I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1148 Old husband and wife, why be afraid of being laughed at!

Chapter 1148 Old husband and wife, why be afraid of other people's jokes!
demon world, demon temple
Moro leaned on a cane and walked slowly in the wide corridor.The maids and attendants saluted him one by one as they passed by.

At this time, Princess Jingxin hurried over and held his other arm.

Moluo turned his head and smiled at her, both of them had gentle eyes.

"San'er and Xiaoxianzi are not here for the past few days. You must be very busy, right? You have to arrange the wedding. Look at your eyes, they are bloodshot."

Moro stopped, stretched out his hand to caress the corners of his wife's eyes, and murmured distressedly: "Go back and have a good rest."

Jingxin smiled softly and happily, and said: "It's okay, it's nothing to be busy. As long as I think that San'er is finally getting married, my heart will be so excited and happy!"

As a mother, seeing her son grow up, get married and start a career, she really felt unspeakable joy in her heart!
Moluo took her hand and said apologetically, "Seeing that you are so busy, but I...can't help, I'm really anxious. Don't do everything yourself, some have to be assigned to the people around you, so don't get exhausted. "

Jing Xin is a very dedicated and serious person. When arranging her son's wedding, the requirements are even higher, almost flawless.As a result, some things were repeated and improved continuously, and she even did it herself.

Since Moro lost a leg, he has difficulty moving.It may also be because of my depressed mood, I seldom leave the room.

Unless Jingxin pulls him out and helps him out for a walk, he seldom goes out.

In the past two days, she only went back to her room late at night, and went out at dawn, so she hardly saw her.Moro was worried about her, so he walked out of the room alone.

Jingxin heard that he was blaming himself again, and understood that he was a strong and stalwart man who had dominated the demon world for many years, but he suffered such great misfortune when he was old, lost a leg and became a crippled person, the shadow in his heart must be great.

She stopped, and Moro stopped with her.

She went around to him, and said softly: "Why are you here again? Don't keep saying things like this. If it wasn't because San'er wasn't here and I had to prepare for the wedding this time, I wouldn't be so busy."

"When San'er comes back after marrying the concubine, the little fairy will take care of everything inside and outside the Demon God's Temple. One of the husband and wife is in charge of the outside, and the other is in charge of the house. They are connected with each other and cooperate with each other. I will be busy then. I don't have a share either!"

After hearing this, Moluo nodded and smiled, "That's right! Although the little fairy is young, she has a good ability to handle things. Recently, she has helped juniors weave new monsters, which has been well received by everyone. Even I who hide all day The people in the room have also heard about it a little bit, and it must have been spread very well outside."

Jingxin lovingly praised: "She is the daughter of Xuan Shangxian and Xuanshi Fairy, and she was taught by them, so her ability is naturally extraordinary. San'er has her as a good helper, and she will definitely be able to carry forward the demon world in the future."

After a pause, she took Moluo's hand and whispered: "You can't hide in the room all day. After San'er and the others get married, I want to accompany you to live outside the forbidden area. The environment there is clean and elegant, and there are no crowds. Not much, I will help you out and walk more."

Moluo was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he was not at ease. He hesitated and said, "But the big and small things about the demon world and the demon temple..."

Princess Jingxin patted the back of his hand and said with a smile: "The demon world is managed by the two of them, I am very relieved! The most important thing for me in the future is to be with you."

With tears in Moro's eyes, he nodded heavily.

To be able to marry such a good concubine like her, and to have such a loving wife who is so considerate to him, is really a great blessing in his previous life!

Although he lost a leg, San'er and Xiaoxian still respect him as before.My beloved wife's attitude towards him is still the same as before, and he has never complained in a single word.

"My concubine, I, Moluo, can marry you as my wife. I am so lucky!"

Jing Xin gave him a tender look, and said angrily, "I'm an old couple, what are you talking about! If other people hear it, they must laugh at you for being so shameless!"

Mo Luo stroked the back of her hand and said with a smile, "I'm an old couple, so why be afraid of others' jokes! Even if they want to be envious, they won't come!"

The two cuddled together, talking in a low voice.

At this time, a maid stepped forward quickly, and said politely: "Old Princess, the elder Jing Mo is here."

Princess Jingxin frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said calmly: "Please wait in the hall of the front hall first, I will come later."


The maid hurriedly backed away.

Seeing something wrong with his beloved wife's expression, Moluo couldn't help but asked with concern, "What's wrong? Did Elder Silence make you do something embarrassing?"

Elder Jing Mo is the current elder of the Shenggu family, and has a very high status in the demon world.And because of the age, I always like to rely on the old to sell the old.

When Moro was still a demon god, he occupied his high position and often made things difficult for Moro, so Moro didn't have a good impression of him.

Princess Jingxin pulled out a smile, and said: "No...how could it be! He is the old patriarch of my natal family, so how could he embarrass my own family."

"Hmph!" Moro turned cold and muttered, "Return to your own family! When he forced you into the Town Demon Tower, did he ever think that you were their own family! I hate him the most Make a set!"

Princess Jingxin pursed her lips, sighed softly, and murmured: "Things have passed for so many years, forget it. The old man is old now, and he is my old uncle. I should listen to him in terms of reason and reason." .”

Moluo took her hand with distress, and apologized: "I'm sorry, it's my fault, and I brought up your sadness."

Princess Jingxin is a strong woman. She shook her head and replied: "When things are over, they are over. When people are alive, they must look forward and move forward. Don't be proud of the good past, and worry about the bad past. Don't worry about the bad past." .”

Moluo smiled and said appreciatively, "Aifei, this is what I admire most about you."

Jing Xin grinned softly, held his arm and said: "The old man said a few days ago that he wanted to discuss something with me, but San'er is not here. I am so busy that I have no time to go there. You just stay here and rest. I will come to see the old man when I see him."

Moluo nodded with a smile, and Princess Jingxin walked quickly to the front hall.

Changing the direction of the crutches, Moluo wanted to go back to the room, but he thought of the greedy and indifferent face of the silent old patriarch along the way, and was afraid that his concubine would be bullied, so he turned around, leaned on the crutches, and walked step by step to the front hall.

In the hall of the front hall, after the maid served tea respectfully, the old patriarch spoke slowly and went straight to the point.

"Meditation, my old man came here this time, and I have something to tell you, so that you can prepare quickly."

Princess Jingxin asked gently: "Old patriarch, what's the matter?"

The old patriarch replied: "I plan to let Hu Yun'er in my family marry the junior."

(End of this chapter)

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