I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 290 Ghost Honey's Red Underwear

Chapter 290 Ghost Honey's Red Underwear

Ming obediently rolled his eyes and hummed: "It can't be that fast..." Actually, it didn't hurt that much, Changbao just said casually, how could it be so fast.

Yushi yelled anxiously: "Your mad cow is here!"

Ming obediently followed her line of sight, only to see a mysterious light flickering in the sky, a man in a snow-white robe flew gracefully, walking on the wind, he came to the mountain col in an instant.

The next moment, he flew over, scooped up Keren'er with his big hand, and waved his other hand to form a solid barrier.

The movement was like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it was completed in the blink of an eye, so fast that Mingguaiguai on the other side was stunned!
Xuan Wuchen said in a low voice: "Your Moomoo cow was poisoned and went mad. I took it around and searched for it several times, but couldn't find the place where it was poisoned."

Yushi stared in surprise, and hurriedly checked Master's body.A pair of big hands wrapped around her shoulders and comforted her, "Master is fine, but the Moomoo is in a worse condition."

Keren let out a sigh of relief!

Ming obediently took a deep breath!

The next moment, a huge black monster flew from the sky, "Ho Ho... Moo... How..." screaming, its body was covered with messy branches, leaves, weeds and lime.

Ming obediently was dumbfounded, and murmured: "No way? I did tell you not to pick wild flowers casually, but I didn't want you to fly around with branches and leaves all over your body!"

Yushi rolled his eyes, closed his mouth quickly, and explained Momoo's situation, and finally concluded: "I saw you coming, so I quickly sent a voice transmission to ask Master to bring it back. You are its master, so it is considered lost." Nature, more or less will listen to you."

Ming obediently looked at the big monster that was crazily crashing into trees and rocks, and said blankly: "I've lost my nature, how could I still listen to my king?"

Yushi urged anxiously: "Then think about it, is there something that can lead it back to its original nature... At least calm down first, let us find out where the poisonous bee stings, otherwise how can we save it!"

Ming obediently said "Oh" twice, and asked nervously: "Best friend, where is your little golden dragon? Hurry up and summon it!"

Xuan Wuchen replied softly: "It was put away by the Immortal Ben."

Ming obediently swallowed her saliva, and was about to signal her best friend to help persuade——

A fist strikes!


"Damn it! Use my kawaii as a shield! It was frightened by the big black bull! If it works as soon as it comes out, Master doesn't need to hide it! You don't need to come, stay here The underworld repairs your eighteen levels of hell!"

Ming obediently dared to be angry and dare not speak, while touching the big bag on his head, he was thinking.

"Xuan Shangxian, Momo, its whole body is as hard as iron. No matter how powerful those poisonous bees are, it is impossible to sting it—except for its stomach. Did you check its stomach just now?"

Xuan Wuchen shook his head lightly, and replied: "No."

Ming obediently nodded resolutely, and explained: "The lower part of Momoo's stomach is the weakest part of its body. My guess is that those poisonous bees happened to stung its stomach, which made it mad."

Xuan Wuchen and Yushi nodded, then looked at him expectantly.

Ming obediently felt a thump in his heart, his handsome face was really embarrassed.

Yushi stared wide-eyed and said, "It's your mount, of course you should mount it yourself! You should find a way to calm it down first, and then help it deal with the bee venom."

Xuan Wuchen reminded: "Ben Shangxian wanted to knock it out just now, but it was as hard as iron from top to bottom and full of sensitivity, so it was dodged away. Or - you divert its attention, Ben Shang Xian Zai can control it?"

After all, it is an ancient behemoth and the intimate mount of the majestic king of the world, its strength should not be underestimated.

Ming obediently thought about it, his handsome face turned red for the first time, and he said, "No...the king should have a solution. It's just...just..." He suddenly hesitated.

Yushi raised his eyebrows suspiciously, and asked, "My dear, what's wrong with you?"

Xuan Wuchen also raised his eyebrows, feeling very strange about his reaction at this moment.

Ming rubbed his hands obediently, extremely embarrassed, Jun blushed, and stammered: "Can... can you... please stay away for a while?"

After talking for a long time, he actually said such a sentence!

Yushi was dumbfounded, her small face was full of astonishment!
The big eyes are full of doubts - what is it?It will make the majestic Pluto, the always calm and indifferent dead ghost—shy for no reason!

She can tell—he must be shy, that blushes like something!
What exactly is it?She was so curious!

Compared with the little apprentice, Xuan Wuchen was much calmer, nodded obediently to Ming, and said, "Be careful."

Then, he started to untie the barrier, and flew away with jade in his arms.

Ming obediently swallowed his saliva secretly, looked left and right, and when he was sure that there was really no one else around, he finally acted.

"Moomoo! This king is here!"

The big black cow who was madly hitting a tree and hitting a rock turned around and stared at him fiercely, and the cow's nose couldn't stop blowing out!

The next moment, it lowered its head and bumped towards the man in the green robe standing with his hands behind his back!
Ming obediently looked at it calmly, stretched out his hand calmly, pulled off his belt calmly, and took off his robe calmly——

At the moment when the big black bull was approaching, the blood-red bull's eyes turned red!

With a loud noise, the big black bull fell to the ground, motionless.

Ming obediently glanced at it calmly, put back on his robe calmly...

Yu Shi, who was hiding in the dark, covered his mouth, desperately covering it, trying to cover it——wahaha!Wow haha! ! !Ha ha……! !

no more!She can't stand it!Really really can't take it anymore!

Until the pleasant voice sounded: "Laugh, this enchantment has a sound-proof effect for the teacher." The words gurgling like water, with a smile that could not be concealed, finally rescued a little apprentice who was about to suffocate himself to death——


She immediately laughed out loud, laughing like she was rolling over, and instead of covering her mouth with her hands, she covered her stomach.

"Haha...haha...Master, I can't do it...I'm about to die from laughing..."

Xuan Wuchen couldn't stop laughing, stretched out his arms and hugged her into his arms, letting her lean on his broad chest, panting with a smile.The big hand patted the little back, and said: "Don't laugh anymore..." Even though he said so, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be concealed.

"Master...I really...I want to stop too...haha...I can't stop...wahaha..."

Yushi felt that her tears were about to be laughed out!

Xuan Wuchen said: "Don't laugh, we have to go down to see how the Moomoo is hurt."

"Haha...Master... Ming obediently wears...red underwear...with a small flower embroidered on it...haha...haha...haha..."

Xuan Wuchen doted on her, and said: "Naughty! He made us avoid him..." After a pause, his eyes moved slightly, and he said in a low voice: "No one is allowed to look at it from now on, not anyone else."

(End of this chapter)

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