The best playboy

Chapter 1699 Chapter 1804 Magic Little Pill

Chapter 1699 Chapter [-] Magical Little Pill

Ding Fan didn't have time to take care of Cheng Xu's thoughts at the moment. The spiritual consciousness in his body was released, covering countless trees of all sizes in an instant. The emerald green trees floated in front of Ding Fan's eyes.

"Senior Ding, you are..."

At this time, many elders around looked at Ding Fan with worried expressions in their eyes. To be honest, they had never seen the situation that just happened to Ding Fan. At this moment Ding Fan fell silent, Everyone didn't know what to do for a while.

After some investigation, Ding Fan discovered that there was a strange energy in the Tianyin Mountains, and it was this energy that greatly restricted their spiritual consciousness. Don't be overly aware of your surroundings.

"The Tianyin Mountain Range is really weird..."

After Ding Fan murmured a few words, he slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the many surprised eyes around him, Ding Fan couldn't help being stunned, his eyes were full of doubtful expression.

"You are..."

The elders around you look at me, I look at you, then looked carefully at Ding Fan and said cautiously:

"Senior Ding, are you alright?"

After Ding Fan gave them an angry look, he slowly said to them:
"What can I do? Just now the spiritual power in the blue gem rushed into my body. It happened suddenly. I was not prepared for a while. Now that my mental power has increased greatly, I can already use the investigation The distance increased to a full 50 meters."

Listening to Ding Fan's words, the surrounding elders showed horrified expressions on their faces. You must know that they have just used their spiritual sense to detect, and the distance they can detect is only a few meters, but Ding Fan can Increasing this distance to a full 50 meters is simply too appalling.

"Senior Ding is worthy of being the eldest brother of the Lake Lord. I really admire this kind of spiritual consciousness."

"Senior Ding is strong, and now the distance of Senior Ding's consciousness has increased to 50 meters, which must be able to increase some guarantees for our safety."

"That's right, that's right, the Tianyin Mountain Range is too weird. Ever since I entered the Tianyin Mountain Range, I feel uncomfortable all over."

The faces of the surrounding elders showed a hint of excitement. Originally, Ding Fan was the leader of this operation. Now that they have entered the Tianyin Mountain Range, the territory of the Wild Wolf Gang, everyone has no idea what will happen next. Emboldened.

At this time, Ding Fan's acquisition of such abilities is simply an added means of saving his life.

Ding Fan paused for a while, a serious look suddenly flashed across his face, and he said to the surrounding elders very seriously:

"Everyone, don't take it lightly. After my investigation just now, I found that there are indeed many dangers in the Tianyin Mountain Range. Among them, there are many powerful Yuan Beasts, not to mention the people from the Wild Wolf Gang hiding in the mountains. among."

After listening to Ding Fan's words, all the elders fell silent in an instant. Ding Fan's words were not wrong. The powerful enemies around looked around. Even if the enemy was in the clear and I was in the dark, this is the territory of the Wild Wolf Gang after all. Everyone No one can guarantee what will happen next.

"come here."

At this time, Ding Fan rolled his eyes, and a sharp breath was released from Ding Fan's body instantly, and he pointed at Cheng Xu beside him and said in a low voice.

"Ah? Senior, what do you want to do with the villain?"

Cheng Xu's body trembled at this moment, then he walked to Ding Fan's side with small steps, and said to Ding Fan very respectfully.

At this moment, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and he stretched out his finger to the dense forest in front of him and said quietly:
"Is this the kind of gem that you Wild Wolf Gang usually use to be able to enter and exit the Tianyin Mountain Range at will?"

Cheng Xu rolled his eyes at this moment, looked at Ding Fan suspiciously, and said carefully:
"That's right, senior, our Wild Wolf Gang usually uses this blue gemstone to check the surrounding situation so that we can safely enter and leave the Tianyin Mountain Range."

Hearing Cheng Xu's words, Ding Fan's eyes flashed a bright light, and a non-angry but mighty aura was instantly released from Ding Fan's body. With a flick of his finger, a burst of fiery red true energy instantly Swing out from Ding Fan's fingertips.


At this time, Cheng Xu screamed, and a deep blood hole appeared on his thigh in an instant. Ding Fan's finger pierced through Cheng Xu's thigh in an instant, and the unstoppable blood flowed from Cheng Xu. gushes out from his thighs.

"Senior, why did you hit me? I really don't know anything, so please forgive me!"

At this time, Cheng Xu's face was full of pain, and his eyes were full of sorrow, looking at Ding Fan, as if he had been wronged so much.

At this time, Ding Fan looked at Cheng Xu coldly with a pair of eyes, raised the corner of his mouth, and said in a terrifying and cold voice:
"Hmph! You don't know what to say? Do you think that my spiritual consciousness just grew in vain?"

At this time, Ding Fan's body released a shocking aura in an instant, and at this time the many elders of the 36 caves standing around Ding Fan looked at Ding Fan suspiciously, and they didn't know what Ding Fan was doing. What is he doing? Why did Ding Fan attack Cheng Xu suddenly.

