I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 681 You are here, but your heart is still on him!

Chapter 681 You are back, but your heart is still on him!
She cried like a tearful person. After shouting hysterically, she collapsed and leaned against his arms, weeping and sobbing.

The man she was leaning on didn't move for a long time, but just let her lean on him, his face was inexplicable, and a sigh of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, she struggled from his chest, and met his gloomy face with tears on her face.

She sniffed and sobbed: "You said—today we husband and wife must speak frankly and clearly! Don't you ask what to do? Do you still want me?"

She has had enough of everything, enough of this coldness, enough of his respect for her like ice!
In the eyes of everyone, she is now a poor bitter woman, a bitter woman who has suffered from her husband's indifference all year round.

She couldn't lie to herself any longer, she couldn't lie to herself anymore.In the eyes of the maids, what she saw was pity and pitiful respect...

At that moment, she knew she couldn't go on like this!Really can't!

So, she ran over late at night just to ask him personally what kind of plan he was planning.

His people are back, but he treats her so lukewarmly, what on earth does he mean!Does he still want her, or does he want their family!

Mo Wen was startled by her at first, and then she beat and scolded him. Hearing her words and crying, his heart was also in a mess.

Now that she asked such a blunt and frank question, he was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to speak.

"Zi Tong, look at what you said... We are husband and wife! How could this emperor not want you, how is it possible!"

The queen mother took a deep breath and said coldly: "Since you said that we are husband and wife, then we will speak as husband and wife today. You are not the emperor, and I am not a queen mother. You are Mo Wen, I am Yun'er , just speak in these two identities, as husband and wife, is that okay?"

Mo Wen nodded lightly, and answered, "Okay."

The Queen Mother calmed down a lot, and said, "Since you have come back, why do I always feel that you are avoiding me..."

"No!" Mo Wen interrupted her: "That's because I've been quite busy recently. The matter in the wilderness is very urgent. Immortal Xuanshang and I are trying to find a way to solve the crisis in the wilderness. Yun'er, this is a relationship between six It is a big matter of the survival of the world!"

The queen mother glanced at him suspiciously, and asked again: "Are you busy? You have been back for so long, and you are busy every day—then you must rest, right? Why do you avoid me and refuse to go to our bedroom to sleep with me?" ?”

Mo Wen's handsome brows moved slightly, but they quickly returned to normal.

He stretched out his hands, hugged her shoulders, and said: "Yun'er, I have been out for so many years, most of the time I spent in retreat, or traveling in mountains and rivers. I swear - I have never done anything to apologize to you .”

"For so many years, I have always been alone and rested alone. After returning to the Heavenly Palace, it happened that your old illness relapsed. I didn't want to disturb your recuperation, so I stayed in this side hall to rest."

"Later, Xuanshangxian and his master and apprentice discovered something useful, and because I needed the help of the hot spring, I moved to live in the hot spring palace. I was busy day and night, and I had very little time to rest."

He sighed softly, stretched out his hand to stroke her thick temple hair, and whispered: "You went to the hot spring palace to pick me up on purpose, I am very happy to see that your illness is cured, let go of the half-done thing, I came back with you."

"But after I came back, there were a lot of miscellaneous things accumulated these days, and I couldn't deal with them for a while-it always stayed in the middle of the night, and I was afraid of waking you up when I went back, so I had to stay in this side hall to sleep."

The queen mother turned her face away, and said in a bad mood: "The so-called busyness is just you making excuses! You and I have been married for many years. No matter how busy you were, you would go back to the bedroom and sleep with me in the same bed. What you are doing now is nothing more than There is only one reason, and that is—your heart has changed."

The hands around her shoulders froze suddenly, but they returned to normal. He sighed deeply, and said quietly: "I gave you my heart early on, didn't I?"

When the Queen Mother heard this, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop falling down again.

"Your heart was given to me early in the morning... But, your heart changed later... You only pretended to be Wufeng Immortal..."

Mo Wen turned his face away and said in a low voice: "Didn't I promise you at the beginning? I will try to avoid him as much as possible, return to our family, and return to your side..."

"But your man is back—your heart is still on him!" The Queen Mother interrupted him: "You promised me, and in fact you did it. But your heart didn't do it! No matter what! Feng Xianzun has been avoiding you, but you always try to find opportunities to find him and want to meet him."

"He avoids you everywhere, and always goes to the cave to retreat but can't come out. But what about you? You know that he has no thoughts for you, but you still miss him obsessively! Back then he fell in love with that poor Girl... I originally thought that you should give up completely now, but who would have expected you to secretly use those old immortals in the fairy world, and even use me..."

She stretched out her hand in a hurry, swept away his big hand that was holding her, and beat him on the chest, crying and hissing: "It's all you! It's all you! I am willing to be used by you, and I am willing to be used by Wufeng Immortal Venerable!" Blame, bear infamy! I only want you to change your mind, but who would have thought that when you saw him reincarnated, you panicked and followed him! I hate you! I hate you..."

With a helpless face, Mo Wen sighed heavily, reached out and pulled her into his arms, hugged her tightly, and hugged her tightly.

"Yun'er, don't say it! Don't say it! I was really sorry for you before! But I have come back, I have returned to you, and I have returned to the fairyland. I will still take care of the big and small things in the fairyland as before, and take care of you. You cherish you."

The queen mother was pressed tightly on her chest by him, tears streaming down her face and crying: "Same? Can it be the same? What you call taking care of me and cherishing me is to let me stay alone in an empty room and face the moon in the sky alone." Sighing, sleeping alone on a cold bed... Is this your care and love?"

Mo Wen sighed and whispered: "I'm just...too busy recently, and I just came back from the mortal world not long ago, and I'm still not used to it after being away for many years. Yun'er, we are husband and wife, please forgive me and give me more time. okay?"

He reached out and stroked her hair, and continued quietly: "Yun'er, you are the most gentle and considerate wife, no matter what I do, you will eventually forgive me and understand me. This time I ignored your feelings, yes I'm wrong. Can you give me a little more time?"

The back of the person in his arms stiffened, and he left his embrace——

(End of this chapter)

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