I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 379 Vicious and Disgusting White Lotus

Chapter 379 Vicious and Disgusting White Lotus

Just as the three of them were about to go out, suddenly a pink figure hurried over, "Plop!" and knelt on the ground.

"The Queen Mother! The Queen Mother! Please forgive Lianxiang! I have nothing to do with such vicious things done by unworthy disciples!"

Fairy Lianxiang burst into tears, she couldn't help wiping her tears with a pink handkerchief in her hand, she looked very sad.

The queen mother said warmly: "Lianxiang, what are you doing? By the way, is the injury on your face healed?" In the past two days, she was sad about Xuanshi and Ren Xiaoyao, and she didn't care about other things.

Fairy Lianxiang saluted dignifiedly, choked up and said: "Thank you for your concern, Madam, Lianxiang's injury is about to heal. With Madam, you are so caring, Lianxiang is really lucky."

The queen mother nodded slightly, looked at her face, and said: "There is still some swelling, you go down and rest. It is enough to serve here with Chunxiang and Dongxiang."

The corners of Lianxiang's eyes moved slightly, seeing the hostile and guarded eyes of Chunxiang and Dongxiang towards her, she snorted coldly in her heart, and quickly leaned over to salute: "Yes, Lianxiang knows. When the wound heals, Lianxiang will definitely serve by your side day and night, to repay your mother concern."

Chunxiang and Dongxiang on the side looked at her contrived appearance, and saw the Queen Mother smiling at her with satisfaction, feeling resentful in their hearts.

They were originally the maids of the empress, and this Fairy Lianxiang would not wait for her in her terrestrial cave, and would always come to the Heavenly Palace to grab work for them.

Taking advantage of his good looks and being able to grow a few lotus flowers, he ran to hang around in front of the empress all day long, making their teeth itch with anger.

Chunxiang glanced at her eyes, then smiled, and said, "My Lady Queen, Fairy Lianxiang cried so sadly just now, and said that her unworthy apprentice did something vicious. Could it be that Fairy Lianxiang doted on her apprentices and pampered them to do bad things?" No?"

After her reminder, the queen mother also remembered what happened just now.And that certain master who was about to separate himself from his apprentice finally came to his senses.

"No! Queen Mother, please listen to my explanation - this is not the case. I have always been strict with my disciples... They may be instructed or threatened by others before they will do harm. Things... as a master, I will definitely punish them severely!"

The queen mother narrowed her eyes and asked, "Your disciples? Those two disciples who are authorized to go to the fairy world later? What did they do? Tell me carefully."

Lian Xiang cried and whispered: "It must be... a very bad thing... Marshal Pengyuan arrested them..."

Dongxiang on the side asked in surprise: "Could it be that they are the ones who killed Fairy Xuanshi and Sage Lord Ren Xiaoyao?"

Lianxiang wiped away her tears sadly, and replied in a low voice: "I don't know much about it...the Marshal Pengyuan arrested them for interrogation earlier..."

The queen mother said with a cold face, "Lianxiang, go out with the empress."

Seeing the cold face of the Queen Mother, Lianxiang couldn't help being afraid—she hurriedly said: "My Lady Queen, Lianxiang really doesn't know anything! Could it be that Marshal Pengyuan came to arrest them, Lianxiang still doesn't know... ..."

The queen mother stepped gracefully, as if she had never heard of it, she continued to move forward.

Lian Xiang bit her lower lip lightly, her face turned pale, and she kept pinching the handkerchief.

It seems that she has to change her strategy!
Chunxiang turned her head, glanced at her appearance, sneered, and shouted, "Fairy Lianxiang, the empress asked you to follow. Hurry up!"

Lianxiang lowered her head, took a deep breath, stood up hastily, but fell down again.She hurriedly stood up again, pretending to be gentle as usual, and walked forward, but her legs under the dress kept shaking.

In the inner hall, Generalissimo Pengyuan's burly and tall figure was tall and straight, his face was tense, and he glared fiercely at the two women who were kneeling on the ground crying, and said angrily: "Why are you crying! You brutally killed Little Fairy Xuanshi and Ren When you were the emperor of Xiaoyao, you should have thought that today will come!"

His voice was thick and powerful, full of momentum, and the two women on the ground trembled and trembled all over.

Marshal Pengyuan snorted coldly, and said: "When the queen mother gives the order, this marshal will cut you into pieces—to avenge the little fairy Xuanshi!"

Then, he sighed deeply, thinking of the cute appearance of that naughty little fairy, he was filled with regret.

"The Queen Mother is here!"

The court ladies and guards surrounded the graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman, and slowly walked out.Lianxiang timidly glanced around, then walked behind with her head down.

After the queen mother sat down, she also stood far away, found a small corner, and stood with her head down.

Generalissimo Pengyuan bowed down and saluted respectfully.

The Queen Mother stretched out her hand elegantly, and was about to shout "Excuse me", but she didn't speak yet——

The woman in green on the ground howled and ran towards Lianxiang in the corner, crying and shouting: "Master! Save us quickly! Master! Please! Save us quickly!"

The two women had disheveled hair and tears all over their faces, one on each side, hugged Lianxiang's thigh tightly, and shouted.

"Master! Save us quickly! Those people said that we killed someone, and they want us to kill someone! Master, I don't want to die! Didn't you say that as long as we—"

Marshal Pengyuan was about to reprimand them not to speak loudly, but Lianxiang suddenly screamed: "Shut up! Shut up!"

Everyone had never seen Fairy Lianxiang screaming like this before, and they were all stunned.

She kicked out one foot and then another, threw the two girls to the ground, and cursed loudly: "You guys are so audacious, how dare you hurt people in Tiangong! This fairy doesn't have an apprentice like you! Get lost!"

The queen mother couldn't help frowning when she saw her shrew swearing at the street.

Isn't this fairy Lianxiang an extremely gentle and pleasant fairy?Why did she suddenly become like this?

Ling'er and He Tian trembled, looked up in disbelief, and looked at the woman with a fierce look, and became even more frightened in their hearts.

Lianxiang stared at them coldly, the coldness in her eyes made them shudder and retreat timidly.

Seeing this, Lianxiang knelt down and said earnestly: "Ling'er, Hetian, it's not that I can't help you as a teacher, but I can't help you. If you make mistakes, you should bear it yourself. As a teacher, I can only advise you to cooperate with the queen mother In the interrogation with the Grand Marshal, if you have to admit it, you must admit it, and you must not hide anything, understand?"

The two people on the ground were terrified and did not dare to speak, but timidly backed away.

Lianxiang glared at them secretly, then turned her head away, prostrating prostratingly: "The Queen Mother, the villains are here, please examine them carefully, if they do something wrong, Lianxiang will never tolerate it."

After hearing this, Ling'er and Hetian cried even more, they hugged their heads and cried loudly.

The Queen Mother glanced at Lianxiang, but said nothing.Glancing at the two people on the ground, her eyes were full of impatience, and the sharp crying made her hold her forehead.

"Marshal Pengyuan, tell me, what is going on?"

 Dear friends, today we have added an update for everyone!Orange wants to rob tickets, okay?mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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