"Just now I have discovered through my divine sense that there is not only a misty environment in the Tianyin Mountain Range, but also many powerful primordial beasts around him. These primordial beasts are extremely powerful. Powerful, and there are not a few of the ninth-rank Yuan beasts, not to mention you, even if we want to avoid Yuan beasts so easily, it is not an easy task."

At this time, Ding Fan's eyes suddenly froze, and an aura of calm and majesty was instantly released from Ding Fan's body, and the eyes looking at Cheng Xu seemed to be gushing with thick anger.

After hearing Ding Fan's words, Cheng Xu couldn't help but tremble. To be honest, he did hide something just now. The Tianyin Mountain Range is indeed not as simple as it seems on the surface. It is not just that there are many people in the Tianyin Mountain Range After all, there are many traps laid by the wild wolf gang in the mountains and forests.

"Ex...Senior, how do you know? There are indeed many powerful primordial beasts in the Tianyin Mountain Range. After all, none of them are particularly friendly, but our wild wolf gang has our unique means, which can make these The primordial beasts see us as nothing."

After Ding Fan stared at Cheng Xu's words, his nerves couldn't help becoming excited, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he asked Cheng Xu quietly in front of him:
"What method can make the surrounding beasts turn a blind eye to you?"

At this moment, the corner of Cheng Xu's mouth was slightly raised, and a look of pride appeared on his face for a moment, he relaxed his throat, and then said slowly to Ding Fan:

"Our leader has developed a special elixir by collecting the scented excrement and hair of various primordial beasts. This kind of elixir is very special and has no grade. The only function is to hide its own breath and make the primordial beasts think You are their kind."

Hearing Cheng Xu's words, Ding Fan's face was also full of shock. He never thought that the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang was also a strange person. The strength is only to refine such a kind of medicine that can hide its own breath and simulate the breath of primordial beasts.

"There is such a thing?"

At this moment, Ding Fan raised his brows, looking at Cheng Xu who was standing in front of him, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. To be honest, this kind of elixir is the most suitable for Ding Fan and his current situation.

There are many dangers in the Tianyin Mountain Range. If you are not careful, you will be attacked by powerful Yuan beasts. If you are not careful, you may even attract members of the Wild Wolf Gang. With Ding Fan and his current limited manpower and strength , will not be the opponent of the many gangs of the Wild Wolf Gang.

So this kind of elixir in Cheng Xu's mouth is perfect at this time. Thinking of this, Ding Fan's eyes also flashed a light, looking at Cheng Xu full of desire.

"Do you still have that pill?"

Ding Fan's voice was very soft, which made people feel like they were drifting off to sleep. At this time, Cheng Xu felt the same way in his heart. Seeing the gentle smile on Ding Fan's face, the corners of Cheng Xu's mouth also A gentle smile flashed across, and within a short time, Cheng Xu fell deeply into Ding Fan's smile.

"No...that's right, senior, I still have two pills of that kind left on me, but this pill can only last for half a stick of incense at a time. If it exceeds half a stick of incense, this pill will lose its potency. effect!"

Ding Fan listened to Cheng Xu's words, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth. He knew in his heart that this elixir has certain restrictions, which Ding Fan had already expected, and there is no such thing as perfect in the world. Ding Fan, who is a pharmacist, has a feeling for this.

"Hand over my elixir!"

While speaking, Ding Fan stretched out his hand towards Cheng Xu and raised it in the air. At this moment, Cheng Xu seemed to be dull, and took out two small dark brown pills from his arms in a daze. , At this time, bursts of stench were released from the pill.

Ding Fan took the pill, played with it in his hand, and then swallowed it into his mouth. Many elders around saw this scene, and each of them had a horrifying look on their faces. The pill was taken out from Cheng Xu's hand, and no one can guarantee whether it is the kind of pill that can hide the breath that Cheng Xu said.

"Senior Ding, don't do it, be careful!"

"Senior Ding must not! This Cheng Xu is a member of the Wild Wolf Gang. If he has anything good in his hands, you must be careful!"

"It's Senior Ding, if something happens to you, we can't bear the responsibility!"

Many elders around saw that Ding Fan was about to swallow all the pills that Cheng Xu gave him, and they all anxiously opened their mouths to stop.

But at this time, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth slightly raised a strange arc, he frowned, and then opened his mouth to swallow the stench of the pill into his mouth.

"Senior Ding! Be careful!"

Everyone watched Ding Fan swallow the black-brown pill into his mouth and became more anxious one by one. They gathered around Ding Fan and looked at Ding Fan carefully, for fear that something might happen to Ding Fan.

But at this time, the corners of Ding Fan's mouth slowly raised a curve, and after a playful look flashed across his face, he said relaxedly to the people around him:

"Look! I have nothing to do!"

While speaking, Ding Fan stretched out his hand and moved his body twice to indicate that there was nothing wrong with his body.

While Ding Fan was moving his body, the elders around him widened their eyes, their eyes were full of disbelief, as if something unbelievable happened at this moment.

"how can that be?!"

(End of this chapter)

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