I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1346 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener

Chapter 1346 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener ([-])
Suddenly, a figure flitted across the moon sky and hurried past.

It was obviously a woman's figure, tall and slender, with slender limbs and fluttering dress.

He froze for a moment, watching that beautiful figure fly past in the moon sky——suddenly, a group of demons flew up and surrounded her.

This is a place in the devil world, if someone flies over in the middle of the night, the patrolling devil will naturally step forward to question him.

The woman seemed a little panicked, threw out a pink light, tapped her toes, flew up lightly, and quickly escaped from the encirclement of the devil.

pink? !

Who in this world can wield pink light? !

Xuanliangfeng frowned slightly, trying to think - in the Six Realms, except for people from the Xuanlin lineage who can wield mysterious light, most of the others are white light, and occasionally some are red light.

Dad said that the third brother-in-law wields blue light because of his special physique, but such a situation is rare, most of the Six Realms are white light.

Who is this woman?I don't know where the teacher came from, but he was able to radiate such a beautiful pink light?
He became interested all of a sudden, opened his eyes wide, and waited for her to strike again.

The devil surrounded her again, and seemed to be still talking to her.

The woman seemed a little panicked, she opened her mouth to explain to them, and pointed to the north.


Except for a small piece of forest, it is a barren continent.

All the barbarians living in the forest are isolated from the world, and no one knows any exercises.Then she refers to the wild continent? !
The devil seemed to be angry, and stepped forward to arrest her——

She escaped lightly, and the other hand waved a pink light.

It really is pink, with a lovely, crystal-like light, flashing across the moon sky, beautiful and clear.

The corner of Xuan Liangfeng's mouth raised slightly, feeling an inexplicable affection for this beautiful light.

When the devil besieged her, she coped calmly at first, with a graceful figure, but the devil's skills were not low, and there were many people, so she soon fell below.

Xuan Liangfeng watched and couldn't help but worry about her...

What's the matter?

Probably because of the pink beautiful light, he told himself.

The woman was also very smart, after she was at the bottom, she kept taking advantage of the gaps between the demon bosses' fights, and kept fleeing to the north.

While fighting hard, she kept dodging and running away.


She was hit by a demon in the arm, and she screamed.

Xuan Liangfeng suddenly felt a little frightened—why does that voice have an inexplicable familiarity? !

who is she? !

He knew this voice intuitively!
The next moment, his tall body lightly flashed out of the window, tiptoed, and flew into the air at high speed.

After Toner left the deep sea, she galloped all the way in the direction of Cangbei.

Thinking in her heart that she would see brother Liangfeng as soon as possible, she couldn't bear to rest at all.When you are tired, take a break, drink some Yulu, and continue to set off again.

Although the night fell for a long time, she still couldn't bear to stop.

According to her flight schedule, she might reach the Wild Continent tomorrow morning.

Very good!
I can see brother Liangfeng tomorrow!
Unexpectedly, she was flying well, suddenly a group of strangely dressed people flew up from below and surrounded her.

Instinctively, she vigilantly waved a beam of light to escape their encirclement.

Maybe it was the wrong person, she should fly away quickly.

Unexpectedly, just as she flew away, the other party surrounded her again!
Toner panicked and looked at the demon who surrounded him again, and was taken aback!
Who are these people?Why block your way?What are they going to do?
She grew up in the back peak of Xuanlin Peak, and later went to the deep sea, where the environment was safe and secure.

This was the first time for her to go out by herself, and she flew safely for two or three days, and the weather was calm along the way, so she relaxed.

I heard from my father that as long as you pass the Cangbei Manor, you will be in the Wild Continent in the future.

Seeing that she was flying more than half of the way, and the journey was safe and sound, why did these people suddenly appear?
Toner stared at them vigilantly, with panic in her big eyes, and asked, "Who are you?! What are you going to do?"

The devil was a little surprised to see her alone as a woman going out in the middle of the night.Hovering in the middle of the night in the Demon Realm, rape or robbery is definitely not a good thing.

"You woman—where did you come from? What are you doing in our manor in the Devil Realm?!"

Toner was stunned: "The manor in the devil world?"

It suddenly occurred to her that her father and mother had told her that the Cangbei Manor was divided into four parts, shared by the demon world, the underworld, the demon world and the human world.

Dad once joked that after the Cangbei forest was burned, it was divided up by Xuan Linfeng's sons-in-law!
She still remembers that her family used to come here to play when she was a child.

It turned out that the other party misunderstood that he wanted to break into their territory.

She quickly replied, "I'm not coming to your manor, I just happened to pass by."

After a pause, he quickly added: "I'm really just passing by. What I'm going to is the wild land behind."

When the demon bosses heard this, they were even more surprised—this person actually wanted to enter the wild continent? !
Except for people from the Xuanlin lineage, no one knew where the specific entrance to Manhuang was.This woman is clearly not a fairy or fairy boy from Xuanlin Peak.

The little princess's sisters all got married one after another, and occasionally came to the manor to get together, and they all looked alike.

The woman in front of me is definitely not the sister of the little princess!
"Little girl, you want to lie! Be tender!"

Toner frowned and said loudly, "I'm not lying! I'm really just passing by!"

There is a faint yin energy about these people, and this is the territory of the devil world, so they should all be devil heads.

Their skills are not low, and they have a lot of people, but they have only one person. If there is a conflict, they will definitely not benefit.

Toner thought to herself, and felt that she should explain clearly to them to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Seeing her sophistry again, the demon bosses took out their weapons one by one, and said coldly, "Little girl, don't lie! What are you doing here? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame us for being rude!"

Toner quickly waved her hand, and raised her voice, "I came from the deep sea. I'm going to the Wild Continent to find someone. I didn't come to your land on purpose to make trouble."

The devil glared at her, and shouted loudly: "How dare you argue again! There is no one in the wild land, and you actually said that you are going to find someone! This woman came here in the middle of the night, talking nonsense, she is obviously not pure in her mind! Arrest her!" Get up, and deliver it to Elder Min!"

Toner was taken aback, seeing their aggressiveness, she quickly dealt with it.

There are so many of them, and they are quickly at a disadvantage.She kept running to the north, but they pursued her and attacked her hard——

The arm is hurt!
She cried out in pain, covered her arms and fled north!
Those devils caught up again, threw dozens of weapons, and attacked her ferociously!

She dodged left and right, and her arm was injured again. Seeing that those sharp weapons were very sharp——

She gritted her teeth and changed her original shape!


She flicked the dragon's tail and shook those sharp weapons away!

Those monsters were taken aback!

It was a pink dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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