I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 322 Entering the forbidden area with demon makeup!

Chapter 322 Entering the forbidden area with demon makeup!

The forbidden area of ​​the demon world, at the corner of the gate.

The little fairy blew his beard and stared, and shouted in a low voice: "Disciple and grandson! Didn't you say that you want me to sleep? Why can't I sleep for a long time? Why don't you let the master sleep!"

"I'm coming!"

In the corner, a dressed-up black banshee jumped out.Next, a green male monster walked out stiffly with a sullen face.

In the end, a short little white demon chased after him with short legs.

Immortal Immortal stared wide-eyed, was stunned for a moment, and then gave a "puchi", covered his mouth and giggled.

Ming obediently rolled his eyes, and couldn't help muttering: "Girlfriend, what the hell idea did you come up with? Can it really work? According to the skills of the few of us, we can hit it in no matter what, why make it so ghostly? disgusting look!"

Immortal Wuliang covered his mouth and muttered to himself, "It's really disgusting...hehe..."

Ming obediently glared at him secretly, smiled helplessly, and covered his green face.

The little white demon looked down at his unbelievably white appearance, and slowly stretched out his hand to cover his face.

Yu Shi conjured up a simple stretcher by casting spells, and while he was busy, he muttered: "What kind of ghost is it, what nonsense! We just cover it up, and put more monsters on us, to hide the monsters in each level. Don't worry, You are definitely still a ghost!"

Ming obediently covered his face, and said in a muffled voice, "This king's first name is all ruined in your hands! Such a ghostly appearance of being a monster, and you still have to flaunt it everywhere... This king is dead! Instead of being a monster like this, Ghost or not, I might as well go all the way in!"

"Shut up! No matter how good your spiritual power is, no matter how many you have, you can't waste it like this! Besides, we are here to seize treasures, not here to seize the lives of demons." Yushi glared at him angrily, and pointed Pointing to the inside of the forbidden area, he said: "Estimate the outer perimeter, there are a dozen checkpoints, how long can you fight? How many kills?!"

Ming listened obediently, pursed her mouth, lowered her head obediently, and obediently did not speak.

Yushi leaned forward and murmured: "Monsters have lives, even if your underworld is so lacking in ghosts, don't be so anxious to recruit people! Be good! We are here to steal things and save people. Keep casualties to a minimum."

Seeing that a certain obedient finally nodded obediently, and her green face was no longer stiff, Yushi smiled and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "That's how you behave! Okay, obediently go and carry the stretcher."

A certain ghost nodded obediently, and immediately ran down.

The little white demon blinked blankly, and asked indifferently: "Little Shitou, what about me? What do I do? Can I sleep?"

"Of course not! Your responsibilities are huge. Sleeping and other things are all about pediatrics. How can it be your turn to be a good young man and a filial son, right?"

The little white demon was very excited, patted his chest, and said: "If there is anything important, leave it to me!"

Yushi's eyes narrowed into a smile, he patted his little shoulder, and said, "Okay, lift up the other end of the stretcher, let's go!"

The little white demon nodded heavily, and ran over.

"My dear disciple, what about me?! What about me!" Immeasurable Immortal hurriedly approached, waiting for the task to be assigned.

Yushi said: "Grand Great Patriarch, of course your old man has slept a lot! Go, lie down on that stretcher, and have a good sleep, that's all!"

Immortal Immeasurable nodded "Oh oh", and his small body immediately lay flat and fell asleep.

Yushi waved a mysterious light, turning the person on the stretcher into the appearance of Granny Mei, turned her head and asked, "Dear San, do you look like it?" Just now, she just glanced at Granny Mei hastily outside, so she had no choice but to ask Da San.

Junior stared blankly for a long time, shook his head slowly, and said in a low voice, "It doesn't seem like it, but it seems like it."


There are three obvious black lines on Yushi's forehead!
At the critical moment, she ignored the peculiar IQ of the junior year.

Ming obediently glanced at Granny Mei on the stretcher, and muttered, "It's almost there! She looks so old that she's going to hell, who would look at it so carefully! It's just...why doesn't 'her' have a demonic aura on her body?"

Yushi smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know in a while!"

So, the team was finally ready and set off.

As soon as they walked outside the gate of the forbidden area, a barrier as strong as a wall blocked them.

At this time, a group of monsters flew out. Seeing that they were of the same kind, they calmed down and asked, "What are you doing here! Don't you know this is a forbidden area? No one is allowed to enter or leave!"

The dark monster stepped forward, bowed his head and said: "Everyone, we have something important to do. Granny Mei...she is dying... woo..."

When the leader of the monster heard this, his face was surprised, and he hurriedly stepped forward, looking at the old man who was sleeping soundly on the stretcher, his eyes were filled with sadness.

"Really... it's Granny Mei... oh...!"

Granny Mei is the nanny of the big and small saints. She is very popular in the demon world, and many demons recognize her.

Yushi hurriedly hit the iron while it was hot, and whimpered: "The last wish of her old man is to see the Great Sage Aunt again when she is dying, otherwise she said...she will die with regret...The venerable demon god has personally agreed, let us Send her old man in."

The monster at the head sighed deeply, and said: "I understand." Then he asked: "Where's the badge?"

Yushi hurriedly handed over the waist card respectfully, the monster looked at it, threw the waist card up into the sky, and a red barrier was automatically untied.Then, he handed the waist badge back to Yushi.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Next, the stretcher team passed layers of checkpoints. With the waist badge, the journey went very smoothly.

Ming obediently murmured: "My dear friend, I finally know."

The monsters guarding the level are very familiar with Granny Mei on the stretcher, but they are very cautious about the monsters who followed them.If it weren't for the camouflage on their bodies and the strong demonic smell, they wouldn't be able to fool them at all.Instead, it was the Immeasurable Immortal on the stretcher, sleeping soundly, and no one suspected it.

Yushi blinked and laughed, "It's good to know!"

She pursed her mouth and lowered her voice: "There are hundreds of monsters on the outside. I guess there will be more on the inside, and the skills will be higher. Grandma Mei said that Moro's waist card is only valid on the outside, and the inside is only valid." No more."

Ming obediently frowned and said: "It seems that we still have to fight!"

A dull voice sounded: "No need, the Town Demon Tower has arrived, and my mother is inside, so I don't need to fight."


"Ouch! Master, why did you hit me?" The junior touched the big bump on his head.

Immortal Immeasurable stared at him, and said: "I haven't seen your mother yet, so I forgot my master! If you really see her in a while, I guess you forgot your name and surname!"

The junior scratched his head and answered seriously: "No! Only after I met my mother did I know what my surname is!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the faces of the people around him darkened and fell silent.

Yushi stepped forward and said, "Junior, let's go! We'll help you find your mother."

 Dear friends, read the article carefully, there will be more updates tomorrow!Strongly recommend the works of my friend Wan Wan——Traveling with humorous pet essays and strong female essays: "The Temptation of the Mad Wife: The Master Comes to Pick Up" is a story about a sparrow turning into a phoenix, abusing scum, and seeking a beautiful man to be her husband!Remember to collect it!

(End of this chapter)

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