I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1342 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener

Chapter 1342 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener ([-])

20 years later, the Deep Sea Dragon Palace

The sky was slightly bright, and four little dragons flew out from the Dragon Palace, screaming "Aoao".

"Haha...!" Mo Heijian laughed continuously as soon as the tall and muscular figure appeared.

"You guys are not late today! Come on! Daddy will take you to practice flying!"

Several little dragons came forward and kept rubbing against Mo Heijian's arms and body.

Mo Heijian looked at the four identical little Molongs, but couldn't recognize who was who.

"Uh... line up everyone, starting with brother, line up one by one! Hurry up!"

The four little guys lined up obediently. Although the little tails were still curled up and down, they finally formed a line.

Mo Heijian touched them one by one in order, and said lovingly: "Don't be naughty, practice your skills obediently. After a while, you should be able to cultivate a human form. Then Dad will accompany you to find your brother and sister to play."

The little guys were very happy, and immediately rushed forward, surrounded Mo Heijian, rubbing back and forth non-stop.

Mo Heijian laughed loudly, and coaxed: "Okay, okay! Let's practice flying together!"

"Big black dragon... come quickly!" The beautiful wife's voice came from the small palace.

Mo Heijian widened his eyes, pushed the little guys away, and coaxed nervously: "Stop making trouble, and practice hard. Remember not to make trouble with mother, do you understand? Mother is pregnant with younger brother and younger sister, it is very hard .”

The four little ink dragons formed a group, and the four little heads kept clicking.

Mo Heijian laughed, and said, "Okay, let's all go to practice! Go and play with grandparents in an hour!"

The four little guys were so happy that they swam to the surface of the sea.

"Big black dragon! Where did you die?!" Yu Chengdie struggled to get out of the small palace with a big belly.

Mo Heijian hurriedly dodged over and supported her.

"Be careful! Didn't I tell you? If you have anything to do, just yell, don't worry about walking alone. You can't see your feet at all, what if you trip!"

Yucheng Diejiao glared at him and cursed: "I yelled more than once, I yelled several times, why didn't you come! You know that people with big stomachs are easy to trip, why can't you hurry up!"

Mo Hei smiled apologetically, and explained: "I was talking to a few little guys just now, and they were making a fuss together, probably so, that's why I just heard it. I came right away after I heard it!"

"Ah? It's quite early for the four little ones today! I thought I had to run to wake them up again!" Yu Chengdie supported his waist in discomfort and pointed to the ground.

Mo Heijian immediately turned into a cloud of somersaults, and helped her to sit down carefully.

He stroked her bulging belly with his big hand, and said with a smile, "This time there may be more than four, maybe five! I think your belly is bigger than last time."

Yu Chengdie rolled her eyes, scolded and scolded, "You can't say three or two? You already have so many children, why are you still so greedy!"

"Haha..." Mo Heijian shook his head and explained, "I'm not greedy! I'm looking at your stomach to tell the truth."

Yu Chengdie touched her big belly and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"What's the matter?" Mo Heijian hugged her, and asked worriedly, "Is there something wrong? I'll get you the birth-preserving elixir sent by Immortal Xuanshang."

"No need..." Yu Chengdie took his big hand and explained: "I don't think Molong can be born in this one, at least two of them need to be like me."

The eldest child of the first child is Mo Long, the second child is Cangbei Shenlong, and the third child is a pink dragon.The second child had originally thought that it would be half and half, but whoever escaped from the egg was a dark black ink dragon, which made her secretly disappointed for a long time.

Last year she was pregnant again, and Mo Heijian was overjoyed, and kept yelling that this time it might be Mo Long again.

Mo Heijian laughed when she heard this, rubbed her hair, and coaxed: "You can do whatever you want, they are our children anyway, I like them all!"

Yu Chengdie coquettishly said: "Of course you like it - you don't need to hold it, you don't need to work hard!"

"Hahaha...!" Mo Heijian leaned forward, kissed her heavily on the cheek, and explained: "When the baby is out of the dragon egg, hand it over to me, and let me take it hard by myself. It's over, right?" ?”

"It's not too bad!" Yu Chengdie leaned her head on his shoulder, looked at the blue sea, and couldn't help but think of her little master.

"Big black dragon, the little master has been traveling with Xuanshangxian all these years, occasionally going to the Cangbei Manor to accompany the boss, occasionally going to the underworld to accompany the second child, and then the demon world and the human world. She said that the eldest grandson has grown up and is tall. Martha, every time she calls her grandma, she can't help laughing."

Mo Heijian suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, Xiaoyushi and Xuanshangxian have such a good relationship, why did they stop having twins? When this one is born, our number of children will far exceed theirs. .”

Yucheng Die snorted softly: "That's because Immortal Xuanshang couldn't bear the hard work of the little master's pregnancy! Also, the little master feels that he can't have another child, lest the child be younger than the grandson, and the generation will be messed up."

"Haha..." Mo Hei said with a smile: "What does it matter! In the Six Realms, there are many such situations! When children grow up, they will have their own families and lives. When they return to Xuanlin Peak in the future to settle down When you come down, you will feel too lonely, and then you will continue to live."

"Maybe!" Yu Chengdie couldn't help but sigh again.

"What's the matter? Miss the boss and the three of them?" Mo Heijian patted her belly and said with a smile: "They practice so diligently and have great talents. I believe they will be able to leave the customs soon and come to reunite with us."

Yu Chengdie's face was full of deep miss, and she murmured: "When the children grow up, they will practice and retreat separately. In a blink of an eye, fans have been in retreat for more than 20 years. I... miss her so much..."

Toner is diligent and eager to learn. When her two elder brothers went to the Cangbei Continent, she retreated to advanced alchemy in advance.

The two elder brothers came back to recover from their injuries, and they each found a place to retreat and advance.

It has been so many years since the child left, how can a mother not miss her!

Seeing her crying, Mo Heijian quickly coaxed: "Don't cry! Don't cry! If you cry, Long Er will cry with you too, don't do that. Believe me, they will go home as soon as they leave the customs."

Yu Chengdie sniffed, nodded and said: "I know... Big Black Dragon, I'm a little tired, please help me in to rest."

"it is good!"

The two hugged each other and walked slowly towards the door.

At this time, a clear and pleasant voice shouted from behind: "Daddy! Mother!"

The two were stunned for a moment, turned around in surprise, and saw a beautiful and lovely person, soaring in the sea water, with fluttering dress, flying towards them.

"Ah! It's Fen'er!"

"Fan'er, she has formed a pill and left the level!"

(End of this chapter)

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