I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 685 The chance of the year, take the old 4 to break the seal

Chapter 685 Thousand-year chance, take the fourth child to break the seal
Yushi nodded, and asked: "Master, what about the 'seal' you mentioned? Need your blood and that of the fourth child to unseal it?"

Xuan Wuchen turned his handsome face slightly, and replied softly: "It is said that the ancient people suffered countless casualties in the disaster that happened in the wilderness. To keep some peace."

"After the outer barrier of the Wildlands was completed, the ancients went to other places to seek their way out. The King of the Wildlands taught his own skills to his personal servants, and asked him to establish a lineage of the Xuanlin, pass on the skills of the Xuanlin, and take care of the knots in the center of the Wildlands. Realm. Only people from the Xuanlin lineage can know the real entrance to the wilderness."

Yushi nodded "Oh" and muttered: "According to this, the ancestor of the Xuanlin lineage——is still your master in your previous life, the king of the wild!"

Suddenly, she remembered the relief sculpture left by the ancestors of the demon world that she had seen in the forbidden area of ​​the demon world.After the meteorite fell from the sky, countless ancient people were killed and injured. Later, a tall and handsome man came out and sealed the meteorite with mysterious light.

At that time, she guessed that the man was the patriarch of Xuanlin lineage - and she praised him for his good looks and good looks!

hey-hey!Unexpectedly, he was the past life of Master!

Xuan Wuchen gave a soft "hmm" and explained: "Later, the king of the wilderness sealed some precious materials and things in the wilderness continent with his own blood in a cave in the outskirts of the wilderness."

"The teacher knows a little about these things, but because the age is too long, the master only knows a few words. Later, I searched for many ancient books from ancient times for the teacher, but unexpectedly gained very little."

"The patriarch left a lot of things to the descendants of the Xuanlin lineage, but the history is too long, and they were all lost. Later, after searching for the teacher, I knew that the Xuanlin lineage still had some ancient materials, so that the Wufeng master kept them. It’s in his cave. It’s just that when he came down to earth, your grand master was in retreat, so he couldn’t hand over some of the information he had at hand.”

Yushi said "Oh!" and asked, "Is it the old-looking pile of things that Brother Wufeng sent Yulu over last time?"

At that time, she was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Yulu, but she did not ignore some details.That pile of things is indeed very old, Brother Wufeng seems to be wrapped in something specially made, obviously it is something that is treasured and valued.

He stretched out his hand to caress her little head, and explained: "It is you who are looking for information about the ancient people and the mermaid clan, and you have to read it with me as a spoiled child——I am the teacher who passed on the letter to Master Wufeng. After reading the above content I know, it turns out that the unsealing of this seal requires not only the blood of the teacher, but also the blood of the prince who is the teacher's direct son, as well as timing."

Yushi was surprised and asked, "What time?"

The unsealing of this seal is so troublesome, the precious materials and things inside are probably very precious, otherwise the patriarch would not have to make it so complicated.

Xuan Wuchen replied: "Because of the Xuanlin kung fu, our blood is all positive. This chance is that the seal can only be unsealed when the sun is sunny and the moon is sunny. This kind of timing only happens once in a thousand years." .”

Speaking of this, Immortal Xuanshang's eyes were blurred, and he smiled and said: "Man is not as good as God. I originally thought that your birth was a daughter, but unexpectedly you gave me an extra son. When he was born, he was full of Xuan Guang. body, the cry resounded through the sky, destined to be extraordinary..."

The birth of this kid was beyond everyone's expectations, and his appearance is very likely to be a turning point for Xuanlin's lineage.Perhaps, because of his appearance, the Wild Continent will be changed from now on.

Thinking so in his heart, he glanced at her with a gleam in his eyes.

Yushi calculated it silently, and said in surprise: "It turns out that twelve days later will be the sun, moon and sun in the year of the sun!" Oh my God!How could it be such a coincidence?
No!Is it really just a coincidence?Could this be destined somewhere?
Xuan Wuchen nodded and said: "That's right. I didn't think it was necessary to go as a teacher... It's just that in recent years, it seems that someone has been manipulating the barbarians in the Cangbei Forest. On the surface, their actual intention is obviously the wild land behind. As a teacher, since you are the king of the wild, you must not forget the important task of protecting the wild."

He turned his head, looked at her earnestly, and said: "The past and the past should have been let go with the wind. At first, I felt that it was all in the past for many years, and now I am just your husband. , the father of the little ones, that's enough."

"It's just that we didn't expect that the heavens would send us the big surprise of the fourth child, and that he was born before the coincidence of once in 1000 years. All of these are so coincidental, but they seem to be destined in the dark."

Yushi couldn't help murmuring: "It really seems to be destined..."

He stretched out his hands, hugged her to his chest, and whispered: "Xiao Shi'er, being a teacher these days is also very difficult. I promise you that after the children are born, I will accompany you on Xuanlin Peak, and the family will love each other Together. We have to accompany our children to grow up and not miss them..."


Ke Ren'er in his arms moved slightly, looked up into his eyes, and said in a soft but firm voice, "Master, although I don't understand the principles, I think that what we should do and the responsibilities we should bear We shouldn’t escape. Since the fourth child is here, we have to face what we should face. If we miss it, we have to wait another 1000 years!”

Xuan Wuchen frowned in embarrassment and said: "It's just... If this seal is unsealed, our lives may change drastically. If I can't give you and the little ones a stable and happy home, I would rather not go as a teacher. Unblock."

But Ren'er slowly shook his head, hooked his neck, and explained: "Master, if someone has evil intentions against the wild land, whether you are the king of the wild or the descendant of the Xuanlin lineage, you must stand up Defending, isn't it?"

No matter what his identity is, Master cannot escape.If the meteorite in the center of the wild land can be blown up smoothly, and the barrier around the wild land is removed, then there will be a new continent.The Wild Continent is rich and spacious, full of rare birds and animals, and it will definitely be a place that everyone covets.

They are descendants of the Xuanlin lineage, and they shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the entrance to the wilderness. This cannot be denied or shirked.

Xuan Wuchen stared at her silently, bent his forehead to hers, and said slowly after a long time: "You are the one who understands the teacher best..." His words were soft and sincere.

Ke Ren'er smiled, let out a long breath, and continued: "Master, if we miss 1000 years and this opportunity, we will lose the precious materials in this seal. In case something happens to the Wilderness, we will It might be passive—or even catastrophic.”

Xuan Wuchen sighed quietly, and said: "This is exactly what I was worried about for the teacher, so I decided to take the fourth child to the wilderness."

Yushi blurted out: "Master, I will accompany you and the fourth child!"

(End of this chapter)

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