The strongest peasant city

Chapter 991 Appears in time!

Chapter 991 Appears in time!

Fester glared at him, turned his head aside and did not speak.Alpha laughed a few times, and said faintly: "You are worried about Portis. Are you worried that I will find out about her... escape plan?" Alpha's words shocked Fester's mind, and his face instantly turned pale. .About three years ago, in a chat, Portis told him that she was digging a tunnel to escape.

When he first heard this, Fest felt that Portis was whimsical.But when he saw Portis had already dug half of the hole, a great hope suddenly rose in his heart, realizing that this would be his only chance to leave this exquisite prison.So with hope, Fester joins Portis, and the two prepare to complete this terrifying escape plan together.

With Feisd's participation, the progress of the project has been greatly accelerated. According to Portis' estimation, the tunnel will be completed in three days at the latest.But the surrounding area is the wilderness, if no one came to meet them, the two of them would not be able to escape from the palms of these heavily armed soldiers.That's why Portis asked Alpha to let him meet Baraku.

In fact, it is false to see people, and it is true to release the distress information to Portis's former friends and let them come to respond.But before all of this could be implemented, it was smashed by Alpha and turned into nothing.As the saying goes, as much hope comes, so much disappointment can be imagined.His ashen complexion is enough to show how depressed he is at this moment.

" are you going to deal with Portis?" Fest asked in a deep voice.Alpha's face turned cold, a few cold lights flashed in his eyes, and he looked at him quietly and said, "What do you think?" Feeling the strong killing intent on Alpha, Fester's heart shook violently, and he muttered Asked: "You... you want to kill her?"

Alpha said in a cold voice: "What I hate the most is someone who doesn't want to settle down like her. She can spend ten years digging a tunnel, who knows if she can think of other ways to escape? Let her never escape. The best way to stop thinking about escaping is to kill her!" "Bastard! How did you do it? She has worked hard for you for ten years. There is no credit, but hard work. Why do you have the heart to kill her! Fester was completely enraged, and roared loudly at Alpha like a wild lion. If it weren't for the two armed soldiers suppressing him, he might rush up and give Alpha a good punch.

Alpha said coldly: "If you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy it! I can't do anything about it. It's okay, I think you are tired too, so don't worry about other people's leisure time, take a rest!" After finishing speaking, he smiled and waved at him. He waved his hand, turned and left the villa.Viking sent Alpha away, and he was relieved for a long time. Such a big mistake happened under his nose. With Alpha's ruthless character, he didn't kill him. It is considered that he saved his life.Fortunately, it was a great annoyance afterward. Viking returned to the villa angrily, came to Fest, and punched him in the cheek. Fest was knocked down by Viking, with gurgling in his nostrils. Blood gushes out.

"You bastard, I was afraid you would be bored, so I found you a partner with good intentions, and this is how you repay me?" Viking roared at Feisde like crazy.Fester wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up from the ground, looked at him and said, "I know you hate me now, so feel free to vent your anger on me, I just hope Can you let Portis go, she is just a woman after all!"

Viking snorted and said, "Do you think I'm the one who wants to kill her? No, it's Mr. Alpha. No one dares to disobey Mr. Alpha's order! Come here and bring that woman out of the secret room!" "As soon as Viking finished speaking, two heavily armed soldiers rushed down immediately, and after a while they brought up Portis with a calm face.

Looking at Portis, who was calm on the surface, Fest deeply felt the despair and regret in her heart at this moment.The two stared at each other, talking about the pain of parting in wordless silence.Ten years of suffering together has created a brother-sister friendship between the two, and now it is time to part, what kind of pain it must be... Viking looked at Portis and said: "You are a beautiful woman, People are also smart, but they can do stupid things! There’s nothing wrong with this place, the wind doesn’t blow, the rain doesn’t get you, and there are rich clothes and fine food to serve you, what else are you dissatisfied with, why do you want to run away?”

Portis looked at Viking with a bit of disgust, and said lightly: "How do you know the value of freedom? How do you know how much I miss my relatives? You are not me, if you are also imprisoned After ten years, you will have the same feeling as me!" Wei Jin said with a sneer: "Freedom? Is life precious in freedom? Now for freedom, you have to lose your own life. Since you don't want to If you are a person who has lost your freedom, then you can become a free ghost!" He took out a pistol from his waist and pressed it against Portis's eyebrows.

