I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1343 Fanwai - Li Aofeng and Xiaofener

Chapter 1343 Fanwai - Baili Aofeng and Xiaofener ([-])

The two were stunned for a moment, turned around in surprise, and saw a beautiful and lovely person, soaring in the sea water, with fluttering dress, flying towards them.

"Ah! It's Fen'er!"

"Fan'er, she has formed a pill and left the level!"

Yu Chengdie hurried forward, but her belly was so big that she couldn't take a step at all, and almost tripped——Mo Heikan turned pale with fright, and quickly hugged her with her big hands.

"Be careful! Be careful!"

Yu Chengdie couldn't care less about other things, she kept waving her hands, and tears fell from her eyes.

"Fan'er! Fen'er!"

Toner flew down lightly, and with a dexterous dodge, she came in front of her parents and hugged them with her arms.

"Daddy! Mother!"

Yu Chengdie stared at her in surprise, seeing that she was still the same delicate appearance before the pill formation, she couldn't help being surprised: "Fen'er, haven't you reshaped your shape?"

Toner laughed, the two dimples around her mouth were so cute.

"I think my original appearance is pretty good! When I formed the alchemy, I didn't reshape my appearance. Mother, I miss you so much!"

Yu Chengdie smiled while wiping away tears.

"Mother misses you so much...you child...you have been away for more than 20 years...mother has been looking forward to it day and night...finally you are back!"

Toner wiped her tears with a smile, touched her round belly, and laughed.

"Mother! I'm going to be an older sister again! Where's Mo Si and the others? Why didn't you see them?"

Mo Heikan patted her on the shoulder and replied with a smile, "They went out to practice early in the morning."

"Daddy, why haven't they made a small human figure yet?" Toner asked curiously, "I remember that when my elder brother and my second brother were as big as them, we both looked like small human beings."

Mo Heijian smiled lovingly, and explained: "The three of you were very diligent at the time, and Mo Si and the others were not lazy, but they are still not as good as your three brothers and sisters, so it may take a few months."

Toner was very happy, and said with a smile, "Great! Someone will call me sister soon!"

She touched her mother's big belly again, and said with a smile: "They will also call me sister in the future!"

Yu Chengdie took her hand, and said angrily: "This sister has been out for more than ten or twenty years, they almost forgot about her!"

"Hey!" Mo Heijian hugged his lovely wife, and said with a laugh: "My daughter is going to retreat and advance, and she didn't run away from home, see what you say!"

Turning his head to Mo Fen'er, he said, "Mo Si and the others, as long as they hear about brother and sister, they will be very happy! You played with them all day long, and hugged and kissed them since the dragon eggs. What are they doing? Willing to forget!"

"Great!" Toner said happily, "I'll have fun with them when they come back later. By the way, where are grandpa and grandma? Are they still living in the back hall?"

Yu Chengdie smiled and replied, "They're all here! Hurry up and say hello to the old man, they're also talking about you three all day long."

Toner responded, and flew to the apse like a little butterfly.

After a while, she flew out, snuggled up to Niangqin and Mo Heijian, and talked about her progress in retreat.

Mo Heijian nodded appreciatively: "That's great! We fans have been diligent in practicing kungfu since we were young, so you don't need me and your mother to worry about it at all."

When Toner heard this, her pretty face couldn't help but blush, and her eyes dodged for a moment.

She turned to look at Yu Chengdie, and asked with a smile: "Mother, have you sent a letter to Aunt Yushi recently? Are she and Immortal Xuanshang doing well? Do you still live in Xuanlin Peak?"

Yu Chengdie replied with a smile: "Yes, we will send one in a few days. She recently went to the Wildland with Immortal Xuanshang, saying that she wanted to see the number of crazy beasts. If possible, she would like to open the Wildland in advance."

"Then..." Toner blinked her eyes and said in a low voice, "What about Brother Liangfeng? After he came out of the wild continent..."

"Oh!" Yu Chengdie replied with a smile: "After attending the wedding of the fifth child and Baili Aofeng, he took the sixth child to retreat."

"So..." Toner's big twinkling eyes couldn't hide her disappointment, and she muttered, "So he went to retreat, so when will he come back?"

Yu Chengdie shook his head and explained: "I don't know exactly when. I heard from your Aunt Yushi that she has sent a letter to urge the two brothers, because he still needs his help in matters in the wild land."

"Really?" Mo Fen'er's eyes flashed suddenly, and she took the hands of Yu Chengdie and Mo Heijian, and said, "Our family will also go to the Wild Land, okay? Let's go now! Since the Wild Land is about to be opened, Let's go in and take a look!"

Mo Heijian rubbed her head lovingly, and said: "Your mother is about to give birth, with such a big belly, you can go out wherever you want. You have finally formed an alchemy and advanced, so you should stay at home and recuperate for a while. Daddy will take care of you." Your mother, the younger brothers will depend on you to take care of them."

Toner frowned when she heard this, and then smiled.

"Daddy...I want to go out...I have something to do. Can you wait for me to finish my work before going home to help take care of my brother?"

Mo Hei was slightly stunned, and asked, "What's wrong? Didn't you just leave customs? What's the matter?"

Yu Chengdie also looked at her daughter curiously.

Toner blushed, her big eyes were so embarrassed that she didn't know where to aim.

"It's just...something...I promised someone before, and now I have to fulfill...the promise."

Mo Hei let out an "oh" and said, "Since there is a promise first, then you go ahead and do it. To be a human being is to keep your word, and it's the same reason for us to be a dragon."

Toner jumped up and said happily: "Then I'll go and pack my things now, and I'll go out after I tell my grandpa and grandma!"

As soon as the words were spoken, she flew out like a little butterfly.

Yu Chengdie looked at Mo Heipan, and asked suspiciously: "This child, why did you think about going out just after you came back?"

Mo Heijian smiled, hugged her and said, "The child is grown up, so she naturally has her own ideas. I saw her eyes dodge, as if she didn't want to tell us the truth. As parents, we should also respect her ideas. Since If she doesn't say anything, we don't have to ask."

"It's just..." Yu Chengdie hesitated, and asked, "Will it be dangerous to go out?"

Mo Heijian shook his head and explained: "How could it be dangerous? The Six Realms have been peaceful and Anshun for so many years, and even the chaotic world of cultivating immortals has become more stable. Besides, the child has already formed an alchemy, so we have to have confidence in her."

After hearing this, Yu Chengdie finally felt relieved.

After staying at home for more than a day, Toner hurriedly flew out of the deep sea.

Yu Chengdie looked at the pink figure of her daughter Feiyuan, and murmured: "She said she was going to the Wild Continent, I think it's better to send a message to the little master, or the fourth child—ah! How could I forget! "

Mo Heijian raised his thick eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong? What did you forget?"

"Fourth brother! He even left a present for Fen'er!"

(End of this chapter)

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