I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 378 Revisiting Tiangong

Chapter 378 Returning to the Heavenly Palace

Immortal World, outside the west side of Tiangong.

There was a flash of white light in Ming obediently's tightly closed eyes, then he opened them again, and said slowly: "The apse of the Heavenly Palace is a bit chaotic, and people are walking around. In addition, Marshal Pengyuan personally detained two women in green clothes, and was furious. Headed to the apse."

Then, he explained apologetically: "The fairy world is no better than the human world and the underworld. My king's eyes are limited, so I can't see far."

At this time, Yushi stepped forward on lotus steps, smiled softly, and said cheerfully: "Ghost honey don't blame yourself, with your help, we are delighted—"

"Shut up!" Ming obediently closed his eyes in pain, and sighed while resting his forehead.He turned to stare at Ren Xiaoyao, and snorted coldly: "This king's good best friend was poisoned by you like this!"

Ren Xiaoyao's evil eyes glanced at him, and he seemed to sigh and sigh: "This devil is also extremely helpless! It is the so-called trust and loyalty. Alas! Happy, sad! Terrible! This Demon Lord is also bewitched!"

The handsome man covered his mouth, looked left and right in panic, met several pairs of mocking and caring eyes, he stood up abruptly, and flew away in a hurry!
Ming obediently supported his forehead, and said weakly to Yushi: "Girlfriend, without the Queen Mother's will, this king can't enter and leave the Heavenly Palace at will. However, according to what you said, after you have dealt with this matter of fascination, you still have to stay." In Tiangong, waiting for the return of Immortal Xuanshang."

Speaking of this, he sighed helplessly: "This king will stay in the fairyland and inquire about you from time to time. If you are in trouble, this king will come as soon as possible, and immediately enter the palace to help you. It's just that you... have become like this now , the king saw it and felt..."

Ke Ren'er smiled softly, pulled out a pink silk handkerchief from her sleeve, covered the corner of her mouth decently, and said, "Thank you Ghost Honey for your concern. Don't you think this change is very comfortable?"

Nima!She almost couldn't bear it by herself, so she hanged herself!He is a good girlfriend who has known him for many years, so how could he get used to it!
Ming obediently covered his mouth and muttered: "It's not comfort, it's nausea—this king is going to vomit again! Vomit!"

The corners of Yushi's eyebrows twitched, and he flew back with a glance. A pair of evil eyes were fixed on Ren Xiaoyao, so he could only smile softly, turning the twitching of the corners of his eyebrows into a smile.

She turned around gently, and smiled at the caterpillar and Mo Heijian—the two couldn't help shivering and trembling twice.

She was about to speak—

The caterpillar quickly stretched out its hand and said loudly: "Little master, I know what you want to say. You have to stay here, but we can't go in. When Xuan Shangxian comes back to pick you up, we will go to Xiaoling Mountain to play with you .”

Mo Heijian also hurriedly added, "You have to say, let us not worry about you, and let us take care of ourselves, right?"

Then, the husband and wife said in unison: "You don't need to say it anymore, we all know it! Please don't say it, really."

God!I have to say, such a small jade makes them feel terrible!
The corners of Yushi's mouth twitched, and just as she was about to lose her strength to look at the sky, the charming man next to her immediately coughed and coughed again, and her eyes indicated that she could only turn "powerless to look at the sky" into a deep breath, smiled gently, and put the corners of her mouth away. The tics were also successfully eliminated.

Ren Xiaoyao smiled, satisfied, and waved to her.

Ke Ren'er walked forward slowly, and the fluttering ribbon swept out a beautiful width, gentle and beautiful.

Ren Xiaoyao smiled even more satisfied. Seeing her with lowered eyebrows and pleasing eyes, standing beside her gracefully, she suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment like "I have a young girl in my family".

Xie Mei's eyes swept away, and said lightly: "You all go back, stay where you should stay. The little guy has made such a change, he will definitely be able to get along well in it! Let's go!"

Yushi raised her head gently, waved her hand gently, her eyes were full of reluctance.

"Everyone, please take care."

Ming Guaiguai also had a look of reluctance at first, seeing her terrified appearance, she turned her head away and waved again and again.

The caterpillar and Mo Heijian didn't dare to turn around, they just raised their hands high, waving!

Yushi secretly rolled his eyes, rolled his eyes again, put his hips on his hips, stared and cursed: "You bastards! Wait for my aunt and I to settle the matter - I'll settle the score with you later! I'll make you look impatient to see dog dung! Let you look horrified! Make you foam at the mouth..."

Woohoo... Actually, my strong heart has already vomited... Woohoo!
At the gate of the Tiangong, a distinguished man in bright red robes flew over.Beside him, flew a stunning woman in a snow-white dress with fluttering ribbons, as beautiful as a fairy.

The two slowly flew over, like a most beautiful fairy painting, the guards guarding the gate were dumbfounded, and suddenly forgot to stop them.

"Uncle Ren, take advantage of their stay and fly in."

"It seems that Tiangong does not allow spells to be cast."

"I stepped on the lotus steps lightly and walked gently for a few days, but I still couldn't reach the inner hall."

"Uh... that's right. Let's fly while they're here!"

A certain person grinned and flew into it with a "swoosh--".

Uncle Ren chased after him angrily, and kept reminding in a low voice, "Elegant! Graceful! Gentle..."

Tiangong, inner hall.

Two beautiful maids, walking in small steps, with fluttering dresses, approached slowly, bent down and saluted gracefully.

"Report to the Queen Mother, Marshal Pengyuan, please see me."

In the spacious and majestic hall, the graceful and luxurious woman gently held her forehead, and was looking out the window and sighing.Hearing their words, he said in a low voice: "Didn't I explain it later? No one will be seen."

The palace maid bowed her head, embarrassed and timidly said: "Mrs. Queen, Marshal Pengyuan said...the case between Fairy Xuanshi and Ren Mojun has made great progress...it seems that the murderer has been caught."

The middle-aged woman was slightly surprised, turned her head, sighed quietly, and frowned in embarrassment.

"So what if you catch it? Where can I find a mysterious stone to return to Xuan Wuchen Shangxian... Sigh!"

Hearing this, the maid who was close to her stood up and supported her arm, and comforted her: "My Lady, Queen Mother, don't be sad. You have spent so much time worrying about this matter for the past two days that the servants feel very distressed."

The Queen Mother narrowed her eyes, and sighed helplessly: "I have an agreement with Immortal Xuanshang...but now this Xuanshi has been viciously killed by thieves, how should I explain to him in the future!"

The maid next to her body sighed, and said softly: "Your Majesty, I only blame the thief for being too vicious. This matter has nothing to do with you, Madam. Now that Marshal Pengyuan has caught the murderer, if Xuan Shangxian is angry, he will only rush Let the murderer go, how can I blame your mother!"

The other court lady also nodded quickly, and echoed: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the murderer has been captured, and the matter has come to light, Immortal Xuanshang will definitely not blame others."

The Queen Mother nodded slightly, and said: "It's the only way to go now."

Just as the three of them were about to go out, suddenly a pink figure hurried over, "Plop!" and knelt on the ground.

"The Queen Mother! The Queen Mother! Please forgive Lianxiang! I have nothing to do with such vicious things done by unworthy disciples!"

(End of this chapter)

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