Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1004: Sudden Arrival

Chapter 1004: Sudden Arrival (114 More)
The night was getting darker, and people on each ship were gradually falling asleep.The lights in the boat above the water were dimmed one by one.

Wanxi tidies up.Yuhu came up with the food box, but did not pass the food box into Wanxi's hand, but firmly carried it by herself, and stood beside Wanxi.

Wanxi looked back at the jade pot: "Tonight is a heavy responsibility, I can go by myself. You stay and rest."

Yuhu nodded with a smile, but held Wanxi's arm more firmly: "The master has something to say to the queen's master, so why doesn't the slave have something to say to the queen's master?"

Wanxi fixedly looked into Yuhu's eyes again, and seeing firmness in her eyes, she nodded slightly.

At this moment, Mao Tuan'er came back from the outside, with eyes full of caution, he played Qian'er and said: "Ali Gun sent an actor on board to sing for the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager is happy at the moment, and Master Shu made fun of it, so he proposed to invite the Emperor to come and join us." Happy. At this time, the emperor has gone to the empress dowager to drive the boat, and left the blue bird boat."

Wan Xi smiled softly: "Tonight, the emperor and the empress dowager are together, and there are babbling, singing, and silk and bamboo singing, which is naturally the most appropriate."

In early spring and March, although the willows are green and the flowers are blooming, the water and wind are still a bit cold when sailing at night.Wanxi gathered the collar of the cloak, looked at the jade pot again, and gently held the jade pot's hand: "If you have made up your mind, then let's go."

Yuhu nodded and followed firmly.
It was the end of Xu time (about 21:[-]), and the world was silent.Wanxi raised her eyes and glanced around, standing on the deck, she could only hear the babbling and silk bamboo from the empress dowager's royal boat from a distance.

Wanxi got off the "Qingfu Boat" and was ferried to the Queen's "Xiangchi Boat" via the Ruyi boat.Seeing that there was movement on Wanxi's side, there were also movements from several "Yang Caizhou" and "Red Bird Boats" on the left and right.

Wanxi stood on the Ruyi boat with her head held high, looking left and right, it was the imperial concubine Chun and Yuqin who got off the boat and approached her.

When the two of them came, Wanxi was not surprised, but she still heard movement from the lowest-level "Lingbo Boat" at the stern.

The "Lingbo Boat" is often on board, so Wanxi quickly looked at Yuqin.

Yuqin shook her head, indicating that it was by no means that she acted carelessly, and she was discovered when she made a commotion.Wanxi held her breath and looked over, and saw a Ruyi boat coming quietly, and the person standing on the boat turned out to be the Xiaobai family who had been named Bai Changzai!

Xiao Bai's arrival was unexpected, Wanxi couldn't avoid her intentions for a while, so she couldn't help hinting in the direction of Concubine Chun and Yuqin to stop for the time being and don't get on the queen's boat.

The ferry boat that Xiao Bai was riding in soon came to Wanxi's eyes. Xiao Bai looked around, stepped over, walked to Wanxi's boat, and said to Wanxi in a low but hasty voice: "There were so many things that happened back then. Misunderstanding, thinking about it, Ling Niangniang should already know that my sister is also innocent. My sister also understands Ling Niangniang's character."

It was inconvenient for Xiao Bai to say more, so she directly knelt down in front of Wanxi: "Thousands of words, I will talk about them later. It's just this moment, please make your mother believe me and take me with you!"
Concubine Chun and Yuqin couldn't help sweating, and Yuqin couldn't help but yelled "Wanxi!"

Wanxi also narrowed her eyes and stared at Xiao Bai who was kneeling in front of her eyes.

When she had lumps in the past, she became suspicious of all the Bai sisters, and even had a big fight with Yipin.Ordinarily, if it was due to the previous incident, she should not have trusted Xiao Bai at this time.

But for some reason, before Wanxi's eyes, the tragic scene of Yipin's illness kept appearing in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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