The best playboy

Chapter 1700 Chapter 1805 Alone Adventure

Chapter 1700 Chapter [-] Alone Adventure
"Isn't this amazing? Why can't I feel Senior Ding's breath?"

"That's right, all the aura on Senior Ding's body disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, I also felt a very strong aura of a primordial beast. What's going on?"

The surrounding elders all stared at Ding Fan, as if they wanted to see through all the secrets of Ding Fan. At this moment, they didn't even know what happened.

"Is it true, as Cheng Xu said, that this kind of pill can hide the aura of the monk, and also let the monk exude the unique aura of the beast?"

At this time, an elder in a white robe looked at Ding Fan and exclaimed, because he could not feel any aura from Ding Fan at this time, but Ding Fan was actually standing in front of them.

Just when everyone was full of doubts, the corners of Ding Fan's mouth slightly curved. To be honest, these things were all within Ding Fan's expectations.

When Ding Fan took the pill from Cheng Xu's hand just now, Ding Fan already had a general understanding of the dark brown pill. How can you say that Ding Fan is also a master in the alchemy world, and any pill that passes through his hands, Ding Fan already knew nine out of ten of its composition and function in his mind.

At this moment, Ding Fan seriously felt the changes in his body, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up. To be honest, Ding Fan had never taken this kind of elixir that could only fill his body with breath. The upper and lower aura seemed to be hidden, and around Ding Fan's body was a faint aura of primordial beasts.

"It's really interesting..."

At this time, after Ding Fan slowly curved his mouth, he looked at the depths of the sky, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Senior Ding, how is it? You don't feel any strange in your body right now?"

At this time, the elders around looked at Ding Fan one by one, their eyes were full of worries. To be honest, they had never seen this kind of elixir before. I can't bear this responsibility.

Under the puzzled and worried gazes of many elders, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth slowly raised an arc at this time, and then he looked at the surrounding elders and said quietly:

"I'm in good health, and there's nothing wrong with me. The pill in Cheng Xu's hand is really miraculous. As long as we get the pill in his hand, we can easily enter and leave the Tianyin Mountain Range."

Listening to Ding Fan's words, many elders around had excited expressions on their faces. If each of them took one of these pills, they would be able to enter and leave the Tianyin Mountain Range without anyone noticing. without a trace.

Just when the elders were excited, Ding Fan's brows were slowly wrinkled. If I remember correctly, the effect of this pill is limited. In the Tianyin Mountain Range, all of them will be discovered by the Wild Wolf Gang members in the Tianyin Mountain Range.

Thinking of this, Ding Fan also hesitated in his heart. He had just eaten a pill by himself, and there was not much left of this magical pill in Cheng Xu's hands. If this kind of pill could not be refined on a large scale , among them, half of them will be useless.

"Looks like I'm going to take a trip to the Tianyin Mountain Range myself."

Ding Fan's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the depths of the Tianyin Mountains, where was shrouded in mist, and a sneer slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

And at this time, did the surrounding elders also notice Ding Fan's abnormality? At this time, they gathered around Ding Fan and asked Ding Fan in a low voice:
"Senior Ding, what's the matter? What happened?"

But just when Ding Fan was about to answer, an old man with long hair fluttering and looking like a fairy spoke slowly and said:
"Senior Ding, is there not enough pills?!"

It has to be said that the old man's mind was very clear, and Ding Fan's expression had already guessed what Ding Fan was thinking. At this time, after Ding Fan listened to the old man's words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then He said to the many elders in front of him:
"Now there are eight of us in a group, and there are only three pills, which means that we can bring three people into the Tianyin Mountain Range, and this pill still has a time limit, so we are caught in a dilemma."

"If we bring a few more people, I'm afraid we don't have that much time and we have to retreat from the Tianyin Mountain Range. After all, this is the territory of the Wild Wolf Gang. If we stay in the Tianyin Mountain Range for one more minute, it will be more." 1 minute of danger."

After listening to Ding Fan's words, all the elders showed embarrassing expressions on their faces. If there is not enough time and this kind of elixir, I am afraid that they will have to wait for them to approach the hinterland of the Wild Wolf Gang as soon as possible. Withdraw, you must know that the primordial beasts in the Tianyin Mountain Range are not kidding around.

After thinking about these things clearly, Ding Fan looked carefully at the elders around him, and then a serious voice came out from Ding Fan's mouth:

"Listen to me, everyone. I have decided that all three pills will be used by me alone. After I enter the Tianyin Mountain Range to find the raw materials for refining the pill, I will help everyone enter the Tianyin Mountain Range together."

Hearing Ding Fan's words, the surrounding elders all became anxious in an instant. You must know that Ding Fan is the eldest brother of Long Ren, the owner of the 36th Cave Lake. If something happens to Ding Fan, they can't afford it. matter.

