I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1372 Extra Story - We 1 Will Be Happier

Chapter 1372 Extra Story - We Will Be Happier

Yu Chengdie smiled lowly, leaned into his ear and said, "My little master sent me a letter a while ago, saying that he will marry our fan'er as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Mo Heijian put his arms around his lovely wife and said happily: "Our family hasn't held a wedding for a long time! Take this opportunity to do it well! We are only a daughter of Fen'er now, so we can't wrong her! We must prepare for her!" The richest dowry, let her marry in a splendid way!"

"Hey..." Yu Chengdie couldn't help laughing, and said: "My little master and I have been sisters for decades, how can she pay attention to these external things! Besides, how can people in Xuanlin Peak lack treasures and spiritual things!"

Mo Heijian shook his head, and explained with a smile: "You don't understand! Fen'er is our precious daughter. She has grown up now, and she is a cute and obedient elf. As parents, we don't mean that when a daughter grows up, she should get married. Climbing for in-laws—but hoping for more people to love her and love her."

"At first, when I saw her come back from forming a pill, I thought in my heart that someone would introduce some reliable people to marry her nearby so that she could live by our side forever. But I never expected that she would marry Liangfeng Fairy Heart to heart!"

"Haha...! You are half of Xuanlin Peak, and they are also childhood sweethearts, and they are even more intimate! You don't even know that after hearing the news, the father and mother laughed from ear to ear, and they were so happy Can't sleep!"

"They said that Xuanshangxian's family has done a great favor to our family, and we fans must repay our family well - after hearing this, I laughed and explained to them that Liangfeng Fairy loved us Fen'er is like a baby, how can she ask for anything in return! The two old people are very happy after hearing it!"

Yu Chengdie smiled softly, and explained: "The little master also said that we are getting closer. She and Xuan Shangxian have always liked Xiao Fen'er. She said that her daughter married five times, but the two sons are not even close. None of them have ever married, luckily the elder son has already found a lover. She wished to marry Faner as soon as possible, so that Xuan Linfeng would also be excited. She said that the marriage should not be delayed, try to set it within these two months."

"Well... two months should be enough!" Mo Hei said: "I will urge Mo Yun and Mo Cang later, and let them tidy up quickly and come back to attend my sister's wedding."

Yu Chengdie chuckled lovingly, and said: "Yes! Our family hasn't had a happy event for a long time, so we should take this opportunity to have a good time and make the father and mother happy too!"

Speaking of the eldest son and the youngest son, the two chatted again.

"...When Mo Yun and Mo Cang went looking for sea ginseng, they accidentally ran into little Ke'er. They were seriously injured, and both of them were unconscious, but they groaned 'Sister Ke'er'. At first I Still a little worried..."

"You mean that they...can't treat Xiao Ke'er?"

Mo Heiyan sighed, and said in a low voice: "They seem to have such a misunderstanding. Later, I explained to them that Xuan Shangxian had already agreed to Baili Aofeng's marriage proposal before Xiao Ke'er was born. She was born with The person who is destined to be Baili Aofeng does not belong to anyone else, let alone the two of them."

"Then... what did they say? Why haven't I heard you talk about this?" Yu Chengdie frowned and said in a low voice, "No wonder I found that they looked sad and unhappy in the few days after they came back—— I thought it was because of the injury at first!"

Mo Heiyan patted her on the shoulder, and said softly: "It's okay, I explained to them that they only have the feeling of a brother to a sister to Ke'er, a sense of familiarity. They all figured it out later, saying that her They only have Baili Aofeng in their hearts and eyes, they didn't want to penetrate at all, they just felt a little regretful."

"Oh... that's good!" Yu Chengdie frowned and said in a low voice, "It's all my fault that I didn't find out about it! It's all my fault!"

"Hey!" Mo Heijian rubbed the top of her hair, and coaxed: "If you didn't go with me, it's not easy to find out. Besides, young people come and go quickly. If you haven't invested in feelings, you will naturally accept them." It's faster. They'll be fine after a while, didn't they practice hard and retreat later? Don't worry! The children are not confused, knowing that Xiao Ke'er is not what they can expect, they just feel it's a pity."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Actually, at that time, I felt it was a pity in my heart. Although I urged them to practice hard and find their own beloved in the future, I felt in my heart that if I could get married with Xuan Linfeng, it would be a great thing! Our children Still no luck!"

He gestured to the outside, and whispered: "Unexpectedly, when things turned around, we married Xuanshangxian's family-this proves that our Mo family and Xuan Linfeng are really destined! Haha...!"

Yu Chengdie also laughed, leaning on his shoulder, and said softly: "Yes! I heard from my little master that after some time, the wild land will be opened. She said that their family said they would go there to build a university. The manor, I also think it's pretty good. If the time comes..."

"We're going to build it too!" Mo Heijian laughed and said, "The Wild Continent is full of auras, and spiritual things are everywhere, not everyone can get it! Let's save face with Immortal Xuan and the others, and build a small manor there too. , and then the whole family moved to live there!"

"Really?!" Yu Chengdie almost jumped up with joy, and said, "I knew you would agree! I told my little master that we will be neighbors then!"

"Haha...! My in-laws have already done it, and I still want to be neighbors...haha!" Mo Hei said: "We have lived in the deep sea for so many years, and it is time to change the environment. I see that the little dragon eggs are all Your breath, they are more suitable for living on land in the future. It will be better for them if they can go to the wild continent!"

Yu Chengdie couldn't help nodding, with tears in his eyes: "It's a pity that the Cangbei Forest is gone... Otherwise, I would like to take them to live there for a while."

"Little insect, don't be sad." Mo Hei coaxed: "As long as we are together, we can go wherever we want. In the past, the Cangbei Forest and the Wild Continent bordered each other, and there are many similarities. I believe that if we In the past, you're bound to get used to it and love it there."

Yu Chengdie thought for a while and said, "It's just that the father and mother like the deep sea..."

"It's okay!" Mo Heixan smiled: "They will like the Wild Continent. If they can't get used to it, we'll send them back."

"That's good." Yu Chengdie put his arms around his neck, eyes full of longing: "We will live together with the little master, and the big guys will be familiar with each other, how wonderful! As long as I think about it, I can't help being happy... "

"En." Mo Heijian nodded, and kissed her fondly.

"We will definitely be happier and happier in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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