I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 323 Mother and Son Recognize, Touching Tears

Chapter 323 Mother and Son Recognize, Touching Tears

On a wooded hill, a five-story tower stands tall.

The few people took off their demonic attire, somersaulted clouds on the tower, and flew up the mountain one by one.

The mountain was very quiet, and there was nothing unusual along the way.It wasn't until they came to the bottom of the tower that everyone jumped off the somersault cloud.

I saw that the surrounding objects were very old, and there was a decaying atmosphere permeating the air.The tower is gloomy and gloomy, and there is a faint evil spirit coming from it.




There was a sound of heavy objects hitting, and everyone walked into the tower in doubt.

I saw one by one in the prisons, one by one, all the monsters buried their heads in chopping things, their hair was disheveled, and they were in a panic, but they didn't dare to hesitate in the movements of their hands, and they were chopping desperately one by one.

"Huh? What are they doing?" Junior couldn't help asking.

Yushi and Ming obediently said in unison: "Chop firewood!"

In every prison, there is a big tree with strange shape, fangs and claws, with thick limbs and sprawling limbs.All the imprisoned monsters held their axes high and kept hacking and hacking.

The junior said "Oh" with some doubts on his face, but he didn't continue to ask.Just look left and right, looking for.

Yushi and Ming obediently looked at each other secretly, their faces darkened.

In fact, they all know this kind of tree, which is a very famous scary tree in the demon world.This tree grows very fast, and will devour the surrounding things from time to time.

The demons locked inside all understood that they could only stop at every moment, otherwise they might be swallowed up by the tree of terror in the next moment.Therefore, when the horror tree grows a section, they can only quickly cut a section.If they pause too long, the entire cell will be swallowed by the tree, including themselves.

The laws of the demon world have always been strict, and Moro is a well-known strict demon god. He treats major demon offenders who make mistakes strictly, and never tolerates them.

In the Demon Suppressing Tower, all the prisoners are recidivists from the demon world.It's just that they didn't expect that the detention and imprisonment were only the most superficial layer.There is no need for any monster guards here, let alone any punishment.

Because, the horror tree in each cell is the greatest torture and imprisonment for the prisoner's body and mind.They may be swallowed every quarter of an hour. In order to survive, they can only desperately cut down trees day and night.If you can't, you will perish in the belly of the terrible tree.

Yushi and Ming obediently dare not tell the truth to the junior, but only urge him to leave quickly.Immeasurable Immortals had already flown ahead, and among them, he was the only one who knew Sister Jingxin.

Junior clenched his fists, and kept looking around with his little head.It's just that the monsters in each cell are very busy, cutting down the trees with their heads down, even if they know that someone is walking in, they don't look up at all.

"Come quickly!"

The call of countless immortals came from ahead, and they all froze for a moment, and flew forward in unison.

I saw countless immortals flying outside the innermost cell, turning their heads to look inside, with an anxious expression on their faces.

"Come here quickly! She is the Holy Maiden of Meditation... But, she doesn't seem to be able to hear the call of the Immortal Venerable... You try to call out."

They saw that the cell was exactly the same as what they had seen before, and the monster inside was disheveled and in a mess, but judging from her shabby dress, she was a banshee.

Seeing that Junior was stunned, Yushi didn't urge him, and called out by himself: "Sister of Meditation! Holy Lady of Meditation!"

The banshee still had a frightened expression on her face, she moved her hands up and down, as if she didn't hear any words.

Ming obediently stared in surprise, waved his sleeves, and cast a spell to remove all blocking objects.Immeasurable Immortals also took action, sealing the terrifying tree with solid profound light.

A mysterious light flashed, and the huge terrifying tree froze and stopped moving.It's just that the banshee on the ground kept waving the big ax in her hand, chopping and chopping.

Yushi looked at her carefully, and saw that her eyes were gray and her face was gray, like a rigid person.

Looking down and seeing Dashan's face full of tears, she couldn't help but turn red, and pushed the little man in front of her, saying: "Call her mother quickly, she will definitely remember you... Hurry up!"

Junior was pushed, but still didn't step forward, staring blankly, her little face was full of tears.

Yushi choked with sobs, anxiously pushed again, and shouted: "Why don't you move! Go up and call her! Hurry up!"

Junior stared at the banshee closely, her small eyes were dazed, and tears kept dripping down.He didn't seem to hear Yushi's words, and just watched without moving, staring blankly, tears streaming down the floor.

Ming guaiguai's face was gloomy, he pulled the jade, and said in a low voice: "Give him a little time."

Immeasurable Immortal sighed quietly, bowed his head and said: "Jingxin girl, I promised you to take care of your third son. It has been more than 1 years, and I believe that I have never broken my promise. Now, your third son is grown up and knows how to be a mother." Kiss."

"Plop!" With a sound, Junior knelt in front of the banshee, crying and shouting, "Mother! Mother! Mother! I'm coming! I'm coming! Mother! Mother!"


The ax fell to the ground, and the banshee's dark face slowly turned around, staring blankly at the little man in front of her, and as she watched, her gray eyes lit up in a trance.

Mother and child are by nature, connected by flesh and blood, and connected by heart.

Seeing that she finally reacted, the junior opened his throat and shouted at the top of his voice, "Mother! Mother! I'm a junior! I'm a junior!"

The banshee's mouth moved, as if repeating the words of the junior, murmuring.

After a long time, she suddenly screamed "Wow!"

Then, she bent down, knelt down, embraced San with her trembling hands, and murmured: "San'er! My San'er! My son! My son!"

The mother and son cried loudly with their heads in their arms. The sound of crying was desolate and sad, and everyone who heard it burst into tears.

The corners of Wuliang Immortal's eyes were wet, and he turned his head to the inside.

Yushi also cried like tears, Ming obediently looked dark, sighed deeply, turned his head to see how sad she was crying, reached out to hug her head, leaned on his shoulder, and gently comforted her.

"My dear friend, my king's robe is made of excellent soft yarn, and the price is more than ten thousand gold. If you continue to cry like this, this king's robe will be ruined. How are you going to pay me?"

Hearing this, Yushi tried desperately to stop tears, wiped and wiped with small hands, choked up and said, "Your robe has been worn for so long, and you haven't washed it at all, right? My tears are also extremely precious! Look at this After paying so much, I helped you to wash your robes. Count the price of a thousand gold, and weigh the price yourself. You and I have a good relationship, and I will give you a discount when the time comes."

Ming obediently rolled her eyes, flicked her little head away, snorted, and turned her head away.

Yushi was interrupted by him, and the tears finally stopped.

"Junior, you take your mother out first, or use the cover-up method just now to turn your mother into Granny Mei, go out and hide at the exit of the demon world, and wait until we find Mu Tianzhu—"

"What?! Are you looking for Mu Tianzhu?!" The banshee on the ground stared in surprise, raised her head and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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