Chapter 990
Alpha's words made Fester very angry, he stood up from the recliner suddenly, and shouted angrily: "You want to imprison me forever? I protest!" Alpha sneered and said: "If you want to resist, resist, if you think it is useful Words! Back then you caused hundreds of billions of dollars in losses to Saudi Arabia. If I were the master, I would have slaughtered you long ago, and allowed you to live until now? Tell you, this is retribution, you slowly Just bear it!" Saying this, he waved his hand and led his men towards the door leading to the basement of the villa.Seeing Alpha and the others walking towards the door, Fester looked a little nervous, and asked anxiously, "Are you looking for Portis?"

Two people with the same illness locked up in the same place for ten years always develop feelings.I don't know if Fester is worried that Alpha will be unfavorable to Portis, or what, but he seems very nervous at this moment.Alpha looked at Fester suspiciously, frowned, and quickened his pace.On the basement of the villa, there is a secret room, about [-] to [-] square meters. There are all kinds of furniture here, and the decoration is luxurious and comfortable. No matter how you look at it, it will not remind people of the basement.In addition to no telephone, all kinds of electrical appliances are available, as well as computers, but they cannot access the Internet.This is where Portis was imprisoned for ten years.

When he came to the door, the middle-aged man was about to knock on the door.Portis is a woman, and Alpha has a lot of things to rely on her, so she is very important to her, middle-aged men dare not offend her.After all, financial geniuses are not common, but watchdogs responsible for guarding prisoners are everywhere.Therefore, every time a middle-aged man enters Portis's room, he has to knock on the door first, and he can only enter after obtaining Portis's permission.But this time, his movement was stopped by Alpha.Alpha winked at the bodyguard beside him, and the bodyguard kicked the door open with a kick.

Alpha's gaze immediately swept into the room, and Portis stood up from the ground in a panic. Seeing Alpha, she said faintly: "I accidentally fell down just now..." Alpha didn't speak, and went straight to Bodhisattva. Dice's side, circled around her a few times.Ten years of captivity did not leave too many marks on Portis's face. If Baraku saw her, he would feel that she was as beautiful as ten years ago.Portis is indeed a beautiful woman, with a face that all Western women envy, and a slender, well-proportioned, plump figure.

Although Portis was trying to restrain herself, there was still some uneasiness in her eyes at this moment.After Alpha walked around her for a few times, he suddenly said slowly: "Have you finished the work I asked you to do?" Portis hurried to the desk and took a stack of documents, and said: "This is the I have already prepared all the account books for the month, and no one can see any flaws!" Alpha took it and flipped through a few pages, handed it over to the middle-aged man standing beside him, and said to Portis: "Do it!" Good!" Portis frowned.

Frowning, he said, "You promised me that as long as I do the billing for you, you won't hurt Baraku, you won't lie to me, right?"

Alpha laughed and said, "Of course! You've also read the news, isn't Baraku alive and well?" Portis nodded, and suddenly said with a melancholy expression, "I...I I want to meet him..." "Impossible!" Alpha flatly refused before she finished speaking.Portis said anxiously: "I don't talk to him, I just look at him from a distance. We haven't seen each other for ten years. Are you unwilling to grant me even this wish? In the past ten years, I How many things have I done for you? If it wasn't for me, your huge unknown wealth would have been exposed long ago! Please, for the sake of what I have done for you, please let me see Baraku !"

Alpha frowned, and looked at Portis with sharp eyes, as if trying to see something from her face.Unable to resist Alpha's sharp gaze, Portis lowered her head involuntarily.Alpha pinched Portis's round chin with his hand, raised her head, looked at himself, and said coldly: "Say, what are you thinking about when you insist on seeing Baraku. Don't try to deceive Me, my alpha eyes are not so easy to deceive. If you lie, you will be caught by me." "I... I really just want to see Baraku, I have no... other ideas." Potty Siman said in a nervous trembling voice.

"Oh? Really? Then what is this!" Alpha's voice stern, grabbed Portis's blouse, and tore it violently, and there was a burst of silk tearing sound, accompanied by Portis's startled Huh, her top was ripped off her body abruptly by Alpha.Alpha held Portis's jacket in his hand, staring at the terrified Portis, shaking lightly, and immediately a lot of soil fell out of the jacket's pocket.The middle-aged man who was watching from the side was taken aback, hurried to the place where Portis stood up at the beginning, and flung the carpet aside. What he saw immediately made him gasp.A dark hole the size of a gasoline barrel suddenly appeared in front of him, and a chilly wind blew on his face from the hole, making him shiver involuntarily.

