I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 682 Just ask you one question, do you still want me?

Chapter 682 Just Asking You, Do You Want Me?
He reached out and stroked her hair, and continued quietly: "Yun'er, you are the most gentle and considerate wife, no matter what I do, you will eventually forgive me and understand me. This time I ignored your feelings, yes I'm wrong. Can you give me a little more time?"

The back of the person in his arms stiffened, he left his embrace, shook his head lightly, with determination in his eyes, and said in a voice: "No."

Mo Wen was taken aback, as if he didn't expect that she would give him such an answer!

In his heart, Yun'er is always gentle and considerate, and always abides by a lot of rules and regulations, but as long as he is involved in anything, she can always stand in his position, think for him, and for him Share worries.

"Yun'er! You..."

Mo Wen was really surprised, especially when he met her cold and firm eyes, he was even more shocked!
His eyes were slightly confused, afraid that she would see him, he quickly lowered his head and asked, "Yun'er, what happened to you tonight? Why is it so strange?"

The Queen Mother took a deep breath and said calmly, "Don't ask, I've given you ten or twenty thousand years, isn't it enough? You lie to me again and again, I always think of you He is my husband and the father of our daughters, so I can only pretend not to know, and I can only resist to believe your deception."

"After Immortal Xuan Shang came back to find you, although you said that you returned to the fairy world and returned to my side - but your heart was never on me!"

She stretched out her index finger, pointed towards his heart, and asked sharply: "Ask yourself, is there a little bit of my heart? Not even a little bit!"

Mo Wen frowned, brushed her hand away, and said, "There is nothing! I care about you, about your condition, and have someone take care of your meals and take care of your body—"

"That's not what I want!" The Queen Mother interrupted him sharply, and said, "These are not your love! These are just your superficial skills! What you do is just to cover up your hypocritical heart and block mine. Mouth!"

Mo Wen stared in surprise, as if he couldn't believe that she said such a thing.

The Queen Mother stared back at him, and said, "Am I right? If you are really kind to me, and you still have a husband and wife relationship with me, why do you always avoid me? My gestures of showing kindness to you are almost even blind. I can see it, but what about you?"

Having said that, she smiled wryly, the smile on the corner of her mouth was bitter and sad.

"You always avoid me, not to mention sleeping with me, even eating with me-you can't do it! I come to you every time, you are always very busy, even if you say You won’t even give me the time to say a few words! If I get closer and let the maids come more frequently, you will get annoyed again and want to go down to the mortal world right away!”

"Haha..." She laughed sadly, with self-mockery and helplessness, and hummed: "I have been husband and wife with you for many years, and we have given birth to several children together, but in your heart - we are not as good as Wufengxian A little bit of respect." Tears dripped down from her eyes and slid down on her chest.

"Wufeng Xianzun is indeed a rare handsome man in the Six Realms. His appearance is extremely outstanding, and his skills are also advanced. He is polite, humorous, gentle and enthusiastic. A man like him is really good. ..."

She laughed sadly again, met his eyes, and paused every word: "He is really good, very good, very good. So good that even after so many years, you still can't let him go. People from the Xuanlin lineage As soon as I heard about him, you came back. The first thing you did when you came back was to find him and go back to the fairy world. You would not hesitate to destroy him when he was with that mortal woman, and you even wanted to force him to stay. by your side, right?"

Mo Wen was startled, his face turned pale, and he blurted out and asked anxiously, "How did you know? Who told you?! Who is it?!"

The queen mother smiled, the tears were still on her cheeks, but she didn't answer anything.

Mo Wen looked at her with indifferent eyes, was secretly startled, and hurried forward——

The queen mother stretched out her hand to block his big hand that was about to hug her, and scolded in a cold voice: "Don't touch me!"

Mo Wen's big hands froze in the air, and he hurriedly said: "Yun'er, listen to me explaining to you! I found Wufeng back, not because of my own selfishness! Because entering the wilderness needs the protection of the mysterious light barrier, and melting the material also needs Xuanguang, but Xuanshi is pregnant with a child and cannot go to the Wilderness to help, so we asked him to come back to help, that's all, nothing else!"

"However, he only has that mortal girl in his heart, and he refuses to go back to the fairyland with us at all. Xuan Wuchen and the others can't persuade him, so let me help to find a way. I had to ask someone to bring the mortal girl to the fairyland and force him to go back to the fairyland. I can only go back to the fairyland."

Mo Wen swallowed his saliva, and hurriedly continued: "Fortunately, with my help, Wufeng was willing to go into the Wilderness with Xuan Wuchen and the others, temporarily stabilizing the danger in the Wilderness, and buying us more time."

The queen mother turned her head, glanced at him coldly, and said nothing.

Mo Wen held her shoulders, and tried to persuade her: "Don't listen to other people's slander, the truth is not what you think! Besides, Wufeng has no intention of being with me at all. Mai's status in the fairy world, how dare I do anything to him! Yun'er, don't listen to other people's nonsense..."

Suddenly, the person he was hugging said, "Don't ask, don't say anything. I'm here tonight just to ask you, do you still want me, do you want our family? You answer me right now, give me I answer."

Mo Wen was taken aback for a moment, his eyes dodged and he replied, "Yes! Of course!"

The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows slowly and asked, "Really?"

The man on the opposite side nodded quickly and said, "Of course it's true!"

The Queen Mother took a deep breath, as if she had made a big decision, and said, "Okay, then I will trust you again."

Mo Wen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, put his arm around her shoulders, and was about to speak—

But the woman in his arms looked up at him, and said pointedly: "For the sake of our husband and wife for many years, and for the sake of our children, this is the last time."

Mo Wen frowned, his face was slightly pale, as if he was thinking about something.

The Queen Mother turned her head and asked, "Are you still leaving the Heavenly Palace?"

Mo Wen nodded and answered, "Yes... I will be back in a few days."

"When are you leaving?"

"Yun'er, your spirit is so poor, I really don't feel relieved...let's postpone going for a while."

The queen mother stood up and said slowly: "The content of our conversation tonight is only the sentence I asked you just now—that's enough. There is nothing else."

Mo Wen stepped forward quickly, hugged her from behind, and said with a smile, "None! Not at all! Yun'er, don't listen to other people's nonsense, just trust me, that's enough..."

The woman didn't speak again, her eyes were cold and closed slowly with obvious pain.

(End of this chapter)

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