Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1158 Chapter 3 268 The Night Is Not Cold

Chapter 1158 Three Volumes 268 The Night Is Not Cold (9 More)
Li Yu bowed and said with a smile: "The emperor has finished the salute, and is waiting for the master."

Wan Xi nodded and walked forward, Li Yu asked again: "Little masters, have you all rested?"

Wan Xi nodded: "It's just that Lao Dada should send a few capable eunuchs to watch out the window. After all, they just changed places tonight, so I'm afraid they won't be able to sleep well."

Li Yu hurriedly said, "Reassure master."
Walking through the hall, when Wanxi walked to the front hall, the emperor was already standing at the gate of the hall waiting for her.

Wanxi stepped forward to salute, and said with a smile: "My brother and the princesses are all asleep. What about the slave, can I go back to sleep in my own palace now?"

The emperor snorted softly: "I didn't sleep tonight, why do you want to sleep?"

Wanxi also smiled, stepped forward and gently took the emperor's hand.

"Then what does the emperor want the servant to do?"

The emperor looked at Wanxi's eunuch's clothes up and down, and snorted softly: "Since you are wearing such clothes, at least you should do what a person wearing these clothes should do!"

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked at him.

But the emperor directly snatched a glass lamp from the eunuch's hand and stuffed it into Wanxi's hand: "Hold the lamp for the Lord!"
Just after Zizi was the earliest time in the 14th year of Qianlong.

In the palace right now, it was so quiet that one couldn't bear to pant loudly.

At this moment, even the outside of the palace became quiet, and the common people also had a one-year-old guard, and each rested.

This is the emperor of this country who wants to wake up alone, leave the warm bedroom, and walk into this quiet world alone under the cold wind.

Wanxi was wrapped in a big cloak by the emperor, so she held the lamp and walked with the emperor in the night with several eunuchs and guards.

In the distance, there are nine palaces, brackets and cornices, symbolizing the majesty of the royal family.But in front of my eyes and ears, there is only the lonely figure of the emperor alone, and the rustling but firm footsteps.

On this day, the emperor wanted to express his respect for the gods and Buddhas in the sky, so he left his sedan chair in such a clear night and walked through the night of the palace city on foot.

Wanxi held the lantern in one hand, and shook hands with the emperor in the other.Although there were eunuchs and guards not far behind, but the palace city was so big and the world was so quiet, it still felt as if there were only two people holding hands.

Because incense was burned everywhere, the emperor was solemn and solemn on this road, rarely speaking.Wanxi carefully searched for a few topics, and whispered to the emperor to listen to, first to dispel the solemnity in the night, and second, to make the emperor smile.

"...The servant has been in the palace for more than eight years, but I only found out today that there are so many statues enshrined in the palace!"

The emperor tilted his head and snorted softly.Although he didn't say such a little undignified words like her, the corners of his lips curled up.

Wanxi lowered her head and thought about it carefully, and counted with her fingers, and then said: "It seems that all gods and Buddhas who can be named in this world are enshrined in the palace!"

Not to mention anything else, just now in a small temple under the wall without raising her eyes, she saw the emperor offering incense to Emperor Guan!

In the past, I always felt that Second Lord Guan was only the god of the Han family, but now I know that the emperor worshiped all the gods in the world in the earliest hours of the first day of the new year.

The emperor, he really aspired to be the emperor of the whole world, not just the emperor of the Manchurians.

The emperor took her hand and brought her to his side to protect her from the cold wind of this winter night.

With the cover of the fat end hood, when he turned around, he held her in his arms and kissed her secretly.

 And ha~~
(End of this chapter)

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