I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1345 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener

Chapter 1345 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener ([-])
Suddenly, a somersault cloud floated from the south, on which stood two tall and handsome men with fluttering robes.

"Ah! It's my brother and the others!"

Xuan Yao'er was so excited that he quickly flew forward, raised his hands and shouted, "Fourth brother! Sixth brother!"

Ren Xiaoyao also saw it, and pulled up the daughter on somersaulting cloud with his big hands, and rushed forward.

"You two brothers-in-law! Long time no see!"

The somersault cloud under Xuan Liangfeng's feet stopped suddenly, and the two brothers greeted him with smiles.

"Big sister! Big brother-in-law!"

Xuan Yao'er rushed forward and hugged them both affectionately.

"Fourth, you haven't changed at all! Sixth, you've grown stronger—ah! You've also formed a pill! That's great!"

The sixth brother smiled and replied: "Thanks to the help of the fourth brother, I advanced very quickly! The fourth brother also assisted me with the spiritual objects found in the wild continent, helping me to form alchemy smoothly at the age of 25."

Xuan Yao'er nodded appreciatively, and explained: "Someone helps to carry it, and the effect is naturally the best. The fifth younger sister has been recuperating for a few years because she was pregnant with a child. Fortunately, her father and mother went to help her, and brought a lot of Lingbao to help her. , and finally allowed her to form a pill at the age of 28."

"That's not too slow!" Xuan Liangfeng explained: "The physiques of the few of us are extremely good, as long as we provide a little assistance, we will definitely advance quickly."

Xuan Hengyuan looked at the little girl in Ren Xiaoyao's arms with a smile, and asked, "Brother-in-law, is this our niece Bao'er?"

Ren Xiaoyao smiled triumphantly, asked his daughter, and coaxed: "Call uncle! Both of them are your uncles!"

Ren Baoer blinked her big eyes and shouted crisply: "Uncle Four! Uncle Six!"

Mother often told her that she had two uncles who had gone to retreat for many years, and she hadn't had a chance to meet them yet!

Xuan Liangfeng smiled and nodded, his eyes were gentle.

Xuan Hengyuan smiled, stretched out his big arms to hug his niece, and coaxed softly: "Little Baoer, you should be seven years old today, right? Have you started practicing? How far can you fly?"

Ren Bao'er grew up in the Cangbei Manor since she was a child, and she was not afraid of strangers, so she told the sixth uncle one by one.Xuan Hengyuan kept teasing her, the little nephew giggled, and fell in love with this handsome and cheerful uncle all of a sudden.

Xuan Liangfeng was talking to the eldest sister, explaining: "A while ago, my sixth brother and I both went to retreat. Because it was a closed retreat, we didn't receive the letter from our parents in time. Later, my younger brother left the retreat first. After reading Send a message and come to me. We rushed over together."

Ren Xiaoyao explained from the side: "Your parents have been traveling all over the world for these years, going to several realms, occasionally staying for a few months, and sometimes just a few days, living a comfortable and nourishing life."

"By the way, your mother wanted to eat blood swallows a while ago, and your father even took her to the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Realm to look for them. Anyway, if your mother wanted to eat, he would take her to the most abundant place to find the taste."

Xuan Liangfeng smiled and replied: "Father and mother have always had a strong relationship, and this situation is very normal. They mentioned in the letter that they wanted to check the reduction of mad beasts in the Wild Continent, and then they wanted to go back to live in Xuanlin Peak. for a while."

Ren Xiaoyao said "Oh!", and asked in surprise, "Are these two guys finally tired from playing? Are you really willing to go back to Xuanlin Peak?"

Xuan Yaoer glared at him coquettishly, and said with a smile: "Father and mother are not children, they can go wherever they want! Xuan Linfeng is our home, and they will go home sooner or later!"

"What about the Wild Continent?" Ren Xiaoyao asked, "Didn't you say that the Wild Continent will be opened? Didn't everyone agree to live in the Wild Continent?"

Xuan Yao'er was slightly stunned, and replied with a smile: "Then can't we have two families? Look at us now, isn't the devil world easily divided into two parts?"

"That's right!" Ren Xiaoyao hugged his wife happily, and said with a smile, "We will also go to the wilderness to settle down in a while, and maybe we can divide it into three parts in the future!"

Xuan Liangfeng smiled and said: "My mother said that if the wild land is opened, there will be no restrictions. Anyone who likes can come in and out freely."

Xuan Hengyuan, who was playing with his niece, interjected, "Our family can also build a big manor over there, just like the big manor here, as a gathering point."

Ren Xiaoyao patted him on the shoulder and praised with a smile: "This idea is good! Others will definitely agree with it!"

Xuan Yao'er suggested: "Fourth and sixth brothers, are you tired from flying all the way here? It's getting late now, why don't you stay here to rest, and enter the wild land early tomorrow morning. My sister sent a letter to my parents Just say it, and ask the servants to tidy up two clean rooms for you."

Xuan Hengyuan asked and looked at his elder brother, seeing him nodding his head calmly, he answered in a low voice, he was very happy, raised Bao'er high, and said: "Uncle Six will play with you!"

"Wow! Haha...!" Ren Baoer yelled and laughed happily, and went to play with Xuanheng Yuanfei.

Ren Xiaoyao took the fourth child to visit the newly built home in the Demon Realm, and didn't come back until very late.

Xuan Yao'er sent his younger brother to his room and explained: "Lao Liu lives next door to you. He played crazy with Bao'er earlier, so he probably fell asleep."

Xuan Liangfeng smiled and said: "It's okay, let him have a good rest, I'll call him to get up again tomorrow morning." "

The siblings said good night, and Xuan Yao'er left.

Xuan Liangfeng entered the room, washed and changed his clothes briefly, and lay down on the big bed.But for some reason, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Thinking in my heart, it might be because I have been in seclusion for a long time and I am not used to sleeping in bed.

He simply got up and meditated, but after half an hour, he still couldn't fall asleep.

Suddenly felt a little upset, stopped meditating, stood up, and saw a huge hollow carved window at the back of the large room, and stepped forward.

Leaning against the window, looking at the full moon in mid-air, my mind was inexplicably ups and downs.

I remember that it was also such a night, a soft little person lying in his arms, Nuo Nuo said: "Brother Liang Feng, I have a request... Can you promise me?"

"any request?"

"If I can form a human body, you can marry me as a wife, okay?"


More than 30 years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I don't know what happened to Xiaofenlong back then.

Before he went to retreat, he went to the deep sea to find her twice, but she went to retreat.I don't know if she is out of customs?Did she read the letter in that little box back then...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Many people said that he was like his father, and he was deserted.Except for the family members, Dad is very indifferent to everyone, and almost all his enthusiasm and tenderness are given to Mother alone.

Will he be like daddy in this regard?

He twitched the corner of his mouth as if mocking himself, and looked at the hazy night sky, silently.

Suddenly, a figure flitted across the moon sky and hurried past.

It was obviously a woman's figure, tall and slender, with slender limbs and fluttering dress.

(End of this chapter)

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