I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 523 Ren Jiaoer is dead, and the master is seriously injured

Chapter 523 Ren Jiaoer is dead, and the master is seriously injured

Yushi turned his head to look over, and saw Nangong Jinyuan clutching his chest in pain, instantly lost the support of his exercises, and kept falling down!
At this time, a woman in a white dress flew up by somersaulting clouds and hugged him—it was Ren Jiaoer!

Yushi was surprised, and when he realized it, he blurted out, "Let him go!"

The polypot was swallowed by the big devil, but its power is still there.Nangong Jinyuan also practiced magic, that's why he was in such pain.Ren Jiaoer is from the devil world, she is full of devil nature, how can she stand it!

As soon as she yelled out, she saw Ren Jiaoer throwing her hands away, throwing away Nangong Jinyuan's body, screaming and rolling over and over again!
"Jiao'er!" Ren Xiaoyao yelled in panic, flew out from the Xuanguang enchantment, and rushed towards Ren Jiao'er.

Xuan Wuchen flew out calmly with Yan Ming's hands, and with a big hand, he grabbed Ren Xiaoyao tightly.

Yushi held Mingguaiguai in one hand, flew out, and stretched out his hand to help him.

"Uncle Ren! Calm down! Don't go there!"

Ren Xiaoyao tried his best to shake off the two of them, and shouted down, "Jiaoer! Jiaoer! Sister!"

Ren Jiaoer's face was pale, sweating profusely, she raised her head on the verge of death, saw Ren Xiaoyao above, stretched out her hand in pain, and shouted, "Brother... save me... save me..."

Nangong Jinyuan fell into a coma beside her.As soon as he approached, she cried out in pain and rolled hard.

Seeing her like this, Ren Xiaoyao's eyes were filled with tears, and he wanted to run down desperately!

Xuan Wuchen grabbed him and shouted: "Don't get close, I'll go!" Turning his head, he told Yushi: "Little Shi'er, hold him."

Yushi nodded, Xuan Wuchen flew down in a flowing white robe.With a big wave of his hand, he blasted out a beam of mysterious light, and knocked Nangong Jinyuan's body away.

He threw out a stream of air, wrapped around the motionless Ren Jiaoer, and threw her backwards.

Ren Xiaoyao flew up, hugged her body, patted her cheek with trembling hands, and called: "Sister! Sister! I am brother! How are you? Wake up!"

Yushi leaned forward, hurriedly grabbed her hand to take her pulse, stared in surprise, her face was full of disappointment.The spiritual energy in her body has dissipated, and she has no pulse.

Ren Jiaoer's face was pale as paper, she opened her eyes slightly, and murmured: "Brother... I'm sorry..."

Her head tilted and she died.The body turned into a cloud of dust, curled up, and finally disappeared.

Ren Xiaoyao burst into tears, kept throwing himself at the dust, kept hugging it, and roared, "Jiao'er! Jiao'er! No!"

Ming obediently resumed his actions, hurried forward, and held him together with Yushi.

Xuan Wuchen was on the other side, watching Nangong Jinyuan carefully.After a while, he slowly flew over, his handsome face was cold.

"The cornucopia disappeared."

Everyone was shocked!How could it have disappeared? !

Xuan Wuchen shook his head slowly, and continued: "The demonic energy on Nangong Jinyuan's body disappeared, but the Jufangpan also disappeared."

Yushi remembered that the big demon Tianren had swallowed the jufangpan just now, and couldn't help asking: "Master, is the jufangpan in Nangong Jinyuan's stomach?"

Xuan Wuchen shook his head and replied: "No, any sign of Jufangpen has disappeared."

Ren Xiaoyao stood up in a hurry, gently waved away the support of Yu Shi and Ming obediently, with a blank face, he said slowly: "This Demon Lord, go and have a look."

Everyone stared at him worriedly, so he gave up, turned around and flew over, squatting down to observe Nangong Jinyuan's whole body.

Xuan Wuchen swung his arms around her, hugged Yushi in his arms, checked carefully to make sure that she was not damaged at all, and then he was relieved.

Yushi pulled him back and asked anxiously: "Master, how is the Great Patriarch? Let's hurry over and have a look at them."

Xuan Wuchen signaled Ming to take care of Ren Xiaoyao obediently, and flew into the Xuanguang barrier with her arms around her.

Both Mo Heijian and the King of the North Sea were awake, and they were exercising their energy and adjusting their breath.Immeasurable Immortal, on the other hand, was lying in a deep coma with his face turning black.

Yushi was surprised and asked: "Master, why is the face of the Great Patriarch still so bad?"

Xuan Wuchen sighed deeply, and explained: "Mo Heijian and the King of the North Sea are just being backlashed by the skills. Just now, Ren Xiaoyao cast spells for them to cure them. It's just that your master...he was also attacked by the big devil Tianren. Devil Qi, the dantian has been invaded by devil energy, and the heart veins are also very weak."

"Ah!" Yushi stared in surprise, her mind went blank.

"Master, what should we do then?! The gathering pots have disappeared, how do we get rid of the devilish energy—how can we save the Great Patriarch?"

Xuan Wuchen hugged her, his handsome face sank, and he didn't answer for a long time.

Seeing him like this, Yushi couldn't help but choked up and asked, "Master, is the situation of the Grand Master...is it critical?"

Xuan Wuchen nodded slowly, and replied, "I'm afraid it won't last for a few days."

Yushi went limp all of a sudden, and was stunned.Xuan Wuchen hugged her and closed his eyes in pain.

At this time, the King of Beihai opened his eyes, covered his chest and breathed unsteadily and said, "Don't... worry... there is a way to relieve it."

The master and apprentice turned their heads and looked at him in surprise.

The king of the North Sea took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and explained slowly: "The Immortal Taicong and his junior sisters were also affected by the evil spirit of the Great Demon Tianren before, and the Immeasurable Immortal brought them to Beihai. Zhu saved them both."

"But we are worried that if the light of the dark ice beads is blocked, the icebergs and ice and snow on the top of the North Sea will melt, and the water in the North Sea will rise rapidly, causing floods and floods, so we dare not take out the dark ice beads to save people."

"Later, Immortal Taicong couldn't wait for you to bring back the Ju Fangpan, so he sent them to the bottom of the Ice Bead in desperation. Unexpectedly, the devilish energy in their dantian was suppressed by the afterglow from the Ice Bead, and the heart pulse Take care, the situation of the two of them is also stable."

Xuan Wuchen's cold eyes moved slightly, and he said: "The light of the Ice Bead is as pure as ice, and the light of extreme ice can clear away the devil energy. If you want them all to return to normal, you can only use the Ice Bead."

Yushi wiped away tears, nodded and agreed: "No matter what, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up. Master, let's take our ancestors to Beihai as soon as possible."

The handsome man hugging her gave an "um" and stepped forward to hug the tiny body of Immeasurable Immortal.

At this time, Mo Heijian slowly opened his eyes, his face was a little pale, and he said, "I guess there is one person who has to be taken along."

After finishing speaking, he flicked his wide sleeves, and Baili Aofeng's tall body flew out.

"He was also possessed by demonic energy and needed first aid."

Everyone couldn't help frowning—there was one more!
Suddenly, Ming obediently flew in and surprised everyone: "Look, who is here?"

Everyone instinctively looked towards the entrance of the enchantment——

I saw a handsome young man wearing a blue robe, slowly flying in.

He turned his head slowly, stared at everyone with his good-looking eyes, and slowly cracked a smile on his mouth—but when he met the little fairy in Shangxuan Wuchen's arms, he stared in surprise and rushed towards him.

"Master! Master! What's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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