I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 522 Master and Apprentice Work Together to Kill the Big Devil

Chapter 522 Master and Apprentice Work Together to Kill the Big Devil

Kawaii was terrified and kept spitting fire!
With a wave of Tianren's head, it was thrown flying, and bounced away far away!

Then, he stared at everyone with red eyes, waved his hands, and shouted: "Go to hell!"

A huge black air, thick and dark, with a strong killing intent and deepness, rolled towards them one by one!

At the very moment, two mysterious lights and one white light waved over, blocking the huge black energy at once!

"Boom!" With a sound, the strong explosive force caused the surrounding area to vibrate violently!
The big demon Tianren widened his eyes in surprise, and looked behind him, only to see three people flying towards him at a high speed, two men and one woman, they looked very good-looking.

Who are these three people? !They were able to work together to fend off his demonic energy!

The moment he was stunned, the three of them took the opportunity to fly forward, picked up the fallen people one by one, and flew away.

Xuan Wuchen picked up Immeasurable Immortal, and fed him spiritual energy while flying.Ren Xiaoyao held Mo Heijian with one hand, and dragged the King of the North Sea with the other, and took off quickly.


King Beihai braced himself up, raised his eyes and saw Ren Xiaoyao's handsome face, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he searched left and right.

Ren Xiaoyao comforted him: "Northern Sea King, don't worry. You were backlashed by the exercises, and Beihai Mo fell into a coma. After a while, I will cast a spell to save him."

King Beihai nodded slightly, said "Thank you..." and passed out again.

Yushi held Mingguaiguai with one hand, and took his pulse with the other hand.After thinking for a while, he hastily mobilized the surplus spiritual power in his dantian and input some to him.

Ming obediently wakes up quietly, raises his eyes to catch a glimpse of her, and whispers: "...Bestie..."

Yushi kept moving, and injected another stream into his dantian.

Surprise flashed in Mingguaiguai's eyes, and he asked, "My dear friend, why do you have such similar skills as this king?"

Ke Ren'er smiled mysteriously, and replied, "I'll tell you again when I have a chance! How is it? Are you feeling better?"

Mingguaiguai's skills are deeper than Mo Heijian's, and his reaction is faster, and the situation of backlash is slightly better.

"With your help, I should be fine if I adjust my breathing."

He just closed his eyes, but hurriedly opened them again, and shouted anxiously: "Everyone, be careful! The big devil is chasing you!"

Everyone turned their heads - and saw the big devil Hei Youyou's body flying over, with black air lingering all over his body, even the somersaulting cloud below was pitch black.

Xuan Wuchen made a Xuanguang enchantment with his hands, and the somersault cloud under his feet instantly increased several times.He moved quickly and shouted: "Ren Xiaoyao, take them all to hide in! Ben Shangxian and Xiao Shi'er are going to use the square pot!"

Yushi suddenly remembered the content of the relief in the cave, and shouted anxiously: "Mo Heijian and King Beihai are going in too! You all have to hide tightly!"

After listening, Ren Xiaoyao nodded, and flashed in with the King of the North Sea with Mo Heijian.Ming guaiguai's face was still pale, he covered his chest, coughed softly: "My king...stay here to help."

Yushi looked at him worriedly, pulled his arm to persuade him: "Ghost honey, you should go in."

"Wahhaha...! No one can escape! So what if you hide! You all have to die! Everyone has to die! Haha..."

Billows of black air surged in, and the big devil Tianren came to them in the blink of an eye, staring at them with wild eyes, his face full of murderous intent.

Yushi and Xuan Wuchen looked at each other, they moved in unison and were about to take out——


Three huge waves of black energy attacked the three of them!

Xuan Wuchen was forced to back away to the other side, while Yushi and Ming obediently spun around and managed to dodge.

Almost at the same moment they stood still, countless black qi rushed towards them!

Yushi kept spinning and circling, sweeping the black air out.Ming obediently stretched out his hands, rolling out bursts of Yin Qi——

The big demon Tianren's eyes widened instantly, he laughed loudly, and opened his mouth wide, sucking the yin energy into his stomach.

"Boy! The yin energy is good! This Demon Venerable likes it! Haha...!"

Ming obediently paused, frowning her pretty brows, stopped and hid behind Yushi.

The big demon Tianren stared fiercely, and yelled frantically: "Boy! This demon is going to eat you!"

A mysterious light strikes!
With a flash of the big devil Tianren, a hand flew out, and countless bubbling demonic energy rushed towards Xuan Wuchen's whole body!

Yushi shouted loudly: "Master, hurry up! Throw it over!"

She reached for the ruin cauldron with her hand, and threw out the gathering pot——

Xuan Wuchen swung out the swirling mysterious light to sweep out the strands of devilish energy. Hearing the disciple's shout, he drew out his big hand and threw a cone of white light towards her——

The big devil Tianren stared wide-eyed, jumped towards the thing, and held it in the palm of his hand.


He yelled frantically, threw the cone away, and threw it downward. "Ah!!!" He howled in pain, as if terrified.

Xuan Wuchen's eyes were slightly cold, and he hurriedly chased down.

The cornucopia flew to the sky, spinning constantly, attracting——

The Great Demon Tianren clutched his chest, shook his head frantically, howled and roared in pain, his whole body trembled, and kept shaking and rolling!

Yushi took a quick look at the ju square basin and found that it was still turning.Her heart moved, and she pushed it in the direction of the big devil——

The polypot bounced off and landed on top of the big devil.

The big demon Tianren covered his chest and howled angrily: "How could this be... Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He kept panting, propped himself up, glared fiercely at Mingguaiguai and Yushi, and rushed towards them——

"This Demon Venerable killed you! Kill!"

Yushi and Ming obediently flew away at top speed——

He sucked in his big hand and pulled Ming obediently to his side.Mingguaiguai couldn't move at all, and wanted to forcefully break free from his restraint, but found that the spiritual power of Dantian was restrained.

At this time, Yushi stretched out his palms with both hands, and slashed towards the big devil's hand!
His hand is broken!
Ming is obedient but still unable to move, trying to break free but unable to do anything.

The big devil Tianren was panting, opened his mouth wide, and bit Mingguaiguai's head——

Yushi knew that he was going to suck the yin energy of Ming obediently, so she was startled, picked up the non-stop spinning polypot, and threw it into his big mouth!
At the critical moment, Xuan Wuchen flew over at a high speed, and threw his big hand with precision!
An elf gathered squarely, stopped spinning, flashed intense white light, flew forward to the cone and pushed it down!
At this moment, Xuan Wuchen and Yushi waved their palms at the same time, and pushed the merged square basin—the big devil Tianren approached Mingguai's bloody mouth and was slammed open, and the square basin was smashed by him. Eat it!

"Ah! Ah!"

He clutched his chest in pain, his eyes widened, and he rolled and rolled.The black energy on his body is constantly decreasing, and his whole body is shrinking.

He suddenly stopped moving!

Xuan Wuchen waved his hand, creating a huge barrier.Yushi hugged Mingguaiguai and flew into the barrier.

Xuan Wuchen protected the two of them, glanced outside, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Yushi turned his head to look over, and saw Nangong Jinyuan clutching his chest in pain, instantly lost the support of his exercises, and kept falling down!
At this time, a woman in a white dress flew up on somersaulting clouds and hugged him——

(End of this chapter)

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