I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 683 Master Was the King of the Wild Continent

Chapter 683 Master Was the King of the Wild Continent

Xuanlin Peak, inside the hut.

"Wow!" With a loud sound, a baby suddenly cried loudly, and the crying sounded all around.

A charming young woman in a snow-white dress rushed out and asked anxiously, "What's wrong? The fourth child is crying? Are you hungry?"

Her nervous appearance and questioning made Xuan Wuchen, who was holding the child, twitch the corners of his eyes slightly, coughed uncomfortably, and handed the fourth child in his arms to the nurse beside him awkwardly.

The nanny smiled and coaxed him, but the fourth child cried loudly, crying hard, with a look of unwillingness to let go.

The nanny was at a loss, she didn't dare to speak to Shangxuan Wuchen's indifferent handsome face, and looked at Yushi as if asking for help.

"Ma'am... The little master lost his temper... He never cries on weekdays..."

Yushi glanced at the handsome man beside him, saw his eyes wandering away, became suspicious in his heart, walked forward quickly, hugged the fourth child, and coaxed the fourth child in a low voice.

"Fourth, what's the matter? Come on, you'll be fine if you hug me. Don't cry! Little Four is the best!"

Hearing his mother's nice and soft voice, and smelling the familiar sweet breath, the little guy finally stopped crying, with two teardrops hanging from the corners of his eyes, licking his little mouth.

Yushi narrowed her eyes with a smile, and teased him.

But the fourth child seemed to be born with a cold look, he just glanced at his mother, licked his little mouth a few times, then slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, the nanny laughed, leaned over and saluted, "Ma'am, you haven't confinement yet, so you can't stand or sit for a long time. Let the servant take the little master down to sleep peacefully!"

Yushi nodded, and carefully handed the fourth child to the nanny, reluctant to part with the cute little one, leaned over and kissed the top of his hair lightly, and then waved the nanny down.

Then, she turned around, stared at the handsome man standing to one side with her bright black eyes, folded her hands on her chest, and snorted, "Confess yourself!"

Although she is still in confinement, as long as she has time, she will be with the children.As a mother, she knows the temperament of the four of them very well.

The fourth child is the most obedient on weekdays, never crying loudly, although the youngest, she looks like a calm and calm little adult, which makes her feel at ease.

Why did he suddenly cry today—it must be him, the father, who has done or said something outrageous.

Just now, the master's eyes dodged, obviously hiding something from him.

Xuan Wuchen looked at her, cast a reproachful glance at her, stepped forward, hugged her, and walked towards the room.

She couldn't twist his big hand, followed his footsteps, was dragged and hugged by him, and pulled into the room.

"Master, it's still the same sentence - confession is lenient, resistance is strict. Why do you make the fourth child cry, you should explain it properly!"

Xuan Wuchen hesitated, his face darkened, as if he was in a dilemma.

The two sat on the edge of the bed, and she sat on his lap as usual, smiling and snuggling into his arms.

"Master, tell me quickly!"

Xuan Wuchen frowned lightly, leaned his head on her little head, and didn't speak for a long time, his cold and handsome face was thoughtful.

Yushi pursed her lips, poked her head out, and hummed: "Master... what's wrong with you? Did something happen? Tell me quickly."

It seems that things are a bit tricky, otherwise Master wouldn't look very worried.

Just what is it?How could he make Master so embarrassed and angry, and even angered the fourth child?

The handsome man was slightly stunned, cupped his small face in his big hands, pressed a kiss, and murmured: "Little Shi'er, it's really difficult to be a teacher..."

Having said that, he frowned, his cold eyes restless.

Yushi's exquisite eyebrows and eyes instantly turned into small bugs, and she asked in a low voice, "Master, what's the matter?" Seeing his expression, she felt that the matter was still serious.

Xuan Wuchen put his hands down and supported her on her slender waist, seemed to have made a very difficult decision, and said in a low voice: "Little Shier, as a teacher, I want to take the fourth child away from Xuanlin Peak for a few days."

"Ah!" Keren'er jumped up in his arms, stared in surprise and asked, "Why? What are you going to do? Why do you want to take the fourth child?"

Xuan Wuchen breathed out lightly, and replied: "I want to take him to a wild outlying area to do some errands. This trip should not be too long, about ten days back and forth."

Yushi asked anxiously: "What are you doing? Why do you want to go to the outskirts of the wilderness and take the fourth child with you?"

The child has just been born, and she is not yet confinement.Master actually wants to take him to such a dangerous place? !

What are you going to do?What is so important—even involving the fourth child? !
Her face was pale, and she felt confused.She suddenly remembered the blindingly dazzling mysterious light when she was the fourth child, and his loud and clear cry that resounded through the sky...

My heart skipped a beat!
Seeing her pale face, the handsome man who was holding her quickly wrapped her tightly, and then explained: "This matter has something to do with my teacher's background, and I need the help of the fourth child."

ah!Master's background? !What do you mean—why do you need the help of the fourth child? !
Yushi looked at him nervously, waiting for him to continue.

Xuan Wuchen glanced outside, and whispered: "Just now the teacher said that he would take him out alone, and he immediately burst into tears, looking very reluctant. He is still too young, and the teacher didn't think it was good at first. It's just that since he has already appeared, that legend...needs to be verified for the teacher and him."

Yushi secretly swallowed his saliva, and asked in surprise, "What legend? He appeared? What do you mean?"

The handsome man held her slender waist with one arm, stretched out the other hand, and waved a mysterious light, forming a dense isolation barrier.

Then, his handsome face sank, and he spoke slowly: "Xiao Shi'er, as a teacher, I originally thought that the children were all girls. This legend...including the teacher's life experience, may only become a secret forever. However, we never thought There is a boy called the fourth child."

He sighed softly, and continued: "Since God's will is so, it's not good for me to say anything more. As a teacher, I will tell you everything I know now. However, this matter still needs to be verified, and we need our father and son Only when two people verify it can we know whether it is true or not.”

Yushi stared at him closely, nodded and said, "Okay, tell me."

Xuan Wuchen said: "Little Shi'er, my teacher's surname is Xuan. In fact, it's not because he is a descendant of Xuanlin's lineage. It's because his teacher's surname is Xuan. Xuan is the royal family name of ancient people."

Yushi was dumbfounded!

Shrimp!Master wouldn't be the prince and nobleman of the ancient people, right? !A certain king?Or a certain prince...

Emma!She is going to faint!
wrong!She is already dizzy!

Xuan Wuchen looked at her with amused expression, stretched out his hands to hold her fair face, and said, "That's right, my teacher is the royal family of the ancient people, the king of the barbaric continent in the past."

(End of this chapter)

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