I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 291 What pattern is your underwear embroidered on?

Chapter 291 What pattern is your underwear embroidered on?

"Momoo fainted from his underwear, and probably won't wake up for a while."

A dull and slow voice sounded from behind, very kindly helping him to answer.

Ming obediently froze, the whole person was stunned, dumbfounded!The cold and handsome face turned pale, red, and completely black!
Uh—three black lines on Yushi's forehead.

How could she forget that the junior has been hiding behind them all the time!He was just afraid of those poisonous bees, and kept hiding in a certain corner.

She felt the icy atmosphere around Mingguaiguai stirred, confused, and became colder—swallowed, pretending that she didn't hear anything, her little head looked left and right, pretending to be very busy.

Junior untied the invisibility barrier, walked over slowly, gave the black-faced Ming obediently a thumbs up, and praised: "It's amazing!"

Yushi prayed secretly, almost crying!

In my junior year, I really wanted to shout: "You are dead!" I moved my little feet slowly, and moved slowly to hide from the master who was observing the bee venom in the corner.

Junior blinked, seeing that Mingguaiguai's face was ashen, staring at himself like gnashing teeth, he couldn't help but said, "What's wrong with you? I praised you! By the way, why is Momoo Hei Niu so afraid of your red underwear?"

Ming obediently tried to hold back—resisting the urge to split him into five horses with one palm, destroying the corpse and destroying the traces, holding back, holding back desperately, taking deep breaths and deep breaths.

The junior waited blankly, and waited blankly for a long time, but he didn't get an answer, so he had to walk away in embarrassment, and looked down.

"Isn't it just a red underwear with a small flower embroidered on it? As for being so mysterious, don't you let me know? I'd better go find my broom."

Mutterings, not too big or too small, in the quiet mountain col, slowly and clearly passed into everyone's ears.

The next moment, Ming obediently's sleeves fluttered——

"Ghost honey, I want to ask you something!"

The snow-white and lovely figure flashed and grabbed his sleeve.

"Uh...do you like grilled fish?"

Ming obediently looked at the junior who was looking for a broom with his head down, gritted his teeth and said, "This king likes to eat people."

Yushi hehe, hehe twice, said: "Ghost honey likes to scare people the most. However, this joke is quite funny! Hehe..."

Ming obediently snorted coldly, continued to stare at the junior, and said, "This king likes to scare people, and he likes to eat people more."

The next moment, his hand raised——

Yushi has sharp eyes and quick hands, immediately held his hand tightly, and said in a low voice: "There is something to discuss, big things can be turned into small ones, small things can be turned into small things!"

Ming obediently squinted his eyes, stared at the little junior, and said coldly: "No one can discuss it better. If the adults are small, the villains will be gone."

Yushi swallowed her saliva, her little face turned pale with fright.Hey, she also read it, so does she have to "make an adult into a child"?

Ming obediently moved her steps, and was about to shake off her little hand——

"Ghost Honey, I want to tell you something very important! Very important, very important!"

Ming obediently took a deep breath, and asked quietly: "What's the matter, tell me quickly."

He was still thinking about how to kill people and silence him, but he really didn't have time.If the person in front of him was his best friend, he might throw her to the sky!

Yushi leaned forward and whispered, "I also like to wear embroidered underwear."

Ming obediently froze, his dark face faded, a blush welled up, and most of his anger disappeared in an instant.

Yushi saw it and smiled secretly.

OK - it worked!

Mingguaiguai was a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, and said coldly: "Actually..."

Before it even started, a certain girlfriend started crackling, and her small mouth kept interrupting him.

"Actually, I think underwear embroidery is a very elegant and beautiful thing." Yushi nodded firmly, and explained seriously: "Our coats and robes are all worn for others to see. Our underwear is our own personal clothing. , except for those who are extremely close, and only we appreciate it."

"Only those who have good taste can understand the truth that when we dress ourselves, we should appreciate it by ourselves, and only those who have good taste can know how to decorate their underwear."

"You are the majestic Pluto, how can you dress casually? The outer robe is an elegant blue color, without any decorations at all. That's because your ability and status have long surpassed countless decorations!"

"But your high taste, your admiration for yourself - it is reflected in the importance you attach to your underwear. Like those who make dragons and phoenixes all day long and show them outside, it is because they are not confident enough, I don’t even know how to cherish and value what’s inside.”

"To sum up, my admiration for you is like a torrential river, endless and endless..."

Ming obediently frowned, slowly loosened and stretched.Until Yushi was about to start foaming, he finally raised his eyebrows and asked happily: "Really?"

Ke Rener nodded and nodded, sure and sure.

Ming obediently took a breath and said: "Actually, it was embroidered by my father himself. Because Moo Moo is an ancient giant beast with a cruel nature, I was often thrown to the ground by it when I was a child. My father is afraid that Moo Moo will go crazy. , hurt the king, and embroidered golden liaosi, which can make Moo Moo dizzy, on the king's underwear."

"If Momoo broke out wildly and cannot be persuaded, I just need to show Jin Liaosi to it, and it will faint for a day and a night. The incident happened just now, so I have no choice but to..."

"Wow!" Yushi clasped his hands together, enviously, and said loudly: "Your father is so kind to you! He even prepared this for you, what a good father! You are not bad! You can keep the underwear embroidered by father Wearing it close to your body is enough to show your filial piety!"

Ming smiled obediently, pulled up his robe, and asked curiously: "My bestie, is daddy..."

Yushi secretly wiped off the cold sweat, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Father is the king father."

Ming obediently recalled what she said carefully, narrowed her eyes with a smile, patted her on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Originally, this king has always hated wearing that underwear, but after hearing what you said just now, this king decided—— Wear it every day."

"Hehe...hehe..." Yushi laughed dryly twice, and secretly exhaled a big breath.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and saving the life of a junior, but she died a lot of brain cells!
Turning her head and glanced at the villain who was still looking for the big broom, she secretly groaned!He was still in a daze and didn't know what happened, not to mention the seventh-level pagoda, even a thank you would probably be a luxury!
Xuan Wuchen frowned slightly, Qingjun stood upright, and walked towards them calmly - Yushi saw it, and was about to pounce on it with a smile.

Ming obediently smiled and held her back, and asked curiously: "My dear friend, you just said that your underwear is also embroidered, so what pattern did you embroider?"


There are three black lines on the jade forehead.

The handsome man who came from behind paused, his handsome face turned black in an instant, and his eyes were as cold as ice.

 Good morning everyone!Today is still a million changes!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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