The moment the muzzle of the black hole touched the center of Portis's eyebrows, Portis looked at Fester in despair, and then slowly closed her eyes. "Ah!!" Just as Viking was about to pull the trigger and end Portis's life, Fest suddenly let out a loud roar, and then he didn't know where he got the strength to break free from the two. The shackles of the armed soldiers, like a tiger descending the mountain, rammed into Viking recklessly.Viking couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and his body was knocked far away by Fester.Fester grabbed Portis, who was already stunned, and shouted wildly: "Go!" After speaking, he rushed out of the door pulling Portis.

Viking got up from the ground angrily, and shouted angrily: "Trash! Catch them quickly, don't let them run away!" In fact, Viking was worrying unfoundedly. Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers, where can they go?When Viking rushed out of the villa with his men, Portis and Fest were already surrounded by dozens of black muzzles.Fester gave Portis a wry smile, and said slowly, "There's only so much I can do. I can't escape with you, I can only die with you..."

After hearing what Fester said, Portis was so moved that she wanted to cry, she murmured, "Why did you do this? The person they are going to kill is me, not you, you don't need to do this..." Fester smiled. Shaking his head, he said, "You have been with me for the past ten years, and I have the courage to survive. Without you, I would have died ten years ago."

Portis was taken aback by Fester's words, and looked at him blankly.Fester looked up at the distant sky, and murmured as if in a dream: "You are like my dead sister, she is also as beautiful and intelligent as you, and at the same time has the most gentle heart. I still know I really remember how she hugged my leg and acted like a baby with me, she is really the cutest elf in the world..." Fest's face was covered with deep sadness, Portis's heart was full of sorrow.Subconsciously took Feisde's arm...

"Run, why don't you run away? I thought you guys could fly!" Viking rushed out from the villa, kicked Fester to the ground and kicked him to the ground.Portis raised her hand and slapped Viking fiercely, and shouted angrily, "You scum, you will not end well! I curse you!" Viking raised his hand and used his gun Pointing to her chest, he said with a ferocious face, "You want to curse me? I'll send you to hell first!" He gritted his teeth and was about to pull the trigger, when a cold voice came out of nowhere, "You want to Go to hell?"

This sudden voice, unusually cold, heard in Viking's ears, made him shiver involuntarily, glanced around with frightened eyes, and asked in a trembling voice : "Who is talking, stand up for me!" As soon as Viking's voice fell, the thick iron door of the villa was slowly pushed open from the outside, and Gao Feng's slender and well-proportioned body followed the slowly opened door. , Gradually become complete in Viking's eyes.Seeing that Gao Feng was alone, Wei Jin calmed down a bit, and scolded coldly: "This is a private place, get out of here immediately!"

Gao Feng smiled coldly, and said faintly: "It's a private place, but now the owner is not you!" Wei Jin couldn't help being stunned by Gao Feng's words, and looked back at the hundreds of heavily armed soldiers behind him, doubting Gao Feng Must be a madman.Just when Viking was in doubt, Gao Feng turned his attention to the only woman present, Portis, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you Portis?"

Portis looked at Gao Feng full of doubts and surprises, and when he asked her name, Portis's heart skipped a beat, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, nodded hurriedly and said: " I am Portis, may I ask who you are..." Gao Feng smiled and did not answer her question, but looked at Viking and said arrogantly: "I want to take this woman away, do you have any objections? "

Weijin couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He had never seen someone as crazy as Gao Feng before. Facing hundreds of soldiers with live ammunition, Gao Feng could still be so arrogant, which had to be admired.Wei Jin laughed a few times, squinted his eyes and said to Gao Feng: "Ask me if I have any opinions? Ha, you should ask the soldiers behind me if they have any opinions about the guns in their hands." After hearing Wei Jin's words, Gao Feng Sure enough, he turned his head to look at the soldiers, and asked lightly, "Do you have any opinions?" What he answered was a series of pulling the bolt, the click of the bullet being loaded, and dozens of black holes in the muzzle.

Gao Feng smiled, and said to himself: "It seems that you have opinions, tsk tsk... You shouldn't have opinions, hey!" He jumped out from behind, like wisps of black smoke, shooting towards the soldiers on high alert at an extremely fast speed.The speed of the black shadow is really too fast, these fast soldiers have no time to pull the trigger, only to hear a muffled groan, and those soldiers are like wheat cut down by a sickle, scrambling to be the first, in pieces It fell to the ground, and it filled the ground in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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