"No! Senior Ding, I disagree. If I say go, I will go. You tell me all the raw materials you need for this elixir, and I will get it for you!"

"It's Senior Ding. I strongly disagree. It's too dangerous for you to go deep into the Tianyin Mountain Range alone. You must know that this is the territory of the Wild Wolf Gang. We really can't afford any danger if there is any danger!"

"I see, let's wait for the arrival of the lake lord before we make plans!"

The elders around looked at Ding Fan one by one and said very seriously, although they were all very confident in Ding Fan's strength, but you must know that there are many strange things in the Tianyin Mountain Range this day, and it is not an easy matter. In addition, this is the hinterland of the Wild Wolf Gang, if he meets a member of the Wild Wolf Gang, Ding Fan will be in a near-death situation.

"Elders, I, Ding Fan, know that all of you are doing it for my own good, but there are not only powerful beasts in the Tianyin Mountains, but also our deadly enemy, the Wild Wolf Gang. If we want to wipe out the Wild Wolf Gang It is necessary to pass through the Tianyin Mountains, these are unavoidable things."

"If something happens to us in the Tianyin Mountains, it will be very unfavorable to us, so I have to go this trip, and there are many ingredients in this elixir that you don't know, if I don't I’m afraid no one will be able to complete this trip, right?”

The surrounding elders listened to Ding Fan's words, and lowered their heads one by one. To be honest, what Ding Fan said was true. If the members of the 36th Cave did not avoid the danger in the Tianyin Mountains, what would they do by then? Facing the two major attacks of Yuan Beast and Wild Wolf Gang.

After thinking about these things clearly, they all lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at Ding Fan. At this moment, they wanted to refute in their hearts, but they didn't know what words to use.

At this moment, Ding Fan looked at them with a smile on the corner of his mouth. To be honest, Ding Fan was never a brave person, but this time Ding Fan thought that no one else was more suitable than himself.

Ding Fan looked at the many elders who were all silent around him, coughed his throat lightly, and then said to everyone:
"Since there is no objection, then this matter has been decided, and I will accept all the pills. As for you, during my absence, you will hide near the Tianyin Mountains and observe every move here. Long Ren arrived here first, so you can now settle down with Long Ren and the others."

The elders around listened to Ding Fan's words and lowered their heads one by one. They really couldn't think of an excuse to stop Ding Fan. What Ding Fan said was right, no one is more suitable for this matter than him.

At this time, the elders looked at Ding Fan solemnly for a while, then they all bowed their hands to Ding Fan, and said respectfully:
"Senior Ding, be extremely careful! There are many strange things in the Tianyin Mountain Range, Senior Ding must not be careless."

Listening to the elder's words, Ding Fan also had a serious expression on his face. To be honest, Ding Fan was able to survive for such a long time in this cultivation world because of his cautious way of doing things.

"By the way, Senior Ding, what about this guy?"

While speaking, an elder with a big beard pointed at Cheng Xu who was lying on the ground. Cheng Xu was bewitched by Ding Fan just now, and now he became weak and lay motionless on the ground.

Ding Fan followed the voice of the bearded elder, and a wicked smile slowly crossed the corner of his mouth. After exhaling lightly, he said quietly to the bearded elder:
"Put him in prison first, he's still useful!"

"Yes! Senior Ding."

At this time, the bearded elder looked at Ding Fan half-understanding, not knowing what role Cheng Xu, who was like a waste in their eyes, still had, but they still chose to obey Ding Fan's orders unconditionally.

After explaining briefly, Ding Fan turned around and looked at the Tianyin Mountain Range in the depths, with a slight arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, and a faint look of excitement appeared in his eyes.

To be honest, although there are various dangers in the Tianyin Mountains, these dangers are only a challenge to Ding Fan. Although the strength of the Wild Wolf Gang is strong, Ding Fan is not a soft persimmon. Feel free to let others bully you.

"Everyone, the Tianyin Mountain Range is extremely dangerous, so I advise everyone, before I come back, you must not intrude into the Tianyin Mountain Range at will, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Listening to Ding Fan's words, all the elders showed solemn expressions on their faces. After nodding heavily, they fixed their eyes on Ding Fan's figure, with an expression that hesitated to speak.

"Okay, let's just leave it like this, everyone, you must take care of me during my disappearance!"

As he spoke, Ding Fan's figure ran to the depths of the Tianyin Mountains. Ding Fan had already taken a pill just now, so Ding Fan didn't have to worry about Yuan Beast discovering his existence.

Ding Fan's powerful spiritual consciousness was released from his body. In a short time, Ding Fan checked the surrounding things clearly. To be honest, under Ding Fan's investigation, he was surprised to find that There are so many primordial beasts in the Yin Mountain Range, and each primordial beast is surrounded by a layer of rich aura.

"It's really a treasure land. If it weren't for the many primordial beasts around here, it would be a good choice to move the Ocean Sect here."

(End of this chapter)

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