I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1371 Extra Story - Happiness

Chapter 1371 Extra Story - Happiness
"But..." The little boy scratched his head and muttered, "Grandma hasn't given birth yet, so the baby she will give birth to must be younger than me. Am I my brother?"

This? !

Da San and Xuan San'er looked at each other, there were many black lines on their foreheads.

"I suddenly understood why my mother was embarrassed-because it sounded really messy. If my mother gave birth to a younger sister or younger brother, then our three children would have to call them aunt and uncle, but their ages were obviously Bigger than aunt and uncle."

Junior laughed, and finally turned into a big laugh.

"If Fat Dun'er from the eldest brother's family and Mo'er from the second brother's family both meet someone they like, get married and have children, then there will be an extra generation of people, and the younger generation will be about the same age as my aunt and uncle— Puff haha!"

After hearing this, Xuan San'er couldn't help laughing.

"Okay! Don't make trouble here--but I think it's quite funny when I think about it myself!"

Junior put away the letter and said with a smile, "I'll ask the people below to prepare some fresh fruits and send them to Xuanlin Peak quickly."

"Then remember not to reveal the trap, didn't daddy tell us to pretend we don't know? You tell the little demon who is going to keep his mouth shut."

"Understood, let's say it's a new variety and let them try it out. Little Shitou likes to eat fresh fruit, and he's definitely not going to have a great appetite when he's pregnant. We'll let the little demon run a few more times in the past few months and send more over there."

"Hee hee... I don't know if mother will give birth to a younger brother or a younger sister this time? I'm going to be an older sister again!"

"Whether you are a younger brother or a younger sister, you are an older sister anyway."

"Mother! I'm going to play with my little aunt and uncle! Okay?"

"Of course!"


Mortal world, Shangjingcheng
Xuan Ke'er and Baili Aofeng also received the news, and they were talking to the messenger.

"Xuan Shangxian is still so considerate of Xiao Yushi! Look, the lines are full of favors, not allowing this of us, not allowing that of us—anyway, they are protecting Xiao Yushi!"

"Hey! It's not a one-time thing that fathers love mothers. It's nothing unexpected! Brother Feng, I'm going to be an older sister again! Haha! The sixth child must be happier than me. He always said that the youngest is not good. Now he has to I have fulfilled my wish, and I can finally become an older brother!"

Baili Aofeng saw the person in his arms smiling like a flower, and couldn't help pinching her pretty nose affectionately.

"Xuan Shangxian still looks so young, he doesn't look old at all. Xiaoyushi has formed alchemy since he was a teenager, and his appearance is even more petite. The two of them will definitely have more children. Why don't you worry about not having a sister?" .”

Xuan Ke'er pouted at him coquettishly, and muttered: "I am slow to form alchemy, and I seem to be much older than my mother..."

"Nonsense!" Baili Aofeng said softly, "In my heart, you are still the little girl you were back then. I only formed alchemy when I was in my 20s. If you are old, then won't I be much older?"

"Haha... Our children are so slow in cultivation, it may take longer for them to form alchemy."

"They were born in the royal family, and their cultivation should be to strengthen their bodies. They don't have to be too demanding. If possible, find an opportunity to send them to Penglai Xiandao to stay for a few years, so as not to be pampered at a young age. It's not good."

"That's right! My mother also hinted to me last time, try not to let the children grow up in a doting and too favorable environment, otherwise it will be bad for their growth."

"Don't worry, I made arrangements early in the morning. Your parents and you both adopt popular education, how can I let our children live in a good place!"

Xuan Ke'er glanced outside and said with a smile: "Although Lord Wufeng is over sixty years old, he looks energetic, healthy and healthy. Every time my mother comes over, she always calls him 'Brother Feng'. A few days ago, my father passed on a few elixir for nourishing the body, and asked me to pass it on to him."

Baili Aofeng smiled and said: "Wufeng is the body of a mortal. Your mother even cried secretly, saying that he would grow old and even die. She couldn't bear it. Immortal Xuan put her arms around her and explained that Wufeng had been taking medicine to strengthen his body. If you insist on drinking Yulu and exercising your body, you will be able to live for 200 years without any problem.”

"That's right! The relationship between him and Mrs. Lian'er has been the same for decades, and the two of them are on good terms! Although it's a pity that they don't have any children, they support each other and their relationship has always been very strong."

"Wufeng once told me in private that he has no regrets in this life. Even if he can't cultivate immortality, but his life is so fulfilling and beautiful, it's not in vain for him to live it again."

"very nice……"

"I have you, and I have no regrets in this life. Ke'er, thank you—you are the best gift that God bestowed on me Baili Aofeng."

"Brother Feng..."

The two hugged each other intimately and smiled happily.

deep sea, little palace
Mo Heijian held several dragon eggs in his arms, kissed them one by one with a smile, and kissed them again.

Yu Chengdie saw it from the other side, and said coquettishly: "You are enough! What are you doing holding them all day! It will be at least ten or twenty years before they hatch, why are you nervous?!"

"Hehe... Don't I like children? See how their aura is so similar to yours—I guess this time they are all Cangbei Shenlongs!"

After hearing this, Yu Chengdie smiled happily.

"That's good! I also think it's time to look like me this time!"

She looked outside and asked with a smile, "Why didn't you see Liang Feng and Fen'er today? How many of them are Mo Si, are they still with them?"

These days she is in confinement, Mo Heijian is busy taking care of her, Fen'er and Liang Feng are watching the little dragons practicing.

"Oh! I just said that I received a message and wanted to go out to find something, and the two of them flew out hand in hand. Mo Si and the others were tired from playing and fell asleep next door!"

"Hee hee...!" Yu Chengdie laughed lowly, and said in a low voice, "The two are inseparable at all, and can't be separated for a moment!"

Mo Heijian laughed, put down a few dragon eggs, hugged her and kissed her.

"Aren't we the same? Children will naturally follow us!"

"What are you talking about!" Yucheng Diejiao glared at him, and said: "Liang Feng is like Xuan Shangxian, although he is colder, but his heart is warm. Look at how kind he is to our fans these days! I can see it even I'm all envious!"

"Tsk tsk! Look at what you said!" Mo Heijian put his arms around her neck and kissed her hard.

"We are all old couples, how can I treat you badly?! Why do you envy children?! Hmm?!"

Yucheng Diejiao pushed him away with a smile, and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about! I think Lianfeng is like Xuanshangxian, who will pamper us fans in every possible way. I'm so happy!"

Mo Heijian laughed, and nodded in agreement: "That's right! Fairy Tong Feng is indeed very similar to Immortal Xuanshang. In the future, he can pamper his wife as well as Immortal Xuanshang. We can rest assured that we will entrust our daughter to him."

Yu Chengdie smiled lowly, leaned into his ear and said, "My little master sent me a letter a while ago, saying that he will marry our fan'er as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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