Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1003 Volume 3 113 Planning

Chapter 1003 Three Volumes 113 Planning (1 more)
On the yellow bamboo boat, the ready-made elm money and cakes came out of the pot one by one. The concubines of the harem kept busy until the night fell, the lights on the building and the boat were no longer visible on both sides of the strait, so they stopped.

Anyway, they are all masters in the harem, and they haven't done such a laborious thing for a long time, so everyone's arms are sore from exhaustion, and they sat down and knocked together with smiles.

Even the emperor was so happy that he wrote a poem "San Yu Cake" on the Qingque boat, and the eunuch sent it to the yellow bamboo boat to read it to the harem as a compliment.

"The elm pods pass the Qingming Festival, and the round coins are green and cloudy. The emerald green imitates the cocoons of spring silkworms, and is as thin as the wings of autumn cicadas.

The people of this country are hungry, and there are many ravines and ravines.Grass roots are still full, which is a rare thing. "

After hearing this, Chen Guiren patted Wanxi's hand lightly: "The emperor loves to write poems. You can see that he has written dozens of poems in Jinan alone. But poems are different from poems. Whether the emperor is singing about Baotu Spring , Daming Lake, or Lixia Pavilion, it is not surprising that many literati have chanted it for thousands of years because of those scenic spots that are already extremely rare."

"The odd thing is the two poems written by the emperor: one is written for Haitang, and the other is for Yushan Fu. Both of them are too 'ordinary'."

"Although begonias are beautiful, they are not the rarest and most prestigious flowers. Moreover, this season is full of flowers and willows. Jinan is not the first grade of begonias. Why doesn't the emperor sing about other flowers and write a poem just for begonias?" Does it mean that the emperor thinks of the palace? Except for the Wenhua Palace of the Outer Dynasty and the Queen Mother’s Shoukang Palace, there are also begonias in the palace, but in the east and west palaces, only your Yongshou Palace has begonias... Your Majesty Since I wrote this Haitang poem, I don’t think it would make any sense if it wasn’t for you.”

"The "Ode to Yushan" of the two, not to mention that other dignitaries from famous families in the palace have never eaten or heard of it, let alone make it with their own hands! Such a simple poem about eating and drinking...it shows how important this simple pastry is in the emperor's heart."

Wanxi blushed when she heard that: "Maybe, it's just a coincidence."

Chen Guiren laughed: "He is the son of heaven, he can kill with one word, and all his words and deeds must be done after careful consideration. What's more, this is an imperial poem written in ink, which is to be preserved by the official seal, so what can he do?" Is it just a 'coincidence'?"

Chen Guiren patted Wanxi's hand again: "Just wait, the emperor has already made up his mind. Your happy life must not be far away."
Although the concubines on the yellow bamboo boat are actually Wanxi as the core, they should naturally be headed by pure noble concubines.Everyone also noticed that Concubine Chun looked a little strange tonight.

Sure enough, she couldn't sit still for a while, Chun Guifei said: "We have used up all the elm money collected by the guards, and it was getting late, so the people on the shore naturally all went back. We were all tired for a long time, so we all went back Go away."

Wanxi also hurriedly said: "Exactly, the fourth princess will definitely miss Er Niang."

Then Chang Zai and Lin Chang Zai bowed and left, and Chen Guiren shook Yuqin's hand and went back.Only Wanxi and Concubine Chun were left on the yellow strip boat.

Wanxi lifted the steamer on the small charcoal stove next to it, revealing a drawer of elm money left over inside: "I added milk to this drawer, it's very sweet, I think the fourth princess should like it."

Concubine Chun looked at the other drawer in the steamer.

Wanxi also nodded: "That's right, I left this one for the empress. I'll go back to the 'Qingfu Boat' to change clothes later, and then I'll send it to the empress myself. If Sister Chun is free, come along too." Bar."

 Sister Sleeve is smoking today, and I have only logged in since morning. Everyone has been waiting for a long time.Ten more today.

(End of this chapter)

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