I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 280 His Heart Is Hot For Her Only!

Chapter 280 His Heart Is Hot For Her Only!
Xuan Wuchen explained in a low voice: "Yes, we do need some ancient materials."

He pointed to the mountain in the distance, and said: "That mountain is called Yinggui Mountain. It is said that when the world was created, the gods left behind a mirror called the Kunlun Spiritual Realm. A divine eagle and a spirit turtle in ancient times turned into I left this Yinggui Mountain to protect this spiritual realm for the gods."

"The gold material we need belongs to the streamer. Among the light and shadow, the spiritual realm is the highest."

"Gold material?" Yushi couldn't help asking: "We don't need the five materials of gold, wood, water, earth and fire, do we?"


Under normal circumstances, the five elements appear together, and it is by no means her confusion.

Xuan Wuchen looked at her appreciatively, and said: "That's right, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are the most basic materials. I heard from your ancestor that our ancestors used the purest basic materials in the world, gold, wood, water, fire and earth." The soil is different, and it is decomposed and melted with extremely strong mysterious light, sealing the entire central area of ​​the barbaric area, and then filled and reinforced with the mysterious light barrier."

Nima!Really got it right!
Yushi grinned, and said, "So if we want to repair, we must use these five materials, and we must imitate the method of our ancestors."

Xuan Wuchen nodded.

Yushi blinked and asked again: "Master, how many pieces have you found in total? Besides Momoo's horn, what else did you find?"

When talking about the bull's horns, she deliberately lowered her voice, and glanced at the big black bull in front of her.She hadn't forgotten that when that guy found out that the horns were gone, he made a big fuss in Hades Palace, and even his owner was tortured so badly!

Therefore, she should be careful and be kind, and don't let the big black bull listen to it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to everyone.

Xuan Wuchen replied: "The horns of ancient beasts are made of earth. In addition to its horns, we also found fire stones, which are made of fire."

Yushi pouted and muttered, "There are only two, so there are three more to look for!"

Xuan Wuchen said with a cold face, "In addition to the Kunlun Spiritual Realm, we also need water droplets from the fairy world and wooden pillars from the demon world. This Kunlun Spirit Mirror has been in the human world for many years, but it has never been known to the world. The ancestors agreed that winning the spirit mirror first would help us find the other two treasures, so we came here first."

Yushi looked at him apologetically, and said in a low voice: "Master, it's all my fault. I didn't take good care of myself, which made you and Master worry. If it wasn't for saving me—"

Xuan Wuchen shook his head lightly, interrupted her and said: "No, we have been wandering here, but we can't find the way to find it. We searched hard, and it was not enough. Your master watched the sky at night and guessed you I might be injured, so I set off to find you. Your master was also worried about you, so we went to Beihai together."

He stretched out his hand, touched the little head beside him, and said, "I still can't think of a way these days, even if I stay here, it will only be futile. Xiao Shi'er, I don't blame you."

The faint words carried a hint of eagerness to explain.Yushi listened, secretly sweet in her heart.Although Master was a little cold, his heart was hot.

Of course, his heart——can only be hot for her!With him like this, can she not be sweet and secretly happy?

As the long and large team approached, everyone could clearly see the mountain in front of them.I saw Wei Wei's majestic mountain in a slanted shape, with two obvious mountain protrusions, one large and one small, one high and one low, which seemed to echo each other.

Yushi looked at it carefully and said in surprise: "It looks like an eagle's beak and a tortoise's head, no wonder it's called Eagle and Turtle Mountain!"

Xuan Wuchen shook his head and explained: "It's not like, but there are really eagles and tortoises. Although they have turned into mountains, their spirituality is still there. Your master and I originally sensed that the spiritual realm is in the mountains, but we have not been able to find it. It is because of their obstruction."

Yushi was surprised again and again: "Wow! So miraculous?! It's turned into a mountain, and it's so sexy! Tsk tsk...Master, then we should clean them up first, and then look for the spiritual realm!"

A small somersaulting cloud flew over, and the little fairy nodded lovingly, and said: "My good disciple is really smart! Your master and I have been deceived several times, and we always suffer. The master also decided that we must get rid of these two masters first." Dude, otherwise the spirit mirror would be impossible to obtain."

Xuan Wuchen glanced at Dashan indifferently, and nodded slightly.

"It can only be so."

Yushi jumped up and shouted loudly: "Little friends, the treasure hunting operation has officially begun!"

Everyone laughed and flew down together.

Although the team is large, there are not many people who can really win the treasure.As soon as they arrived, Kawaii and Momoo went looking for spirit grass and wild flowers.Junior, on the other hand, carried the broom, found a stable corner, and swept the floor quietly in a daze.

Immortal Wuliang discussed with Xuan Wuchen, then flew away in a small somersault.

Yushi flew over, hugged the tall and straight man's strong waist, and asked coquettishly: "Master, I don't want to act separately from you!"

Xuan Wuchen looked at the tender white hands on his waist, reached out and squeezed them, and said softly: "No, I will be with you as a teacher."

He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard a pleasant voice of giggling behind him.

"Teacher, I will take you to the top of the mountain to find a way to decipher these two spirit beasts."

The two held hands and flew up to Yinggui Mountain.

The clouds and mist are faint and misty, the trees are tall and numerous, huge stones are scattered everywhere, weeds are tall, and gravel is everywhere.

Yushi murmured, "Master, is there anyone living around here?"

Xuan Wuchen said in a low voice: "The Kunlun Mountains belong to the territory of the Kingdom of Shu. There are some scattered hunters in the southern mountains, but there are no other areas. However, this Yinggui Mountain has a good aura because of the presence of spirit beasts and spirits. Those who come here for casual cultivation There are many monks."

"Loose cultivators?" Yushi asked again: "I heard that casual cultivators are extremely hidden, hiding in deep mountains and old forests with good aura everywhere, and some of them don't even come out of their caves for hundreds of years."

Xuan Wuchen gave a soft "huh" and said: "The world of casual cultivators is chaotic, and cultivators are brutally culled. If they get a spirit treasure, they will find a place to practice and retreat."

After a pause, he reached out and took her into his arms.

"Little Shi'er, when you meet casual cultivators outside, remember not to be soft-hearted."

Yushi thought of the many words the Xiangyang couple of the Lingshan School had taught him, and nodded timidly in his heart, agreeing: "Understood, Master. I will be careful."

Xuan Wuchen understands that she has a pure heart and never easily hurts people's lives.

Thinking about it, it didn't seem to be enough. He reached out and touched his little head, and said, "The insidious trick of the Blue Dragon in the South China Sea is a lesson. Xiao Shier, keep it in your heart."

Yushi's heart trembled, he still remembered the burning pain in his back at that time.

She clenched her fists and said, "Master, don't worry! Be ruthless if you want to. If someone offends me, I will never forgive you!"

Xuan Wuchen stretched out his hand to wrap his small fist, smiled and nodded.

The two circled around the top of the mountain again.

After half an hour, Yushi suddenly raised his head and asked, "Master, which part of Yinggui Mountain has the most spiritual energy?"

(End of this chapter)

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