I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1094 The combination of master and apprentice, brute force and unreasonable

Chapter 1094 The combination of master and apprentice, brute force and unreasonable
Yushi continued: "Since you're here, we should settle our accounts properly."

Immortal Wo Ling was taken aback, and blurted out: "Account? Didn't I lose several of my treasures? What's the account?"

Yushi pointed into his bosom, and said in a loud voice: "Your disciples Ling Yunzhi and Xiangyang took my daughter away, almost hurting her, and scaring her to cry every night. As long as you hear a louder noise, Immediately, he burst into tears."

"They are all dying. I can't settle accounts with them, so I can only find you, the master. Please compensate my daughter for the corresponding spiritual damage fee of 1000 yuan of high-level spirit stones."

Master Wo Ling and the disciples in the rear were dumbfounded, their eyes widened in horror!

God! 1000 yuan high-level spirit stone! ?
Even if the entire Lingshan faction searched several times, they would definitely not be able to collect 100 yuan of high-level spirit stones. 1000 yuan - how much should it be!
Fairy Yushi sighed, and leaned on the arm of the handsome man beside her.

"Our husband and wife have to put her to sleep every day, and we get dizzy every day. It is reasonable to compensate us with more spirit stones. But Master Wo Ling is a little familiar with us, so let me make it cheaper for you—— 500 yuan."

Master Wo Ling blinked his eyes a few times and opened his mouth wide, unable to react for a long time.

Xuan Wuchen flicked his wide sleeves, and a ray of mysterious light flashed past——

Everyone from the Lingshan faction shouted "Ahhh!"
After Xuanguang disappeared, I saw Master Wo Ling stacked on top of the scattered disciples, panting.The disciples below were dizzy, screaming for pain, screaming for pain...

Yushi stepped forward with a smile, and explained softly: "Don't worry, my master just shook his sleeves and told you that his sleeves are wide enough, even if he has 1000 extra spirit stones, he can still put them back in."

Master Wo Ling no longer dared to be sloppy, and said with a mournful face: "I...how can we have so many spirit stones! Fairy...this is all caused by Yunzhi and Xiangyang, you should ask them to settle the score right."

Yushi raised his eyebrows and said: "But they are all about to die, you are their master, I don't settle accounts with you, who should I look for!"

Then, she turned her head and shouted with a smile: "Master, in fact, your sleeve on the other side is also quite wide. Show Master Wo Ling again, otherwise he must think that there are too many spirit stones and we can't take them back."

Xuan Wuchen calmly switched the sixth child to the other arm, and flicked it lightly—the crowd of arhats who were stacked up and down were thrown out at once, and those who fell under the head hall were scattered like sand on the steps of the hall .

Yushi clicked his tongue twice, and muttered, "Let them watch it and then hide it outside, really!"

She beckoned to Tongtong and ordered: "Help draw up a treaty, saying that Master Wo Ling of the Lingshan School owes Xuanlinfeng 500 yuan of high-level spirit stones. In addition, the lives of the nine disciples of the Qingyun School will also be discussed together." return--"

"Wait! Wait...wait!" A distressed person crawled in from outside, crying and shouting: "Xuan Shangxian! Xuanshi Fairy, please spare me!"

He pointed at the person lying there, and said, "It's all caused by these two evils! They deserve to die!"

He kowtowed and kept prostrating: "If we hadn't come here just now, how would we know that they have committed such a bastard crime! Please be careful! We really don't know anything about it!"

Yushi pursed her lips in embarrassment, and explained with a sigh: "I know all of this... It's just that they are all disciples of your Lingshan Sect. If I don't settle accounts with you, who should I turn to?"

Immortal Wo Ling rolled his eyes and blurted out: "No! Their sins are serious and unforgivable. I will expel them from the Lingshan Sect now! Anything they do has nothing to do with the Lingshan Sect!"

Yushi frowned, still thinking.

Immortal Wo Ling quickly jumped up and said: "I will take away the amulets of the Lingshan faction on them, and then inform the Six Realms that the two of them will no longer have anything to do with our Lingshan faction!"

As if he was afraid that Yushi would regret it, he ran over quickly, groped for a while on the unconscious two people, and found two small plaques.

"This head hereby announces that Ling Yunzhi and Xiangyang have committed serious crimes and violated the rules of the sect. This head has decided to expel them from the Lingshan Sect. From now on, they will no longer have anything to do with the Lingshan Sect. involve."

Then, he condensed a ray of light and destroyed the two small signs in his hand.

Yushi sighed, waved his hands and said: "Alas... since they no longer have anything to do with your Lingshan faction, I can't pursue it any further. Forget it, you guys go!"

Immortal Wo Ling became happy, knelt and bowed quickly, and hurriedly led a group of disciples who cried "Ouch! Ouch!" and fled in embarrassment.

Yushi turned his head, smiled at the dazed demon doctor and said, "You two, please forget the unpleasant episode just now. Hurry up and detoxify them!"

The demon doctor "ohhh" reacted, clasped his hands together and said, "Yes! Yes!"

The two of them took out their tools skillfully, and started tinkering quickly...

Zi Yuan Pi Dian Pi Dian trotted over, smiled and praised: "Little Uncle, you are really good! You are amazing! Just a few words and a few words sent that unreasonable guy away!"

They talked for a long time, persuading and scolding, but they still couldn't get any benefit.

The little master uncle made a lot of moves, not only made them miserable, but also made them leave quickly.

Tong Tong was also full of admiration, and said with a smile: "It's amazing! Not only let them go, Ling Yunzhi and Xiangyang have also escaped from the clutches of that disgusting guy. It's multi-purpose!"

Yushi raised his eyebrows and smiled, touched Lao Wu's thick hair, and said: "To deal with unreasonable people, you are even more unreasonable than him. If you can't deal with words, you have to use your fists."

Looking sideways at Xuan Wuchen beside him, he smiled and praised: "Master, those two sleeves of yours are so handsome! I like them!"

Xuanshang Immortal gave her a spoiled look, and said: "You are more unreasonable than him. You use your fists as a teacher, and you use two prongs. With tacit cooperation, the effect will naturally be good and fast."

The master and apprentice looked at each other and smiled, sweet and happy.

Zi Yuan and Tong Tong watched from the sidelines, they were almost tortured, they laughed and dodged away.

"Master, as long as they delay, the detoxification time will also be postponed. The fifth and sixth child are about to eat, so we'd better go back first and come back later."

Xuan Wuchen nodded in agreement, told Zi Yuan something to pay attention to, and then flew out.

Yushi reminded: "If there is anything that needs our help, come to Xuanlin Peak to look for it!"

Zi Yuan flashed over and begged in a tone of voice: "Little Martial Uncle, let me take a look at Little Fairy Boy? I haven't looked at it carefully yet!"

Yushi smiled and shook his head.

Zi Yuan glared at her reproachfully, and stared at the little person in her arms with a smile.

"Little uncle, didn't I see it? Hehe...Little fairy boy is so cute!"

"This is the fifth child, the little fairy."


(End of this chapter)

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