Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1159: It's All Her Fault

Chapter 1159 It's All Her Fault (269 More)
In this early morning, at the earliest time of the new year, the world is happy, but Nala sits in his Chengqian Palace and stares at Guiren Lin, his facial features are already frozen, and he can't even sneer.

"Stop crying, get up quickly."

She raised her hand wearily, but she had to hold back and had to comfort
"I understand what you said. What happened today is not your fault. Your words and deeds are all appropriate, and there is nothing wrong with it. So if Ling Fei doesn't bring those children to disrupt the situation, you will go to bed tonight. He must be able to sleep."

Hearing what Nala said, Lin Guiren cried even more sadly.

Twice or three times he took the initiative to invite pets to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The emperor clearly liked her very much, loved listening to her talk, and also loved watching her dance, but both times he was rushed by concubine Ling.

Nala stared at Guiren Lin, and couldn't help but add a pinch of salt: "Tonight is New Year's Eve, if you are favored tonight, it will have a different meaning."

Lin Guiren was so wronged that it was difficult to express, and he was so weeping that he couldn't speak.

Nala sighed: "I'm wondering why Naling concubine suddenly took the imperial heirs with her tonight? In my opinion, this is definitely not a coincidence."

"Tonight is the New Year's Eve. Since the time of the first emperor, there has been a rule of writing in the open window. Therefore, on the night of the New Year's Eve, the emperor will not sleep, and will not summon the harem. Therefore, the emperor will not go to the palace tonight. Flipping the sign, that concubine Ling had no reason to go."

Nala thought for a while, and then raised the corners of her lips: "Oh, I think I understand. She lives in the Yongshou Palace, which is the closest to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Maybe our whereabouts were caught by her The people in the palace found out, she knows that if you stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation tonight, it will definitely be a huge threat to her in the future. To prevent you from taking her imperial favor."

Nala's words were so vivid that even Lin Guiren couldn't help but stop crying and stared at Nala's.

Nala leaned on the pillow with his elbows, the corners of his lips curled into a sneer.

"Otherwise, why would she change into eunuch's clothes? It's not because she has a guilty conscience!"

"But she is also considered smart. She knows that you are already in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and you have won the emperor's favor. If she rushes in later, she will be ashamed and panicked. Secondly, she is also afraid that the emperor will be unhappy. That's why she came up with the idea of ​​bringing the emperor's heirs."

"After all, it's Chinese New Year. Even if the emperor doesn't necessarily want to see her, he still wants to see the emperor's heir. Even for the sake of the emperor's heir, the emperor has to tolerate her."

Hearing what Nala said, Lin Guiren finally felt better.She sobbed and stopped crying, and only looked at Nala with red eyes: "What the imperial concubine said was that the emperor was really happy before the imperial concubine brought the heirs today. But in the end it was Concubine Ling is favored, and she is already in the position of concubine, so it is not good for the emperor to make Concubine Ling unhappy because of concubine status."

Nala stretched out her hand, and took Lin Guiren's hand: "But even if the concubine Ling took the heirs with her, didn't the emperor tell you to leave right away? That means the emperor still likes you!"

"It's because you said they ate dumplings and asked you to dance. It's because the emperor didn't watch you dance enough. It's because the emperor misses you. After all, you have danced half of the dance. It was the concubine Ling who came halfway. If anyone feels ashamed Don't panic, it should be her, not you!"

Nala said so, but after all, seeing Lin Guiren's clothes that belonged to her was not pleasing to the eye.

Could it be that the emperor wants Lin Guiren to wear her clothes and dance for the concubine Ling and the emperor's heir?

Then is it Lin Guiren who dances and entertains people, or is it her?

 Logging in is always difficult, everyone has been waiting for a long time.See you tomorrow.

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(End of this chapter)

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