Chapter 989 Fester

Seeing Powell being dragged out, Du Ziji turned his head to look at Rick, and said in a deep voice: "Rick, although there is no evidence to show that you were also involved in this kidnapping incident, I dare to bet with my head that this matter has nothing to do with you." It doesn't matter. Now Powell is finished, if I were you, I would leave Saudi Arabia as soon as possible, go far away, and never come back in my life!" After saying these words, Du Ziji turned around and walked out with great strides , leaving only Rick in a daze.After a long while, Rick slowly woke up, and found that Anna was looking at him with eyes full of concern, and his heart couldn't help but feel warm.Smiling bitterly, Rick looked at Anna and said slowly, "Anna, will you marry me?"

Rick's words made Anna feel like she was in a dream. She stared blankly at him and thought she had heard it wrong.Rick said again: "Anna, I love you! Marry me, let's leave here together, return to country M, and live our peaceful and happy life. We can't be accommodated here anymore..."

Before Rick finished speaking, Anna threw herself into Rick's arms, hugged him tightly, and whispered happily: "Why did you say this to me, do you know that I waited for you?" It’s been so hard. I’m willing! I’m willing to do anything for you, even wandering with you…” Listening to Anna’s sweet and heartfelt love words, Rick’s heart is full of guilt and remorse, and at the same time, there is a deep feeling Fortunately.Guilt and remorse are because he used Anna as a tool to vent his disappointment, and luck is because he realized this before he lost this true feeling.In any case, compared to Powell, he is much luckier...

In the hospital, Alpha sat up from the bed like a corpse, startling the surrounding medical staff. "Mr. Alpha, your current condition is still unstable, and you need to continue to observe. Please lie back on the bed!" The doctor chattered away to persuade Alpha, but Alpha anxiously peeled off the glue on his body. Tubes for various instruments.He kept saying in his mouth: "Quick, quick, I'm going to be discharged, right away!" "But..." As soon as the doctor opened his mouth, Alpha yelled repeatedly, "There's nothing wrong with it. I said that if I want to be discharged, I must be discharged." Go, call my people!" The doctor didn't dare to disobey Alpha's order, and hurried out to call Alpha's bodyguards.

With the help of the bodyguards, Alpha got dressed and hurried out of the hospital.Getting into the car, Alpha immediately said in a deep voice: "Go to the suburban villa!" In Congress, the failure of impeachment against Du Ziji gave Alpha a strong sense of crisis.He was even more deeply aware of the horror of Du Ziji, turned the tide calmly, and instantly reversed the situation that was extremely unfavorable to him. This kind of super ability is not possessed by ordinary people.Now that the first round has been lost, Alpha will no longer allow himself to lose the second round against Portis.

Alpha has been in politics for more than half a century, and has experienced too many ups and downs.Failure in Congress is also commonplace, he can afford to lose, and he can afford it.But Portis couldn't afford to lose. Portis knew too many of his secrets, even if one tenth of them were revealed, he would be lost forever.Thinking of what 'Yamamoto Mitsusa' said to him that day, Alpha has no intention of staying in the hospital. He only has one thing on his mind now, kill Portis and end future troubles forever!
On the outskirts of the Saudi capital, amidst green mountains and green forests, there is an exquisite three-story villa.The villa is surrounded by tall walls, covered with electrified barbed wire, which looks like a small prison from a distance, completely destroying the beauty of the villa.Around the villa, there are more than a dozen cameras hidden, monitoring everything around the villa.I'm afraid not even a fly can fly in!This is just the outside, it is so strict, as for what kind of situation inside it is even more daunting.

Before Alpha's car could reach the gate, the gate slowly opened to both sides, opening a passage, and Alpha drove directly into the villa.In the villa, there were groups of people walking around, and the people in charge of guarding turned out to be heavily armed soldiers.The unified Saudi special forces standard equipment, all of them have very different expressions. At first glance, they look like predators who have been tempered by the fire of war. If you look around, there are hundreds of them, not counting those hiding in the dark.It is unbelievable that there are so many fighters hidden in a small villa.

After the car came to a steady stop, a middle-aged man quickly ran out from the villa, and opened the car door for Alpha graciously.Alpha got out of the car, glanced at him, and asked in a deep voice, "How is she?" The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you asking about Fester or Portis?" "Nonsense!" Alpha Dissatisfied with the cold drink, the middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Portis is still the same as usual, except for the occasional tantrum, there is no other abnormality." Alpha frowned and said: "Take me to see her !" The middle-aged man hurriedly set off, leading Alpha to the villa.