Seeing that the secret was discovered, Portis's face turned pale and her body shook.Seeing the pothole, Alpha turned his head and glared at Portis, gritted his teeth and said, "So... you have been preparing to escape." Don't find out the secret, Portis has nothing to hide, she straightened her chest, She said tenderly: "That's right! I'm not willing to be imprisoned like this for the rest of my life. I've been planning to escape since the first day I was captured by you. It took me nine years to dig this hole. But God Don’t help me, I was almost on the verge of digging through, but you still discovered it!” Speaking of this, Portis’s face was full of deep frustration and disappointment.

For a woman to spend ten years digging a tunnel, how much perseverance and patience it takes, makes Alpha feel a little unbelievable.Recalling Fester's nervousness on the ground, Alpha asked in a deep voice: "You dug this all by yourself, and Fester didn't help?" Portis didn't want to implicate Fester, and said crisply: "No , I dug it all by myself, he didn’t even know!” Alpha grabbed Portis by the neck, and said in a cold voice: “As I said just now, no one can fool my eyes. Viking ( That middle-aged man) told me that for the past two years, you have asked Fester to come to your room to chat with you every day. At first I thought it was because you were too lonely and wanted to find a man. Now it seems that you are Called him to help you dig the tunnel, right?"

"No, that's not the case..." Portis repeatedly denied.Alpha snorted coldly, and said quietly: "It doesn't matter whether it's like this or not. Let me ask you, where did you get the soil you dug up?" The tunnel extends all the way to the outside of the villa. Not small, the excavated soil is at least several hundred cubic meters.Such a large pile of soil is not easy to hide.Portis' answer surprised Alpha.It turned out that Portis hid the soil she dug up every day in her shoes and pockets, and then threw it away once a day when she went outside the villa to let the wind out.

Hearing Portis's answer, Alpha was furious, slapped Viking's face fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Trash! She has been doing the same thing for ten years, and you bunch of idiots have never done anything wrong." Notice! What's the use of me keeping you?" Wiggin's cheek was swollen by his slap, and he moaned repeatedly while covering his face, but he couldn't say a word to defend himself.Alpha is right, he is indeed a waste.

The more Alpha thought about it, the more dangerous he felt. If he hadn't discovered Portis's abnormality in time today, otherwise Portis would have run away first without the people from the real selection group robbing her after a few more days.Stretching out his hand to pinch Portis's chin, Alpha said coldly: "Portis, Portis, you are truly an amazing woman, smart and persevering, such qualities can make a career wherever you put them. It's a pity that your fate is not good, and you met me, Alpha, your nemesis. Huh..." Portis glared at Alpha full of hatred, and said: "You can be proud of yourself. One day you will be punished!"

Alpha laughed a few times gloomyly, and said: "You may be right, but I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for the day when I will be punished!" Portis couldn't help but stare blankly at Alpha's words. Looking at him, he asked: "You...what do you want to do?" Alpha turned his head and glanced at the hole that Portis dug, and said faintly: "Didn't you dig this hole just to get rid of it? Why bother, there is a The method is easier, and there is no need to prepare for ten years!" As he spoke, Alpha made a gesture of a pistol, and lightly touched Portis's eyebrows, his lips opened and closed, and there was a "bang" gunshot .Portis's heart was shaken, she looked at Alpha in disbelief, and asked in a concentrated voice: " want to kill me?"

Alpha shook his head helplessly, and said slowly: "I am also reluctant to kill you, you are so beautiful and so smart. But you are my biggest weakness now, if it falls into the hands of others, I will die The Chinese people said it well, people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed! I can only say sorry to you!" Then, he turned his head to look at Wei Jin, and said coldly: "After I leave, immediately Do it, do it cleanly! If something goes wrong again, you will be the next person to die!" Alpha's words made Wei Jin feel panic, and he nodded hurriedly.

"Alpha, you old bastard, you will not end well, I curse you!" Portis yelled at Alpha in anger.That expression seemed to want to bite off a piece of flesh from Alpha's body.Alpha turned his head and took a deep look at Portis, murmured softly, "What a pity, what a pity..." Then he turned and walked out of the secret room.When he came to the ground, seeing Fester looking nervously at him, Alpha sneered a few times, stepped up to him, and asked lightly, "What are you looking at?"

(End of this chapter)

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