I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1147 Then Use Another Way To Love

Chapter 1147 Then Love in Another Way

Immortal World, Heaven and Earth Cave
In the dark and psychedelic, a tall and muscular man, wearing a bottom robe, fell into a drowsy sleep, muttering incessantly: "Xuanshi... Xuanshi... Xuanshi..."

An old man slowly approached, and when he heard his voice, he couldn't help laughing in surprise.

He stretched out his arms to hug the man and called out, "Hun'er! Hun'er!"

After shouting twice, the man was still not awake, and could not stop muttering "Xuanshi".

The old Pluto breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled weakly: "Stinky boy... you are almost exhausted as a teacher. If you don't wake up, your old life as a teacher will probably be gone."

He leaned down, let out a sigh, and smiled contentedly: "Fortunately, you are awake. God still treats me very kindly to this old man, allowing me to leave half my life and go back to the underworld to spoil my grandchildren."

After a pause, he reached out and took out a small wine bottle, took a sip, and laughed.

"Baby is already married, I think I will have a grandson to hug soon! Haha...!"

The man behind him was still awake, and murmured: "Xuanshi... Xuanshi..."

The old Pluto put down the wine bottle, turned his head, and let out a long sigh.

"Sigh... my child, why are you obsessed so deeply! Fairy Xuanshi, you can't dream of it! Sigh... When you wake up, I will accompany you outside for a walk as a teacher, and teach you well. Bar."

"Your parents died early, and you always like to run outside. There is never a decent elder around you who can teach you, so that you always feel that you are right, and everything should be based on your point of view. This obsession It hurt you!"

"My child, my teacher refused to let you go out of the underworld in the past, because I was afraid that you would be hurt, and that you would be spoiled by outsiders, but you just want to go out, and I can't control it no matter what... Sigh!"

"It's decided for the teacher. When you are well, the teacher will accompany you out. If possible, we will go to all six realms. While the teacher is still able to walk and fly, let's go and see together."

"Haha... I believe that with me personally taking it with you, you will see a completely different scenery and experience completely unusual feelings. I still have confidence in your recovery as a teacher."

The lying man still couldn't help murmuring: "Xuanshi...xuan...shi..."

The old Pluto smiled wryly, helped him tidy up his messy hair, and coaxed him softly: "My child, don't think about it, and don't think about it anymore. She is not someone you can dream about. She was destined to be Xuanshang Immortal from birth. It will never belong to anyone else, let alone you."

The old Pluto closed his eyes, condensed a white light, and passed it to the ears of the sleeping man.

"Hun'er, I spent more than half of my cultivation skills for my teacher, and I finally pulled you back from the gate of hell. Now that you can be pulled back, you can live a good life as a teacher, and stop thinking about it."

"Tell you, the matter of saving you, I hid it from everyone for my teacher, even the boy. Sigh... don't blame him. He is a straightforward person, occasionally stubborn, but Very soft-hearted."

"If you hadn't violated his bottom line and done such a bad thing, he wouldn't have ignored you, and even wanted to kill you! So, don't blame anyone, you can only blame yourself for being too paranoid! "

"Xuanshi is no less important to Guaier than his little concubine. I remember the first time he went to the mortal world, he met Fairy Xuanshi by chance. After meeting her, he always loved to run to the mortal world. At first I thought, if you want to match with Xuan Linfeng, let him and Fairy Xuanshi."

"However, when I suggested this suggestion to Guaier, he flatly rejected it. He said that he didn't have that kind of affection for Xuanshi, so he felt that getting along with her was very comfortable and pleasant. Moreover, he felt that Xuanshi To her master, she is nervous and dependent, saying that Xuanshi can't hold anyone else in her eyes and heart except Xuanshangxian."

"Hey... In this regard, you can't compare to Guaier. A man is a real man who can afford it and let it go! Have you forgotten what I taught you as a teacher before?"

"Hun'er, you shouldn't be so confused. As the saying goes, ****, this kind of thing is mutual, not one-sided. The more you refuse to let go, the more entangled you are, the more entangled you are. I look down on you, and even hate you."

"Are you saying that you committed crimes on your own, and you almost lost your life, and what did you get in the end? Nothing! You will only make Fairy Xuanshi hate you even more, and wish you could die!"

"If you look like this, you won't leave a trace in her heart. It's completely counterproductive. My master guesses that Fairy Xuanshi will be disgusted and disgusted when she sees you and hears your name in the future."

The sleepy man's face was dark and his brows were tightly wrinkled, but he didn't murmur any more, his mouth was tightly closed, and he didn't speak anymore.

The old Pluto understood, he finally listened to it, and said persistently: "Hun'er, after you wake up, I will accompany you to pay homage to your parents as a teacher. I think, if they are alive, they will hear what you have done. Such a thing will definitely beat you hard, hard!"

"They worked so hard to give birth to you and raise you up. Is it just letting you play your life like a trifle? Do you think that if the teacher told them that you would force a woman who doesn't love you to stay with you for a few days? , exhausted their spiritual power, and almost died, what would they do?"

"They must have scolded you severely, beat you hard, and then, just like Teacher Wei, tried their best to save you. Sigh... Teacher Wei is old, how many times can he save you? Teacher spent so much energy Li, half of my life is gone, if you don't cherish it any more, then I can't help it."

Although the handsome man couldn't move, his eyelashes moved slightly, and two lines of clear tears slowly flowed down the corners of his eyes.

Old Pluto saw it, tears welled up in his eyes, he sucked his nose, choked up and said: "Child, you repent now, it's still too late... Forget about her and start over."

The man's head moved slowly, and he murmured: "No...no..."

The old Pluto smiled wryly and said: "If you can't forget, then love her in another way. Love is not about possessing, winning, trying to be with her, not even taking your life."

"Actually, love can also be silent and quiet. Thinking of her, sheltering her from the wind and rain, silently doing what you can for her, this is also love. Child, do you understand?"

"This kind of love is also love, and it is a love worthy of respect. You can judge for yourself which kind of love is more worthy of your struggle."

"Hun'er, life is so precious. Your current life is bought with half your life for the teacher, how you want to use it, how to use it, you will carefully weigh it in the future."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the man with tears streaming down his face, sighed, kept drinking shortly...

(End of this chapter)

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