Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1019 Volume 3 129 Ingratiate

Chapter 1019 Volume 129 7 To Please ([-] More)
The eunuch came in and knelt down, Wanxi looked over, it was really embarrassing.

From this point, it can be seen that even though this eunuch is also a servant in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he must not be the servant who served in front of the emperor.Otherwise, she has been by the emperor's side all these years, and she has often come and gone to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so she will not be unrecognizable.

Wanxi nodded and smiled, "I don't know how to call it."

The eunuch smiled and replied: "Master, my servant Chen Yuzhu."

Wanxi smiled: "Oh, then the bento should really be someone from the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

The emperor loves jade, and this Chen Yuzhu also has a "jade" embedded in his name, which is really "not the same family, don't need the same 'yu'".

Yuhu then asked for Wanxi: "I don't know what kind of errand Master Chen is in the Hall of Mental Cultivation?"

Zhang Yuzhu replied with a smile again: "The servant follows a treasurer."

It turned out to be in charge of the small warehouse of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, no wonder it was common and rare.

Wanxi herself couldn't figure it out for a while, a treasurer and eunuch from the Hall of Mental Cultivation came to see her, it shouldn't be an order, so why did she come here?
Yuhu understood that it was inconvenient for Wanxi to keep asking, so she asked with a smile on her behalf: "I don't know if Mr. Chen is here...what can I teach you?"

Chen Yuzhu smiled like a flower on his face, and said unhurriedly: "Returning to the master, the slave is one thing to order the master back and forth... Today, the slave and the treasurer Bai Shixiu followed Hu Shijie's order, saying that the emperor It is ordered to move the decoration of the west side room of the back hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation to the east side room...to make room for the new noble concubine to live in."

Wanxi was slightly taken aback, and raised her eyes to meet Yuhu's.

The east ear room of the back hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation has always been the place where Empress Daxing lived when she was in bed during her lifetime.Empress Daxing passed away ten days ago, and returned to Beijing for five days. Her residence in the Hall of Mental Cultivation will be exchanged for someone else?
Chen Yuzhu saw that Wanxi didn't want to understand Guan Yao, so he smiled obsequiously: "The west anteroom was originally the residence of the noble concubine when she was sleeping, but now it has been vacated to the east antelope. The west antelope has become vacant again." ...It can be seen from this that the emperor will appoint a new imperial concubine."
Wanxi quietly glanced at the jade pot, and she understood Chen Yuzhu's words in her heart.

Wanxi didn't take it seriously at first, so she just laughed aloud: "The newly promoted concubine should naturally be granted the title from the original concubine. Now that Concubine Jia is happy, Concubine Yu also has a prince, so naturally it should be The two of them."

"Why didn't Wenda report to Concubine Jia's Jingren Palace, or Concubine Yu's Chuxiu Palace?"

Chen Yuzhu chuckled: "Master Ling! Ouch, you are too humble! According to the slave, the only one the emperor really wants to be named is Master Ling. Not only the slave thinks so, who in the Hall of Mental Cultivation doesn't think so? Therefore, the slave Together with Bai Shixiu, hurry up and ask Master Ling first, what kind of tent do you like? What kind of kang tables, charcoal basins, spit boxes, kang screens? The slaves will follow Master Ling's wishes first. , but ready to come!"
This Chen Yuzhu wanted to please, but Wanxi couldn't help frowning.

She glanced at the jade pot again, and the jade pot hurriedly took a purse and handed it to Chen Yuzhu: "This is the best snuff. Mr. Chen has been in the warehouse all year round, so it is inevitable that the humidity will be heavy. Use this when you are not comfortable. I feel comfortable when I sneeze."

Chen Yuzhu knew that this was the concubine seeing off the guests, so he went there gratefully.

Wanxi couldn't help frowning: "Now that Empress Daxing has just passed away, everyone in the harem is concerned about who will be the successor. At such a critical time, it is not appropriate for even the eunuchs from the Hall of Mental Cultivation to come to us like this. You go and replace her." I'll wait and see, when the emperor comes back, I want to see the emperor."

 This is an authentic historical material, and in a few days, people go out for tea.Not "everyone knows", but it's a solid fact~~
(End of this chapter)

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