I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1104 Young master is so passionate!

Chapter 1104 Young master is so passionate!

Lian'er was stunned, staring at the man in the gauze, wiped her tears and said: "My lord, these are impossible... Please don't play tricks on my family anymore. My family shouldn't say these things, it's ruining my son's elegance. Let Let me play another song for you."

"No need!" The noble young master interrupted her loudly, and continued: "Zhen... I like to chat with people, and it's not too late to listen to the music after a while."

Lian'er sniffed in embarrassment, bit her lower lip lightly, but she had no choice but to nod.

She has to cooperate with whatever the guest likes.If the old bustard knew that she was unruly, she would definitely be whipped again.

Even if he asked, she would not answer at all.

The handsome man asked again: "I heard that handsome man has been here for more than a year, and he often comes to listen to your singing. How much do you know about him? Do you know who he is? Where is he from?"

Lian'er hugged the pipa, and replied quietly: "He only said his name is Feng, and everyone here calls him Mr. Feng. He never said where he was from, what he did, I dare not ask..."

The handsome man let out an "oh", apparently not believing it, sneered, and said, "He has been here for such a long time, don't you really know his identity?"

Lian'er didn't care about his tone, and replied in a low voice: "I don't dare to find out... Seeing that he is richly dressed and looks so handsome, I understand that he must have a good background. Because of this, I don't even dare to ask. "

The handsome man thought for a while and asked: "It seems that you have a deep affection for him, right? It's because of his good background that you dare not accept his affection, and you don't want him to redeem you, right? ?”

Lian'er was stunned, didn't move for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

The old man next to the handsome man said "Hey!", and his thunderous voice yelled impatiently: "You woman is mentally ill, isn't it? Could it be that he is a shabby settler, but you like it? Since he is willing to treat you well, help you Redemption can also give you a stable life and change your destiny, isn't that good?"

Lian'er's eyes flickered slightly, and she replied, "My family...don't want... because my family is not good enough for him. Even if he is a disciple from a small family, how can the people in his family agree to him marrying a fireworks girl?"

"In this case, marrying him will only embarrass him and cause him pain. He is such a good person, and he will definitely have a very extraordinary future in the future. I can't drag him down."

"If he marries a brothel girl, he will only be looked down upon by his family and ridiculed by outsiders for the rest of his life. The slave family... really don't want to embarrass him and ruin him for the rest of his life."

"He is kind to the slave family, and the slave family knows it. The slave family remembers his affection. The slave family will be a cow and a horse in the next life, and they must repay him for this kindness. The slave family does not want to make him difficult."

The burly man said "Ouch!", and muttered, "It's not difficult! He can take you in as a concubine or something! The children of a rich family, who doesn't have three wives and four concubines!"

Lian'er's face darkened, she wiped her tears, but her pale face shook.

The burly man said "Ah!", and asked in surprise: "With your background, do you still want to marry him as a regular wife? You must know that his identity is not simple! He is—"

"Tuoba!" The handsome man interrupted him at the right time.

Tuoba Xin immediately bowed down respectfully, and retreated behind him with fists clasped.

Baili Aofeng coughed lightly, and said slowly: "So you still have such thoughts."

Lian'er sighed faintly, tears dripping from her eyes.

"Young master...you are the sons of a wealthy family, and you have long been accustomed to men with three wives and four concubines. But families from slave families are not like this."

Baili Aofeng was obviously very interested, raised his eyebrows and chuckled, and asked, "How is your family like? Didn't your father also marry your aunt?"

Lian Er gave up excitedly, and explained: "No! In my father's family, most people have only one regular wife, and very few people take concubines. It is said that because the ancestors favored concubines and killed wives, it caused a lot of trouble. People wait."

"Because of this incident, the whole family was implicated. From the former big family of scholars and officials, it was suddenly defeated and later became a family of merchants. The ancestors left a last word, telling future generations not to take concubines easily."

"Although my mother only gave birth to my daughter, my father also thought it was good. He said that in the future, let me recruit a good man to inherit the family business. He doesn't need to take a concubine to have children."

"Later, because my mother passed away, I was young, and my father often ran away from home to run a business. I was afraid that I would not be taken care of, so I had no choice but to marry my aunt."

"It may be because of the relationship between my ancestors, but also because of my experience of being persecuted by my aunt. The slave family can't accept the fact that a man takes a concubine. Now the slave family has fallen to this point. Although it can't be someone else's wife, it doesn't want to be someone else's wife. Concubine."

Hearing the words, Baili Aofeng nodded slowly.

"So that's the case... Although it's a bit extreme, it's not unreasonable."

After a pause, he continued: "Girl, I came here today for a purpose, not to listen to any music."

Lian'er was taken aback, surprise flashed in her eyes, she guessed: "Did... Mr. Feng asked you to come?"

Baili Aofeng shook his head, and replied: "No——he is now imprisoned by me."

Lian'er suddenly turned pale with fright, the pipa in her hand shook and fell to the ground, the strings broke, but she ignored it, stood up and rushed towards the gauze curtain——

The next moment, two sturdy attendants rushed forward and stopped her outside the gauze tent.

"Stop! Don't be rude!"

Lian'er twisted her body, desperately trying to get rid of them, but there was nothing she could do.

She cried and asked, "How is Mr. Feng? Why did you imprison him? Who are you? I beg you to let him go! Please!"

Baili Aofeng coughed lightly, and said: "His family has been defeated, and both parents have died. The family business has plummeted, but he still wants to save money to redeem you. He sold the only place he could live in, and returned He lent me hundreds of taels of silver."

"He originally said that he would return the several hundred taels of silver to me after he redeemed you and brought you back to the family business. But he kept pushing, always saying that you would not allow him to redeem you."

"Since you don't want to, I'll ask him to pay back the money. Unexpectedly, he didn't pay it back. He said that for more than a year, he often went in and out of here, and the money was spent on you."

"It's only natural to pay the debt. Since he can't pay the money, I have no choice but to arrest him. Maybe beat him half to death, and he can tell where the money went."

When Lian'er heard this, she burst into tears, crying and shouting: "No! Don't hit him! Don't catch him! Please! I...I can find a way to pay you back! Please don't beat him!"

(End of this chapter)

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