Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1018 Chapter 3 128

Chapter 1018 Three Volumes 128 Urging Li (6 more)
"The queen collapsed on the Xiangchi boat, and the Xiangzhi boat is equivalent to the funeral palace of the empress Daxing. Before the empress enters the coffin, it is naturally not appropriate to move it out of the funeral palace, otherwise it will be disrespectful, and the whole boat will naturally be given Drag it back. The emperor came back from Tianjin, which is to the east of the capital, and Xuanwumen is to the southwest, so it is impossible to drag a boat so far. This is the closest, and you can't go through the city gate, the city wall There are no windows, so we can only walk through the battlements!"

Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Yuhu, and Yuhu hurriedly went out to teach the two of them: "That's enough. The queen of Daxing should be talked about like this when we are slaves? Especially since we are all from Yongshou Palace, let alone these things."

Yu Ye blushed and stood up and leaned over, whispering to Yu Hu in a low voice: "...I don't care about Queen Daxing. I just want to know, since the Queen has collapsed anyway, who will be the Queen next?"

Wanxi also heard it through the glass window, knocked on the window to let Yuye come in, raised her hand and slapped her on the back of the hand.

"Inside the palace is no better than outside. You should wake up now. We are already back in the palace, not outside. Stop talking about these things. The emperor naturally knows these things well, and you are not allowed to talk nonsense anymore."

Yu Ye stuck out her tongue, and dared not speak any more.

Wanxi felt at peace in her heart.She knew what her background was. In the Kangxi Dynasty, she could only be a concubine if she had a son. It is a blessing from heaven that she can have what she is today.What's more, taking the Empress Daxing's view over the years, even though she is in the back seat, she has to be watched by the Six Palaces all the time, so it feels good.
On the night of March [-]th, Empress Zi Gong returned to Changchun Palace.

On March 22, the emperor appointed Empress Daxing's posthumous title as "Xiaoxian". "Filial piety" is the posthumous title of empresses in all dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, and "Xian" is exactly the same posthumous title as the imperial concubine Huixian.When the emperor promulgated the posthumous title of empress Daxing, he also revealed the hidden feelings of the empress who had personally asked for the word "virtuous" after the death of imperial concubine Yu Huixian.

Wanxi stayed quietly in her palace these few days, just doing her best to make those folk snacks he loves for the emperor, such as shepherd's purse soup and sticky rice nests. Quietly send it over.

Chun Rili was easy to get angry, she pushed aside the noise in her ears, and only wanted to focus on the emperor's body.

Yuhu also understood Wanxi's mood, so she tried to filter out all the turmoil outside the palace gate as much as possible.It's just that Yuhu couldn't help but come back this day and said: "...the empress dowager is already urging the emperor to establish a new empress."

Wanxi couldn't help frowning slightly: "Empress Daxing has been serving the Queen Mother with all her heart these years. If the Queen Mother misses the old love, even if it's a month late."

Yuhu also sighed: "It can be seen from this that although the queen has devoted herself to serving the empress dowager these years, the empress dowager does not take it seriously."

Wanxi nodded: "Let's just listen to this matter. After all, we can also guess the two candidates in the Empress Dowager's heart."

While talking, Men Suan'er came in to reply, saying that an eunuch from the Hall of Mental Cultivation had come to see him.

Wanxi was stunned, and looked at the jade pot: "Isn't it Li Wenda? Which eunuch is it?"

Yuhu laughed instead: "Master Li is the chief eunuch of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. In fact, it's impossible for Mr. Li to come to the door in person to deliver orders. It's just that the emperor cares about the master, and Mr. Li also remembers the old love in his heart, so Mr. Li comes in person every time." .My master forgot how many eunuchs there are in the Hall of Mental Cultivation!"

Wanxi nodded: "I'm afraid Li Wenda is accompanying the emperor at this moment, and there is some inseparability, so this is why I have something to send the eunuch next to me. Please come in quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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