Chapter 281

Xuan Wuchen stretched out his hand to wrap his small fist, smiled and nodded.

The two circled around the top of the mountain again.

After half an hour, Yushi suddenly raised his head and asked, "Master, which part of Yinggui Mountain has the most spiritual energy?"

The place with the most abundant aura is most likely where the aura of the condor and the spirit tortoise reside.If you start from these two places, it will probably be easier.

Xuan Wuchen frowned, understanding her intentions, and swung a strong mysterious light to envelop the whole mountain.Then, he observed carefully and slowly explored.

After a while, he said in a low voice: "The water stream in the north and a mountain depression in the southwest are the places with the most spiritual energy."

Yushi's big twinkling eyes slipped away for a moment, and he said happily: "Turtles like water, it is estimated that the spiritual power of spirit turtles is gathered in the water stream. That mountain depression should belong to the eagle!"

Xuan Wuchen glanced at her appreciatively, took his tender white hands and flew to the north.

The water is gurgling, the stream is rushing, winding down the mountain.

Yushi flew around along the stream and then flew back.Seeing the handsome and flawless man on the big tree by the bank, he waved to him.

Xuan Wuchen looked puzzled, flew to her side, and asked: "Little Shi'er, what's wrong?"

Yushi excitedly pointed to the bottom of the stream, and said, "Master, there is a barrier in the stream below."

"Enchantment? What kind of enchantment? Have you tried it?"

Yushi replied crisply: "I tried it out, it was a small enchantment, or it was created by two exercises together. However, I used the mysterious light to find out what was inside, but the mysterious light bounced back."

Xuan Wuchen thought for a while, and said: "Take me as a teacher and have a look."

The two flew down and approached the enchantment in the stream.Xuan Wuchen tried it, and it was really as Yushi said.

"Master, is this enchantment related to the spirit turtle?"

Xuan Wuchen shook his head, and said softly: "This enchantment was created by a water-based monster, and the age is not too long, only a few years."

"Water monster?! What could it be?"

Yushi looked left and right, and waved out a search mysterious light, scattered above the water flow.After a while, she stared in surprise—what's going on?
"Master, there is no living thing here, not even a small fish!"

Xuan Wuchen nodded in agreement, and explained: "Master, I also checked just now, and there are indeed no living things in the stream."

Yushi scratched his little head and murmured in confusion: "How is it possible? The environment here is not bad, the trees are growing well, and the stream is not poisonous. How could there be no small fish?"

Then, she pursed her lips, her face stained with disappointment.

"The water in this stream is clean and clear, and the fish must taste delicious. I originally planned to grab a few and roast them! Sigh... no luck again."

Xuan Wuchen glanced at her amusedly, saw the delicate little face full of disappointment, couldn't help but said: "I will bake it for you someday as a teacher."

After hearing this, Yushi smiled happily.

Master's barbecue skills are still very good - last time by the big river in the Cangbei Forest, the grilled fish made by Master was delicious!
"Master, but you promised yourself!"

Xuan Wuchen stared at her dotingly, and nodded.

The two started their hands, intending to test the enchantment under the stream——

Suddenly, a strange breath came from the front!

The next moment, two surging kung fu strikes towards the two of them.

Xuan Wuchen calmly made a defensive barrier, covering the two of them.

The two strikes of spiritual power disappeared in an instant!

Jade is not what it used to be now, and I sensed it all at once.

"Master, they are two monsters, both of which are close to alchemy cultivation."

Xuan Wuchen nodded appreciatively, and said, "Little Shi'er has improved."

Yushi immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile.Feeling the anxious breath coming from the other party, she fanned her nose slightly, and muttered: "A monster with a strong fishy smell..."

"Master, didn't you say that monsters with a human form above the alchemy can live in the demon world, and be ruled by the demon god Molo? These two are almost alchemy, and they can't be monsters in remote mountains, I don't know." The rules of survival outside, right?"

Xuan Wuchen has long been used to her strange thinking, and explained with a light smile: "Although the environment in the demon world is good, the laws are also strict. Some monsters are used to being free and easy, and they can't stand the control, so they will stay in various places. However, monsters who practice casually Just like casual cultivators, they are full of dangers and their status is low."

Yushi clicked his tongue twice and said with a smile: "Life is precious, freedom is more expensive! If it were me, I would rather be at ease and not be ruled by others."

Knowing disciple Mo Ruoshi, Xuan Wuchen naturally also knows her thoughts, said: "There are advantages and disadvantages, and there are losses and gains."

"Ah! The monster is coming." Yushi reminded him, blinking his eyes wide, and said with a smile: "A man and a woman, maybe they are still husband and wife partners!"

In the world of casual cultivators, double cultivators are very common.

One more person means one more helper. In the cruel casual cultivator world, living in partnership is much more important than living in partnership with several people.After all, when there are many people, there will be mixed hearts, and internal strife and internal strife will ensue one after another.

The young couple is different.First, the two sides help each other and understand each other more thoroughly.

Second, cultivation is something that goes against the sky, and it is extremely difficult for practitioners to have offspring.Living together, I also want to take the opportunity to reproduce one or two offspring for myself.

Xuan Wuchen was used to it, glanced at the small enchantment in the stream, and thought calmly.

Yushi stared closely at the person who came. The man and woman were wearing green robes, their hair was loose, their faces were dull, and their lips were thick and thick.

"Who are you?! Why did you break into our territory?" the male demon spoke first.

A pair of stunning men and women, both of them have extraordinary temperament, like angels.He couldn't see the cultivation base of the other party, he guessed that their cultivation base must be much higher than his.The tone that was meant to scold suddenly turned into a question.

While the male demon was speaking, the female demon was anxiously watching the stream, her face full of tension.

Xuan Wuchen kept a cold face and didn't answer, his whole body was filled with a cold aura, elegant but powerful.

The male demon secretly swallowed his saliva, looked at the stunning woman in his arms, and saw that she was smiling, and she was looking at the two of them curiously with her big black eyes shining brightly.

"You...what do you want to do?" The male demon's tone softened instantly, not daring to look at Xuan Wuchen, and asked Yushi respectfully.

Yushi asked with a smile: "Isn't this Yinggui Mountain? How did it become your site?"

In the world of casual cultivators, the treasure land with abundant aura is also the object of competition among monks.These two monsters must have been cultivating here for many years, and they have long regarded the mountain of the eagle and the turtle as their territory.

The male demon replied angrily: "This is ours! The whole stream is ours! You hurry up and leave!" Hearing the other party's rhetorical question, he immediately thought that they were here to grab the territory.

"Plop!" With a sound, the banshee jumped into the water and swam towards the small barrier in the stream.

(End of this chapter)

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