I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 289 Attracting bees and attracting butterflies, I can't learn it!

Chapter 289 Attracting bees and attracting butterflies, I can't learn it!

That end—no response!
Yushi's face was anxious, and he saw that the surrounding area was full of poisonous bees, and the mountain depression was very dark!

As soon as her voice transmission came out, the poisonous bees sensed it all at once, and flew back one after another, tightly surrounding her barrier!
No way? !

She was surrounded—or surrounded by a group of strange poisonous bees of unknown origin!
"Girlfriend, you came here because you wanted me to show you your bee-taming skills, right?"

I saw a man in a green robe floating gracefully, with a fluttering voice, and a white light glowing all over his body.

His voice came, and the sensitive poisonous bees flew up in a hurry, but found that it was a barrier of nothingness. They could shuttle through it. After circling for a while, they all retreated in embarrassment, and continued to linger outside the barrier of jade.

She rolled her eyes, put her hips on her hips and shouted: "Isn't he also surrounded by an enchantment? Why don't you surround him, but come to surround me!"

This is too unfair!Although she thought she was good looking, she couldn't stand such a crazy siege!The mutated poisonous bee - not only looks scary, but also has a very poisonous body!
Thinking of Moo Moo Cow's frenzied bumping her head, her heart--scared!

Ming obediently smiled, flew closer, and teased: "This king can't learn the skill of attracting bees and butterflies. Girlfriend, you probably look so good, even these strange bees picked you as a beautiful flower." !"

As expected of Pluto, with just one glance, he saw the strangeness of these bees.

When he returned to the underworld these days, he was so annoyed by a lot of trivial troubles that his head ached. He just wanted to take a break after dealing with them, but the ghost messengers reported a lot of them again.

He was about to growl, but at this moment he suddenly sensed Xuanshi's call, he smiled - and flew away lightly, leaving behind a light sentence: "My best friend finally found me! Goodbye!"

The ghost messengers looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, grimacing in mourning.

Huh... Lord Pluto is going to be lazy again!
Yushi couldn't understand his ridicule, gritted her teeth secretly, and smiled instead.

"It's well known that I'm good-looking. However, when it comes to charm, I can't compare to your big black bull!"

Ming smiled obediently, and Aojiao flicked his sleeves, and said: "That's natural, I don't want to see whose mount it is! My king's Momoo is the only one in the world, unique. Otherwise, your little golden dragon, I will not abandon my mother and master, and cling to my king's moo moo."

Uh—abandoning mother and master?Sticking? !
Only a shameless ghost like him, Ming obediently, can say such words that reverse black and white!

Yushi rolled her eyes and muttered: "I'll give you three points of color, and you can start a dyeing room!"

Thinking about the important thing, he pointed his finger and said: "Here! Your unique big black cow is crazy. I will inform you to come over, take it home and treat it well. In case it frightens our Kawaii, then You have committed a great sin!
Ming obediently was taken aback, turned around and turned her head——

Rolling his eyes angrily, he said angrily, "My dear friend, you miss me and want me to come and play with you, so just tell me! I'm not such an unreasonable ghost, why would I blame you? Crazy as an excuse?"

When Yushi heard this, he hurriedly swept out a mysterious light, and saw through it—Master and Moo Moo were gone!

No wonder Master didn't answer her voice transmission just now!It is estimated that he was afraid that the big black bull would hurt him, so he led it away.

I don't know what happened to Master?Will it hurt?Thinking of Momoo's extremely crazy appearance just now, she was very worried!After accumulating her dantian, she sent out another sound transmission.

Mingguaiguai was also at this time, waving a white light, and the wind gusts——

The giant poisonous bee on the barrier was just thrown away, then flew back after a while, and stuck tightly to it again.

Ming obediently frowned slightly, and said: "Girlfriend, I finally understand why you asked me to save you. These are not ordinary poisonous bees. Just wait a moment, let me try casting spells again." .”

The wide cyan robe was flicked vigorously, and the dark wind swept in like a whirlwind, and Yushi cast spells to restrain her figure, but the whirlwind was too strong, with hidden spiritual power, she was almost swept away!
The whirlwind came one after another, Ming obediently swept away all the poisonous bees one by one and swept them away!
Ming obediently and gracefully pulled up his sleeves, and hummed softly to someone whose limbs were stuck to the barrier, and his face was also stuck to the barrier.

"Okay, come out."

Yushi struggled to pull his face, "Go!", and finally broke away from the barrier.I worked hard to pull out my hands and feet, and finally fell off!

Nima!Skills are not as good as ghosts, only the possibility of being swept away!While pulling it, she secretly stared at the ghost who was neatly arranging her robes, who was aggrieved in her heart!
"Don't stare, if you practice for thousands of years, you probably won't be able to reach the realm of this king. Save some effort and practice hard."

The way of practice, the more difficult it is to advance.Especially after Nascent Soul, each step requires extremely difficult refinement.No matter how smart she is, no matter how hard she works, no matter how lucky she is, she will not be able to surpass Huashen herself all at once.

Yushi stopped staring, gritted his teeth, let go of his hands and feet.

"Hey! Don't look down on your best friend—the mountains don't turn around! One day I will..."

Ming obediently smiled and interrupted her, saying: "There is no such a day. This king is already in the late stage of transformation, and you are still in Yuanying. The gap between us is not ordinary! Besides, you are practicing, and this king is also practicing— —You can only always be behind this king.”

Yushi was also smiling, and stretched out his right hand, seemingly very casually, and gestured a few times in front of him.


Ming obediently turned pale!He almost forgot that she still has the Penglai Turtle Heart Talisman!

"Ghost honey, I still can't figure out how to use this. Or, let's try it."

Ming obediently gasped!

"No...no...the king is not free."

Yushi laughed even more, and said, "Once the tortoise is angry, it can be used. What you said just now was very successful in provoking my anger. If you don't try it now, when will you wait?"

Master said that it is most likely related to my mood swings.But until now, she still doesn't understand what the wave method is.It seems that you really have to try it, otherwise you don't know how to use it.

Ming obediently shook his head and shook his head.

"Don't try...Although you are a scumbag, this king is not angry with you, just don't laugh at you!"

Yushi hehe, hehe twice, said: "Don't be like this! Don't worry, this heart talisman can absorb spiritual power very quickly, and it won't hurt people's lives. Don't be afraid. I forgot, you are a ghost, and you will not die .bring it on--"

"Ah! Ah!" Ming obediently yelled, and finally begged for mercy: "My best friend Xuanshi, I don't dare to laugh at you anymore."

Yushi sneered, and slowly stretched out his hand to the top of his head——



Ming obediently pursed her lips, and muttered, "It's all too long..."

"Here we come! Look!" Yushi shouted.

Ming obediently rolled his eyes and hummed: "It can't be that fast..." Actually, it didn't hurt that much, Changbao just said casually, how could it be so fast.

Yushi yelled anxiously: "Your mad cow is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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