Entering the villa, Alpha immediately saw a man in handcuffs and shackles, lying on a recliner and soaking up the sun.I saw him with silver hair, handsome face, and the charm of a mature man.At this time, eyes are slightly closed, as if sleeping but not sleeping, it seems very comfortable.Alpha stopped in his tracks, coughed softly, Fester slowly opened his eyes, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, it was only because his whole body was shrouded in sunlight at this time, Alpha did not Discover.

Fester, born in country M, is a genius in the stock market.Once the fund manager with the highest annual income on Wall Street, he was known as the most profitable person in the world.I don’t know how many rich people cried and asked him to operate stocks for themselves. At the beginning of the 21st century, the whole world was hit by the financial turmoil, the stock market plummeted, and how many people’s property was wiped out overnight, and they fell from billionaires For a penniless pauper.

However, Fesd, relying on his genius and excellent eyesight, invests low and sells high, making investments that are sure to make a profit without losing money.When everyone was losing their underwear, he made a lot of money.Several funds in charge of him insisted on rising against the market, creating stock market myths one after another.If Fester continues to do so honestly, maybe he will become today's stock god.However, Feisd was not willing to be mediocre. Ten years ago, with a huge sum of money, he set off a huge wave in the international crude oil market.

In the crude oil market, Fesd explained to the world what it means to overturn the clouds and overthrow the sky with one hand!The world crude oil market has completely become his toy, depending on his will.The rise and fall of prices can no longer be decided by OPEC, which greatly damaged the interests of OPEC. In that year, Saudi Arabia ushered in countless nightmares, with daily losses exceeding billions of dollars.

At that time, some economists even asserted that if this continues, it will not be long before Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries will return to the Stone Age.Faced with Fester's frenzied actions that were almost like robbery, Saudi finally couldn't hold back and took the lead in launching the attack.The government of country M was asked to arrest Faisd on the charge of disrupting the market. However, the government of country M believed that what Faisd had done had harmed the interests of Saudi Arabia and other countries and brought some confusion to the crude oil market. Everything that is done is legal.Therefore, the government of country M categorically rejected the request from the Saudi side.

In fact, the most fundamental reason why country M rejected Saudi Arabia's request to arrest Faisd is that what Faisd has done has brought huge benefits to country M. As for whether it is legal or not, that is secondary.After realizing this, Saudi Arabia no longer had illusions about the government of country M. At that time, the Saudi president was also quite courageous, and he directly dispatched special forces to secretly capture Fasd and detain him here, causing a world crisis. Another big mystery on the Internet.After Fasd was arrested, with the joint efforts of economists from Saudi Arabia and OPEC countries, it took more than a year to restore the crude oil market to normal.Today, ten years have passed.However, although Fester is missing, his crazy and extremely creative economic ideas are still talked about by many economists.

After Fester disappeared, some people speculated that Fester was satisfied with the huge profits he had made in the crude oil market, so he concealed his identity and went to enjoy his life.Some people speculate that Fesd was assassinated and is no longer alive... All kinds of speculations about the whereabouts of Fass are coming. In the villa, I don't know what kind of uproar it will cause.

But at that time, Saudi Arabia will become the target of public criticism, and even be retaliated and sanctioned by country M, that's for sure.Based on this, everything about Faisd is Saudi Arabia's top secret, and there are no more than ten people in Saudi Arabia who know that Faisd is being held here.Even the soldiers in charge of guarding the security didn't know that the person they were guarding turned out to be the famous stock market wizard Fester!
Looking at Fester in front of him, Alpha loves and hates him at the same time.What I love is Fester's talent, what I hate is his ignorance.Alpha had imagined countless times that combining Fester's talent in stocks with Portis' talent in finance would bring him great wealth!It's a pity that Fester is a donkey, even though Alpha's tongue is full of flowers, and the sun is coming out from the west, Fester just refuses to agree. Sometimes thinking about it, Alpha's teeth itch so much that he hates him, and he can't wait to shoot him. It collapsed, but I really can't bear it.

"How is it, how are you doing recently?" Alpha looked at Fester and asked quietly.Fest turned his head to Alpha, and said lightly: "I'm fine, but seeing your complexion is so bad, it seems that you need to be more concerned." Alpha frowned, snorted and said: "My You don’t need to take care of the matter!” Fester smiled and said: “You think I want to take care of it, I just want to know when you will release me. The majestic Saudi government has actually become a kidnapper. How ridiculous!" Alpha asked with a sneer: "Why, you still want to go out from here? Haha... Don't dream, I'm afraid you will have to stay here forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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