I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1095 The Grumpy Little Fairy

Chapter 1095 The Grumpy Little Fairy
Qingyun faction, Xuan Linfeng

On the jelly grass in front of the hut, sat a cute chubby little man, with big eyes blinking and a small mouth pouting, deflated with dissatisfaction.

The chubby little head turned away and pouted angrily.I saw beside her, a little person was moving his body, rubbing forward non-stop, trying to rush forward.

She is angry!She is really angry!
Obviously the two of them can sit together, but for some reason, the younger brother can crawl before her.Every time Dad saw his younger brother poking his butt like this, he would close his eyes with a smile and keep praising his brother for being amazing.

Seeing that the younger brother was still struggling to move towards the door of the hut, the older sister became even more angry.

The little man pouted his mouth high, feeling extremely wronged in his heart.

At this time, a white robe appeared gracefully at the door of the hut.

"Lao Liu, you have already climbed here, really amazing!"

In the next moment, Immortal Xuanshang leaned over to scoop up his son, hugged his son into his arms, looked at the cute face exactly like the little apprentice, and immediately closed his eyes with a smile.

Gently patted his son's soft back, and said a few words of encouragement to him, seeing him giggling, Xuan Shangxian couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Suddenly, with a sound of "Wow!", the little person sitting on the jelly grass cried loudly, roaring and crying, and two tears instantly hung on his white and tender face.

Xuanshangxian was startled, hurriedly hugged the sixth child and moved forward, wrapped his arms around him, and hugged the fifth child into his arms.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying all of a sudden? Come! Dad, take a look."

I touched the shorts, and there was no sign of wetness.

He touched his belly again, it was still swollen, thinking that she had just drank a small bowl of rice porridge not long ago, Xuan Shangxian felt that she was probably not hungry either.

Old Wu got angry, kicked and jumped around with his little hands and feet, twisted his little head, and shook and shook desperately.

Seeing that she was angry, Xuanshang Xian struggled to hold her with one hand, fearing that she would fall, so he quickly let go of Lao Liu, hugged her with both hands, coaxing and patting her.

"Stop crying, be good. Daddy will take you to find your mother, okay?"

The fifth child was still angry and crying.

Immortal Xuanshang was a little at a loss, he couldn't help crying and looked at Lao Liu, seeing that he started to learn to crawl again, he couldn't help laughing again.

The old fifth and chubby hand clumsily moved forward, poked at him randomly, and then poked at his eyes randomly.

Suddenly, Xuanshangxian remembered what the little apprentice said yesterday.

"...Master, you only love to hug the sixth child all day long, kissing and coaxing him, the fifth child may be jealous if you see it!"

At that time, he glared at her amusedly, and explained: "No way! As a teacher, I just saw that he can climb. Encourage and praise him more, so that he has the confidence to climb faster."

"Don't make excuses! Even I can see it, okay? You usually hug the sixth child more often, and the fifth child is mainly hugged by me. You are so partial, you probably don't even know it yourself?"

Xuan Shangxian was taken aback after hearing this, said "nonsense", then turned around and walked away with Lao Liu in his arms.

The little apprentice was still shouting from behind: "Look! Have you hugged the sixth child again?"

The back of the white-robed man walking away stiffened, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

The little apprentice hugged the fifth child, laughing at the back...

After Xuan Shangxian thought for a while, seeing that the fifth child was still poking his handsome face with his small fist, he quickly withdrew his eyes from the sixth child.

"Fifth, be good, Daddy loves you!"

Seeing that his father didn't look at his younger brother anymore, the fifth child made fun of himself again, and finally gave up his little fist.

Seeing her stop, Xuanshangxian couldn't help smiling heartily.

It turns out that Xiao Shier was right!

In the past few days, he has encouraged and praised the sixth child, and the fifth child is out of balance.Holding one in each hand, he walked to the study.

The little apprentice was still busy, and turned his head when he heard the child's babbling.

When the two children saw their mother, they giggled and kept leaning forward.

Yushi, as usual, wants to hug the fifth child.

Unexpectedly, Immortal Xuan Shang stopped her and pushed Lao Liu into her arms.

Yushi didn't care, he put his arms around the sixth child and played with his bulging head a few times.

It doesn't matter to the sixth child, anyway, to him, the father's hug and the mother's hug are the same.

Xuanshangxian pointed to the little figure in his arms, and explained with a smile: "You were really right yesterday. As a teacher, I have paid too much attention to the sixth child these days, and the fifth child is really delicious."

The fifth child played with the grass jelly in his hand, took it to his mouth and licked it, forgetting all about what happened just now.

Yushi laughed, and said, "Am I right? Girls are more delicate."

Xuan Wuchen petted and chuckled, touched the round head of the fifth child, and asked doubtfully: "But the boss and the others don't know how to do it! As a teacher, I remember that the fourth child was the first to crawl, so I encouraged him to do more crawling." , the other three sisters are not in such a mood!"

Yushi thought for a while, and replied, "Maybe it's because there are so many of them. Now there are only two of them, so they must like to compare."

"They used to do everything in the same way, but they suddenly found out that her younger brother could crawl, but she was still on the basis of sitting. She couldn't get up, so she became anxious, and couldn't help being angry and jealous of her younger brother."

Xuan Shangxian nodded, feeling that the little apprentice's analysis made sense.

Raised the fifth child high, let her face her smiling face, and coaxed: "Daddy will take you outside to learn to crawl, okay? With Daddy's help, I believe you will be able to crawl soon."

The fifth child licked and played with the grass jelly, but ignored him at all.

After a while, the fifth child was lying on the jelly grass, licking it and playing with it, his two chubby legs didn't want to move at all, and he lay lazily on the soft jelly grass, not even rubbing against it.

Xuan Shangxian coaxed him to help, but the fifth child just didn't move.On the other side, Lao Liu saw the excitement of his father and sister. The chubby climbed up slowly with his hands up and his buttocks rubbing against each other.

When Lao Wu saw that he was crawling again, and stopped licking the grass jelly, he pouted again and again in grievance, until finally he cried "Wow!" and burst into tears again.

I don't do it!I don't do it!Brother climbed again!He's showing off again!Woooo...I don't allow him to climb!

Xuanshangxian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he helped her wipe away tears while coaxing her.

This little guy, it doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to crawl, but even his younger brother who can crawl is jealous and angry.With such a bad temper, who would dare to provoke her in the future?

Suddenly, Xuanshangxian thought of Baili Aofenglai in the mortal world, and couldn't help feeling pity for him...

In the next few days, in order to make the sixth child crawl more smoothly, and for the "peace" of Xuan Linfeng, Father Xuan always left the fifth child in the study to make trouble, while he encouraged the sixth child to play hard on the fairy grass and learn to crawl. .

At this time, there was a surge of air not far away!
Immortal Xuanshang turned his head and saw Tongtong riding on a huge leaf, flying towards Xuanlin Peak slowly.

Behind Ye Zi, there are two people sitting——Ling Yunzhi and Xiangyang.

(End of this chapter)

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