The best playboy

Chapter 1701 Chapter 1806 Meeting a member of the Wild Wolf Gang

Chapter 1701 Chapter [-] Meeting a member of the Wolf Gang by chance

The wind was blowing under Ding Fan's feet, and afterimages whizzed past the spot. When the figure flashed by, Ding Fan had perfectly dodged several extremely powerful Yuan beasts through his powerful spiritual consciousness. The level has even reached the legendary ninth-rank Yuan beast.

Afterimages flashed past and gradually gathered into a figure. At this time, Ding Fan's figure slowly appeared from a piece of emerald green forest.

Ding Fan squatted down slightly, grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and sniffed it, frowned slightly, then raised his head, his eyes looked at the dense forest ahead, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

After Ding Fan's understanding of the elixir in Cheng Xu's hands just now, Ding Fan found that the raw materials of this elixir gathered the special parts of most of the beasts in the Tianyin Mountains, and it was possible to extract this elixir through a special method. The medicine is refined.

"It's really interesting..."

At this moment, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth twitched slightly. Such a large amount of raw materials was too troublesome for Ding Fan. He simply didn't have so much time to collect such a huge amount of Yuan beast parts, not to mention, Yuan beasts would not Stand for Ding Fan to collect.

Thinking of this, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Ding Fan's heart, a pair of eyes flashed a gleam, his body paused slightly, and then jumped out in a flash.

"It seems that we can only go to the wolf gang first..."

Ding Fan's voice talking to himself floated farther and farther away, making it sound unusually ethereal. To be honest, Ding Fan's own plan now is to go directly to the Wild Wolf Gang to steal the raw materials for this elixir.

Anyway, this elixir was refined by the Wild Wolf Gang. Presumably there must be a lot of this kind of elixir and elixir materials in the Wild Wolf Gang. For Ding Fan, no matter which of these two things is stolen, It can all be considered a success.

But the most difficult thing for Ding Fan at this moment is not knowing where the Wild Wolf Gang is. Thinking of this, Ding Fan frowned slowly. The location has already entered the Tianyin Mountain Range.

At this moment, Ding Fan was a little puzzled for a while. To be honest, Ding Fan had never seen such confusion before. After all, the Tianyin Mountain Range is so wide that Ding Fan is really rare. There are many strange things. If Ding Fan hadn't taken the elixir and his powerful consciousness, Ding Fan might still be dangling on the edge of the Tianyin Mountain Range.

"Hey! Have you heard? The Dayang Sect we destroyed before, Elder Qian and Yu Changlao discovered the remnants of the Dayang Sect some time ago, and found that the suzerain of the Dayang Sect has also changed!"

"Oh? Is this really the case? Isn't the Dayang Sect a small gang! As for our elders, do we attach so much importance to it?"

"Tch, what do you know? Do you know who the current Patriarch of the Ocean Sect is? He is Ding Fan, the Ding Fan that our sect masters have always regarded as the enemy!"

"What!? The suzerain of the Ocean Sect is actually Ding Fan? Is this impossible?"

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded in Ding Fan's ear. After hearing this voice, Ding Fan couldn't help becoming nervous. To be honest, when these two people appeared Unaware.

Thinking of this, Ding Fan held his breath, then released his consciousness, and probed into the distance bit by bit. To be honest, Ding Fan stayed in place for such a long time, but he didn't even notice these two people .

After some investigation, Ding Fan still didn't feel the aura of these two people. At this time, Ding Fan's brows could not help but frowned fiercely. One must know that his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, even though the sky is cloudy and the jungle is very big. It limited the ability of Ding Fan's spiritual consciousness, but it was far beyond those ordinary monks.

At this moment, there was no flaw under Ding Fan's investigation, which made Ding Fan a little puzzled. Could it be that he heard it wrong?
But soon Ding Fan became firm in his mind. Just now Ding Fan clearly heard those two people mention his name. This is not an illusion at all, but a real existence.

Thinking of this, an evil smile crossed the corner of Ding Fan's mouth, and he immediately hid in the jungle. After Ding Fan's speculation, since he could hear someone talking, then this person must not be within range of him. It will be more than two miles, as long as I wait patiently, these two people will hit the door by themselves.

"Hey! Have you heard? The elders of our gang who went out a few days ago are all back!"

"What? Are you me? The eight elders of our gang who were distracted are all back? This is really great. The elders were not there before, and our wild wolf gang needs to keep a low profile when we see the gang in the 36th hole. Now all the elders are here. Come back, coupled with the profound cultivation of the leader, we will no longer have to be intimidated when we see the gang at the 36th hole!"

"Hehe, I heard that all the elders of our gang have come back this time, just for a kid named Ding Fan."

"It's Ding Fan again. What kind of ability does this Ding Fan have to make so many elders of our gang hate him?"

