Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1020: Dislike

Chapter 1020 Three Volumes 130 Dislike (8 More)
The emperor also wore plain clothes for Empress Daxing, and his face became paler.

Wanxi lowered her head and said: "It's all my servant's fault... These days I only feed the emperor these shepherd's purse and sticky noodles, which made the emperor lose weight. Now the emperor is going to take care of the affairs of Empress Daxing. How can this body handle it?"

The emperor snorted softly, and reached out to touch Wanxi's cheek.

"Are you still talking about me? Didn't you lose weight yourself? The empress Daxing just left, but I also spared you all the courtesy. I just don't want you to follow a busy place. You don't have to worry about me, I'm so thin , I have something else on my mind."

Wanxi glanced at the emperor: "...what about the previous dynasty?"

The emperor laughed and snorted: "The queen was given to the Lord by the emperor's relatives. Have you forgotten that there were more gifts given to the Lord by the emperor's relatives in the previous dynasty... Since it is the queen's funeral ceremony, this is a gift from God. This is a good opportunity for the Lord, so I simply deal with those people together!"

"I would also like to thank the queen for coming this year... In 13 years, Huang Kao died in the 13th year of his reign. I have a reason for what I do this year."

Wanxi opened her mouth lightly: "If you say so, the emperor will be very busy in the future."

The corners of the emperor's lips curled up slightly: "Forward to the harem, just for this reason, it is neatly organized!"

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled lightly: "...So the emperor is the first one in the harem to take the slaves under the knife."
The emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Why do you say such stupid words?"

Wanxi bowed her head, twirling the tassels of the handkerchief with her fingers: "I heard that the servant, the emperor is afraid that the servant will not be allowed to live in Yongshou Palace."

The emperor was confused, and reached out to pinch her: "Is this from sleep?"

Only then did Wanxi slowly raise her eyes, and pouted lightly: "...today, there are eunuchs from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, who went to the slave to ask what kind of tents and tables to prepare, and which side room they said they would move to. Go live."

"The slave's Yongshou Palace is just behind the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The front hall and back hall are so nice in such a big courtyard. Why does the slave want the side rooms and enclosures in the Hall of Mental Cultivation?"

The emperor understood this.

"...It turns out that someone is going to torment you! These slaves, it's not enough to sit on the fence at this moment, and they have to take the initiative to come to the door to make trouble!"
Wanxi stretched out her hand and gently held the emperor's hand.

"Based on the emperor's words, this servant can tell that the commotion in the harem has disturbed the emperor, right?"

The emperor sighed softly: "Yes. Now who is the successor, the emperor asked nirvana, and the east and west six palaces are also guessing. One by one, it makes me feel uneasy!"

Wanxi nodded: "No, the emperor's thoughts are on the former court at this time. Taking advantage of the funeral, thoroughly rectifying the former court and eliminating party disputes is the emperor's top priority at this time. The harem should not be in chaos together."

Only then did the emperor sigh lightly, and stretched out his arms to embrace Wanxi.

"It's good that you understand, Lord."

Wanxi blinked: "The servant came to the emperor, and he always said one sentence: I like the big courtyard set of Yongshou Palace, and I don't like the small side room. I beg the emperor, don't give me the big courtyard set of the slave." Change it to a small ear room!"

"What's more, I have a yard full of cats, dogs, fish and birds, which can't fit in a small anteroom. If the emperor wants to eat shepherd's purse and moxa again, there will be nowhere to find it!"

The emperor couldn't help laughing: "I understand your thoughts. Now if they want to make wild guesses outside, they can guess, and whoever wants to make troubles can make troubles. After all, you have to be safe and stable."

The emperor gently held Wanxi's face: "...let them fight. You don't have to fight."

 More here today, see you tomorrow.Those who like history, don’t take those “official histories” in Baidu Encyclopedia, they are all edited by netizens~~ You can look at the archives, those will be more objective and have more reference value.

(End of this chapter)

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