Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1017: Returning To Beijing

Chapter 1017 Three Volumes 127 Returning to Beijing (5 more)
Upon hearing "Tianjin", Yuhu's face also turned red.

"Master! I'm really ashamed of this slave!~"

Wanxi blinked and smiled lightly: "Why are you ashamed? The eldest daughter continues to marry, you have reached this age now, if you don't get married, it will be my fault!"

Wanxi squeezed the jade pot's hand: "Say it yourself, do you want to wait until you return to Beijing, after the funeral of Empress Daxing, I will ask the emperor for an order; or just arrive in Tianjin, and I will secretly talk to the emperor I asked Grace to let you stay in Tianjin directly?"

Yuhu was shy and anxious: "Master, don't be in a hurry! Anyway, the queen has just left, and Fu Erye is her own brother. At this time, it is not appropriate for the emperor to propose marriage."

Wanxi nodded: "You're right. It just happened to pass through Tianjin in this way. If I didn't ask you to meet each other and just passed by like this, I would feel sorry for you."

"Anyway, Second Master Fu has been in the snow region for many years, and he was just transferred back by the emperor this year, so it's rare for you to see each other."

Yuhu bowed his head and pondered for a while: "...The slave boldly asked the master for a favor, and asked the slave to disembark from the boat and go ashore for a while at night. Since it is the funeral palace of Empress Daxing, Master Fu must go to the shore in person. Come and welcome, this servant took the opportunity to go up and say hello to Master Fu."

Wanxi nodded quickly: "Of course! I'll leave it up to you to decide this matter. If you want to wait a little longer before asking me to ask the emperor for orders, I will listen to you."
On March [-]th, the emperor and his party returned to the capital.

In addition to the clan ministers below the prince, the princesses, the wives of ministers below the concubine, and the wives under the leadership of the inner government assistants and inner managers all gathered in different classes, kneeling to welcome the funeral of Empress Daxing.

For a time, the crowd in front of the city gate was full of crows, showing the honor of the queen.

It's just that Wanxi waited for the harem's driver, but she entered the city gate lightly and skillfully, and went back to the palace.

Inside the car, Chen Guiren sighed softly: "Empress Daxing is mourning behind her. The emperor called so many people to kneel to meet him, but why didn't he ask us, who are in the harem, to kneel together? The emperor didn't even call everyone in the palace." Concubine Xian and others who are accompanying you come to kneel down to greet her... The commanding wife and the servants of the internal management are originally the queen's slaves, so what's so special about coming to kneel down to greet her?"

"Empress Daxing's most important status is the master of the harem after all. Therefore, what she likes to see the most is actually our groveling. It's a pity that the emperor 'doesn't understand' the thoughts of Empress Daxing~"

Yuqin also raised her eyebrows: "No, only princesses and concubines come to greet us on their knees. That is to say, even the queen's own princess He Jing is not allowed to come. Looking at the dark scene, after all, there are not many big concubines. The person the empress wants to see."

Wanxi pressed the hands of the two separately: "Let's go back to the palace first. There are still many things that need to be arranged in the emperor's harem. We can only do our best to share the worries for the emperor."
As soon as Wanxi returned to the palace and settled down, she heard the little eunuch Men Shuaner beaming outside and talking, saying that the queen's "Xiang Chi Zhou" couldn't get in through the city gate and was about to set up a team to drag it from the city wall.

It was Yuye who spat at him: "You don't understand! You Han people may not have this rule, but the dead of the banner people, no matter how high or low, are not allowed to go through the door, they have to go out through the window. Because the door is for the living. If the corpse walks through the door, it will be unlucky."

"Why else in the Forbidden City, all corpses would go to Donghua Gate, and all dead corpses in the capital would go to Xuanwu Gate. These two gates are called 'Death Gate'... this is called the separation of life and death."

(End of this chapter)

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