A burst of low-pitched voices rang in Ding Fan's ears again. At this time Ding Fan turned over and sat up, lying on top of a big tree with his ears perked up, his whole body was tense. stand up.

After releasing his consciousness, Ding Fan could vaguely feel that two people were slowly approaching him at a distance of about six to seventy meters.

At this time, Ding Fan's powerful spiritual consciousness played a certain role, and layers of invisible fluctuations were released from Ding Fan's body. After a short time, Ding Fan could clearly see two young men dressed strangely. People are slowly approaching themselves.

"The opportunity has come..."

At this time, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and a strange arc flashed in his eyes. To be honest, Ding Fan was also admiring the elixir developed by the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang at this time.

This kind of elixir can not only transform the monks into the unique aura of Yuan beasts, but also hide all the fluctuations of the monks. It was because Ding Fan took this elixir on the two of them just now that Ding Fan didn't know where they were. Know nothing.

At this time, the two of them had already entered the scope of Ding Fan's investigation, and as they paced slightly, it could be seen that the two of them were so familiar with everything here.

"Do you know? Our leader said that Ding Fan will be our enemy in the future. I think our leader is worrying too much. I think that Ding Fan is just a young boy, so what can he do. "

"Yeah, I think so too. I think our leader's courage is too small. What's more, this Ding Fan has not grown up yet. With the strength of our leader, does it still take a lot of effort to deal with a brat?"

"Hey, this Ding Fan just didn't let us meet. If we did, I will definitely let everyone know what life is better than death, hehe."

"Hey, big brother, what you said is wrong, you still need your help to deal with Ding Fan? I am enough alone, hahaha."

While the two were teasing each other, Ding Fan, who was hiding on the big tree, had a cold smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of strange fluctuations.

"Okay, brother, we have to leave quickly, if we are late, the leader will be angry again!"

As they spoke, the two lean men in black plain clothes quickened their pace, but just as the two were about to walk out of Ding Fan's surveillance range, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Seeing the sudden appearance of a figure, the two of them were startled for an instant. To be honest, apart from the members of the Wild Wolf Gang in the Tianyin Mountain Range, very few people can come in at ordinary times. The powerful primordial beasts in the Yin Mountains were brutally killed, and at this moment a figure suddenly appeared, and the two of them were frightened instantly.

"You... who are you!?"

At this time, a scruffy man with loose hair stood up, pointed at Ding Fan and shouted in surprise.

"Let me tell you that we are members of the Wild Wolf Gang. This mountain range is our base camp. If you dare to mess around, our gang leader will definitely not let you go!"

At this time, another thin-looking man also stood up. When he said the name of the Wild Wolf Gang, a proud expression suddenly appeared on his face, his eyes changed, and he looked at Ding Fan and said .

At this moment, Ding Fan listened to the two people's words, and there was a sly smile on the corner of his mouth. He nodded his head slightly, and then muttered to himself:
"A member of the Wild Wolf Gang?"

Ding Fande's tone was very light, as if he was intimidated by the gang of wild wolves that the two of them talked about.

"Hahaha, what's the matter? Are you scared? Let me tell you, we are members of the Wild Wolf Gang, and this is our territory. You dare to break into our territory, you are dead!"

"Boy, you should understand the rules, right?!"

As he spoke, the scruffy man with loose hair stretched out his hand in Ding Fan's direction, a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

"I don't understand the rules of the Wild Wolf Gang, but I think the two of you should know some of my rules."

At this time, Ding Fan saw the shameless appearance of the two people in front of him, and a wicked smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and then he said domineeringly to the two people.

At this time, after hearing Ding Fan's words, the two of them seemed to be stimulated, their eyes were full of astonishment, as if they had heard something unbelievable.

"What did you say? You want us to obey your rules, boy, are you dreaming? Have you never heard of the name of our wild wolf gang? Hahaha."

At this time, the unusually thin young man from the Wild Wolf Gang pointed at Ding Fan and said arrogantly, but when the thin young man was extremely arrogant, Ding Fan's figure flashed out, and he appeared in the thin young man almost at the same time. in front of the man.

At this time, it was too late for the thin man to resist. A huge and powerful palm pinched the thin man's neck fiercely, and a sense of powerless suffocation instantly filled the body of the wolf gang man.

"help me."

At this time, he uttered two words with difficulty from his throat, and at this moment the scruffy young man was also looking at Ding Fan solemnly, the corner of his mouth twitched for a while, and a bad premonition surged in his heart instantly.

When Ding Fan shot at this thin man just now, he didn't realize it at all. By the time he realized it now, it was already too late, watching Ding Fan pinch his companion's palm.

A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of this slovenly young man, he let out a loud drink, and a water-blue true energy shot towards Ding Fan in his hand.

"Let go of me!"

As he spoke, the incomparably fierce water-blue true energy was about to hit Ding Fan's body.

(End of this chapter)

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