speed. But compared with our powerful country M, there is still a certain gap. With our support, why are you afraid of the Chinese people?" Hearing Powell's words, Alpha chuckled a few times and said, "Mr. Powell, don't forget My daughter is married to you people from country M!" Alpha's words stunned Powell for a moment, and he asked in confusion, "You mean..."

Alpha narrowed his eyes, and said quietly: "I mean, I know the policies of country M no less than you. Now the people of country M are also coveting the technology in the hands of the Chinese, and they have sent delegations to contact the Chinese side many times. It was politely rejected by China. In order to please China, country M has made huge concessions on a series of issues. Even on the issue of islands, country M has completely withdrawn its fleet, and the return of the islands is just around the corner. Through Isn't this series of actions of country M enough to prove something? You said that the government of country M will support me and fight against the Chinese people. I might have believed it before, but at this time... Humph, I am not a fool! "

A sharp light suddenly flashed in Powell's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Of course you are not a fool, otherwise you would not have stood in the Saudi political arena for half a century. But don't forget, I, Powell, am not a fool either. I Of course, the government of country M will not openly oppose the Chinese people at this time, but I can! I am not afraid to tell you the truth, I planned the kidnapping of Shen Zhenxin!" "What!?" Powell's words made Alpha go crazy Surprised, he looked at Powell in a daze.For some reason, there was something wrong with Alpha's gaze, which made Powell feel a sense of enjoyment in his heart. He liked Alpha looking at him like this.

After sneering a few times, Powell said: "Don't be surprised. Although the government of country M won't come forward directly, there are many things I can do, and there are enough things for you to ascend to the commanding heights of Saudi power. It depends on whether you want to Are you willing to cooperate with me, do you have the determination!" Powell's eyes were full of the grin of an ambitious man, which greatly stimulated the hopelessness hidden deep in Powell's heart.Seeing that Alpha's face became more and more excited, Powell smiled and said: "Mr. Alpha, as long as you and I work together, even without our government's support, we can still succeed and completely drive Du Ziji out of power!" Alpha pondered After a while, he said, "This... I have to think carefully before I can give you an answer!"

Powell secretly scolded the old fox in his heart, thinking about it, he was clearly waiting and watching.If he didn't do a few beautiful things, Alpha would definitely reject him without hesitation.Powell nodded and said, "Of course. But I'm here today, and I have another matter that needs Mr. Alpha's help!"

"What's the matter? I'm afraid even I can't help with some things." Alpha asked cautiously.Powell said in a deep voice: "Du Ziji just ordered to reject all bids by businessmen from country M for Saudi infrastructure construction projects. Mr. Alpha, do you know what this means? It means that Du Ziji will break with our country M in an all-round way. Our businessmen from country M are certainly a blow, but it doesn’t do much good to Saudi Arabia. Anything without competition will lose its vitality, Mr. Alpha should understand it very well!”

Alpha frowned slightly, and said: "I already know about this matter. Although I don't understand why Du Ziji is so determined to do such a thing, I also understand that it is really unwise to do so, but Du Ziji is the president after all. , This is his power. And all the procedures for rejecting the bid are legal." As he spoke, Alpha said to Powell with some dissatisfaction: "This is also your own country M businessmen's fault. In Saudi Arabia, you are used to domineering , No one takes it seriously. Those tenders submitted by you are full of loopholes, and it seems that they have not been carefully prepared. These infrastructure projects are all livelihood projects, which are closely related to the lives of the people. It's too much of a joke for a businessman, no wonder Du Ziji ruthlessly vetoed all of them!"

After hearing this, Powell glared at Rick fiercely.He has heard about the actions of these businessmen from country M in Saudi Arabia.In the business field, he is domineering and overwhelms others at every turn.Relying on the privileges bestowed by the Saudi government in his hands, he is lawless and has made the entire Saudi business community a mess.Rick was a little guilty of being stared at by Powell, and lowered his head involuntarily.Powell looked at Alpha and said: "I know what you said, and I deeply agree. But Mr. Alpha, these projects involve the interests of some large consortia in our country. You also know the situation in our country. Politics is subordinate to economy. If the leaders of these big consortiums start a fire, not to mention me, even our president can’t afford it. Therefore, please Mr. Alpha must find a way to come forward and deal with Du Ziji, even if a project wins the bid, it can be regarded as preservation It hurt the face of our M people!"

Alpha sighed, and said: "If it was before yesterday, I might still be able to speak for you, but now..." Alpha shook his head helplessly. "What's the matter now?" Powell asked anxiously, his face darkening.Alpha said bitterly: "I thought I could use Shen Zhenxin's kidnapping incident to force Du Ziji into the palace, so I broke my face with him yesterday. Now you ask me to come to him to intercede for you, how can I open my mouth!" Powell was taken aback by Alpha's words, and said: "Mr. Alpha, you are so reckless. Now that Shen Zhenxin has been perfectly rescued, and your relationship with Du Ziji is not close but close, your situation may be even more passive!"

Alpha said bitterly: "Why don't I know this? Hey, it's true that people are not as good as God! I thought Shen Zhenxin was captured by terrorists, and his life would probably be lost. When the time comes, the Huaxia government will pursue it. At that time, I will take the opportunity to attack and force him to step aside on the grounds of destroying the friendship between China and Saudi Arabia. But who would have thought that Shen Zhenxinfu would come back safe and sound. What a miscalculation!" Alpha's thoughts and Powell's original plan coincided with the same, but Powell had to be more calm and prepared to confess to Alpha after the matter was successful, allowing him to seize the opportunity and control the power.Who knew that Alpha would be so impatient, but this also shows from another aspect that he is indeed a bit courageous.

(End of this chapter)

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