I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1105 The matchmaker will run on both sides!

Chapter 1105 The matchmaker will run on both sides!
When Lian'er heard this, she burst into tears, crying and shouting: "No! Don't hit him! Don't catch him! Please! I...I can find a way to pay you back! Please don't beat him!"

Baili Aofeng snorted softly, and said arrogantly: "Oh? Can you help him pay back the money? You, a brothel girl, have money to help him pay back?"

Lian'er glanced at the two indifferent tall men standing in front of her, swallowed her saliva, and asked timidly, "Excuse me, how much does Mr. Feng owe you?"

Baili Aofeng replied: "500 taels."

Lian'er was dumbfounded, her face turned pale.

500 taels!God!There are so many!Her entire body, including clothing and all accessories, cost no more than 20 taels of silver at most.

500 taels? !Where is she going to find 500 taels to save Mr. Feng!

Even if she was sold, it would be less than 500 taels!
Sell? !She suddenly thought of someone...

Baili Aofeng glanced at her, and said coldly: "It seems that you can't help him. Come on, go back and beat that kid hard, sell all valuables, and take him with you sold into slavery."

"No! No!" Lian'er knelt on the ground, crying and wailing: "Please don't embarrass him! Please! I will find a way to help him pay back the money! I will find a way! But... please You give me a few days to raise money, and I can pay it back."

The handsome man in the gauze tent asked suspiciously, "Can you really help him pay it back?"

Lian Er nodded heavily, and replied: "The slave family really can. There is a guest...he always likes me to sing for him. Although he is old and has many wives and concubines at home, he is still a frequent visitor to Tianxianglou .”

"He...he once said that if I am willing to be his No. 18 concubine, he will redeem himself for the servant's family, and is willing to give me some money to subsidize my purchases."

"The servant's family sent someone to come to him immediately and asked him to raise money - I heard that his family is very rich, and there should be no shortage of several hundred taels of silver."

When she said this, she kowtowed and begged.

"Master, I beg you! Mr. Feng is a good man, please don't hurt him. He only owes you money, and I will help him pay it back. Please give me a few days of grace! Please..."

Baili Aofeng seemed surprised, and asked: "He is not someone of yours, at most he can only be regarded as your benefactor, and you are willing to be a concubine for others for him?"

The woman on the ground kowtowed, and replied: "I am willing! As long as you keep your promise and release Young Master Feng, I will be willing to do whatever you want."

Tuoba Xin said "Wow!" and shouted in surprise: "He wants to marry you as his wife, but you don't want to. But you can serve an old man at a young age for him? Do you really want to?"

Lian'er wiped her tears, and hurriedly assured: "My family is really willing. My family will go out now and let someone find him!"

Baili Aofeng yelled "Wait a minute!" and explained: "I will give you three days to raise the money. If you fail to do so after three days, I will sell that brat to do labor .”

Lian'er nodded timidly, and answered with a sob: "Okay... I will definitely be able to arrange it."

After she finished speaking, she ran out quickly.

Quiet was restored in the private room.

Baili Aofeng stretched out his hand gracefully and took a sip of tea.

Tuoba Xin on the side "tsk tsk...!" sighed again and again.

"Your Majesty, you used this trick well! Your expression and tone just now are just like a real big debt collector!"

The corner of Baili Aofeng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but glared at him, saying: "I told you to beat up Wufeng and sell it, and after waiting for a long time, you didn't give any response, fortunately, that woman went on to talk , otherwise the scene would be so embarrassing!"

Tuoba Xin made fun of him, and explained: "Your Majesty... we all know that you were just lying to that woman, and you didn't realize it for a while, so you forgot to answer."

Baili Aofeng snorted coldly, and scolded with a smile: "With such a trick, you just want to cheat people, so learn it! If you don't learn well, I will have you beaten and sold to others as labor!"

Tuobaxin and several attendants all laughed.

After a while, Tuoba Xin leaned forward and cupped his fists and asked, "Your Majesty, what should we do next?"

Baili Aofeng drank his tea gracefully, with a sly smile on his lips.

"The matchmaker will run on both sides. After running this way, it's time to go to Wufeng's side."

Tuobaxin couldn't help nodding, and hurriedly explained: "That's right! We can't let the woman just go to the old man to redeem herself! Let's go to Lord Wufeng immediately."

Just as Baili Aofeng was about to get up, his movements froze, his eyes flashed, and Xie Mei smiled.

"No, this woman still needs to be redeemed."

what? !

Tuoba Xin was dumbfounded, he hesitated: "Isn't that... this... isn't it even more messy?!"

Baili Aofeng patted his chest with his big hands, and said with a smile: "It's good to be in a mess. Lord Wufeng is too straight, so he can't get beauties all the time. If you don't help him make a mess, how can he How about embracing a beauty?"

Tuobaxin blinked and muttered: "Your Majesty... what do you mean?"

My master's thoughts, it's better for him to make it clear, so as not to make a mistake in a short while, and harm Lord Wufeng and the beauty so that they can't have a lover and get married in the end, then even if His Majesty doesn't sell himself to be a laborer, he has to sell himself!
Baili Aofeng hooked his fingers and whispered into his ear...

Go to the capital, the mansion of Lord Hou.

Wufeng walked slowly in the garden, looking at the bright purples and reds everywhere, but there was no smile on Jun's face.

She rejected herself once again...

How many times, he almost lost count.

His heart was constantly frustrated, from the beginning full of confidence to the scars now... He felt that he couldn't take it anymore!
In the past two months, he didn't even feel like going out.He didn't even go to the palace.

In the past, he would enter the palace almost every day, playing chess and chatting with the emperor, talking about government affairs, and talking about matters big and small in the world of cultivating immortals.

But these days, he feels that he is weak, listless in everything he does, and has no interest at all.

Wuliang sent a letter saying that he and Wuchen had gone to the Wild Continent during this period of time.

The days when no one is with me are really more dull.

Otherwise, find some time to go to Xuanlin Peak to see Xiao Shier.She is the most cheerful person on weekdays, and when she is with her, any messy mood will get better.

Otherwise, take this opportunity to go out to relax and see Xiao Shier and the two children.

After deciding on his idea, he stepped forward and wanted to go outside——

"Report to Lord Hou, someone sent a letter from outside, saying that it is an urgent matter, so Lord Hou must read it himself."

Wufeng was slightly stunned, and looked at the envelope, and saw that it was blank, and no one signed it.He opened it slowly, his eyes widened instantly after reading it, and his face was full of horror——

(End of this chapter)

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