I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 684 Is He The Resurrected King?Perfect fate!

Chapter 684 Is He The Resurrected King?Perfect fate!
wrong!She is already dizzy!

Xuan Wuchen looked at her with amused expression, stretched out his hands to hold her fair face, and said, "That's right, my teacher is the royal family of the ancient people, the king of the barbaric continent in the past."

After Yushi became dizzy, "Puff!" laughed.

"Master, what are you kidding? The ancient people have disappeared for so many years, how is it possible! Well, I admit that you are many years old - just how is it possible!"

After a pause, she said with a smile: "You should say that you are a descendant of the royal family of the ancient people, that's the right way to say it!"

The king of the wild continent in the past? !How old is that? !It is estimated that it is really the rhythm of long live long live long live!
Xuan Wuchen frowned slightly, and explained: "You can also say the same. However, the real descendants—should be a few babies outside."

Yushi blinked her big bright eyes, and asked in disbelief, "Master... are you really a descendant of the royal family? Really?! Oh my god! I'm not as lucky as I am!"

I thought I was lucky to catch the last train of the crossing army, and it was fashionable to cross it once!It’s just that everyone who travels through time is Princess Xiami, or she is married to a prince, married to an emperor or something, and then abuses and falls in love, creating a vigorous love myth...

But he crossed over and passed through, but turned into a stone!There are no princes, emperors or nobles beside him, only a handsome man who is as unearthly as fireworks.

Unexpectedly——this handsome man is actually the No. 1 immortal Xuan Wuchen in the world of cultivating immortals!
Unexpectedly——he is still a descendant of the Xuanlin lineage who is noble beyond the six realms!
But what is even more unexpected now is——he is actually a descendant of the royal family!
Emma!Although he is not a prince or emperor, he is at least a relative of the emperor!After all, she was on the right track with this time-traveling trend!

"Master, so our family has been promoted to the royal relatives of the ancient people! Haha... not bad! Although the ancient people have disappeared, at least the little friends can be regarded as the noble blood of the royal family! Haha..."

She shook his neck happily, and said with a smile: "Such a thing—why didn't you say it earlier! If I said it earlier, I could show off my pride in advance!"

Seeing the cute little stars in her eyes, Xuan Wuchen couldn't help laughing.

"The teacher is not trying to hide from you, but to reveal the secret of the real royal family - the blood of the resurrected king of the royal family and the blood of his own prince can unlock the seal of the year. At first, the teacher thought you were pregnant. They are all daughters, and the release of this secret will at least wait until you give birth to a son. It's just that I never expected that you would bring such a big surprise to my teacher!"

The king of the royal family is resurrected?

The blood of a direct prince?

Shrimp!What with what? !

Yushi closed her smiling mouth, blinked her surprised eyes, stared at him with a trembling voice and asked, "Master... you... what do you mean by the resurrection of the king? Who are you talking about...?"

Xuan Wuchen was not surprised by her surprise and excitement, and replied in a deep voice: "What I told you just now is not wrong. In my previous life, I was the king of the wild land. Later, my soul lived in a spirit stone at the entrance of the wild. Later, you were resurrected and reborn. Your master ancestor sensed the spiritual consciousness of being a master in advance, and waited by the side, and will take him back to the Xuanlin lineage to raise him."

After a pause, he added: "Because the ancient royal family was surnamed Xuan, so the teacher's surname was Xuan. The Xuanlin lineage was also created by the ancient royal family at first, but the direct disciples are not direct descendants, so they can't be surnamed. Xuan. There is a saying in the ancestral training: All the direct disciples of the Xuanlin lineage can only be named after the word 'no'."

Having said that, he reached out and touched her small head, and said pettingly: "My surname is Xuan, and your master ancestor still gave me a name with the character 'no'. However, when you jumped out of the stone, your teacher Then I felt that you don't have to be like all the descendants of Xuanlin's lineage. You don't have to be the teacher's surname, and you don't need to use the word "no" in your name. It's just that you don't like the names you chose, and you only reluctantly accept Xuanshi. "

After talking for a long time, Ke Rener in his arms was still dumbfounded, his mouth was slightly opened, his eyes were blinking, and his face was full of disbelief!

Xuan Wuchen smiled, leaned over affectionately, kissed her cherry lips, and murmured: "What? Are you scared? In fact, as a teacher, I found it hard to believe at first...but it's really the truth."

Yushi swallowed heavily, and after a long time, he found his voice and asked, "Master, you...you... so you also jumped out of the spirit stone?"

Xuan Wuchen didn't expect her to be surprised for a long time, but she asked this sentence, couldn't help but chuckled and nodded, and said: "Yes, you and my master and apprentice all jumped out of the spirit stone."

"Haha..." Yushi laughed, stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his neck, swept his tall nose with a pretty nose, and murmured: "Master, no wonder you were not surprised that I slipped out of a rock back then, so you It’s the same as me! Hehe... We are really destined! No wonder we want to make a pair, and it’s really a pity for our perfect fate if we don’t make a pair!"

Xuan Wuchen smiled, he really liked what she said, and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, you and I are so destined to be a master and apprentice, we are destined to be a couple."

The two hugged each other and continued talking in a low voice.

"Master, what about the Great Patriarch and Brother Wufeng? How did they get here?"

"They were all born from mortal bodies."

"Ah?! Then we are really the only ones who are special!"


Suddenly, the handsome man who was holding her frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "Little Shi'er, why aren't you curious about the identity of the teacher in her previous life? Why...why aren't you afraid?"

Yushi blinked her eyes a few times, shook her head earnestly, and replied, "I'm not afraid—that's your previous identity. You are my own master now, and the father of the little ones. Why should I be afraid? I'm curious in my heart. Yes, but I don't think there's anything to be afraid of."

After Xuan Wuchen listened, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his handsome face rubbed against her tender white cheeks, and he murmured: "The other day, my teacher saw you wake up and found that your stomach was emitting a mysterious light. , so I dare not tell you the answer directly.”

After a pause, he laughed and whispered, "I was worried that you would be afraid, so I didn't dare to tell you too early."

"Grand Master Patriarch and Brother Wufeng both know about it, right?" Yushi suddenly remembered that the Great Master Patriarch blurted out something that day, and Brother Wufeng immediately stopped him, just explaining that he and his husband and wife practiced the Xuanlin lineage of kung fu related.

Xuan Wuchen replied: "They know more or less. In the ancestral precepts handed down from the Xuanlin lineage, there is information reminding them of the resurrection of the royal family."

Yushi nodded, and asked: "Master, what about the 'seal' you mentioned? Need your blood and that of the fourth child to unseal it?"

(End of this chapter)

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