Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1167 Chapter 3 277

Chapter 1167 Three Volumes 277 Knowing People and Faces (8 More)
Wanxi stared at herself in the mercury mirror.

At the age of 22, the greenness of the 14-year-old has faded away.Although the wave shadow in his eyes is still agile, there is more tranquility accumulated over the years.

"In this harem, who can survive by fighting alone? Even with the emperor's favor, the emperor still has such a big world to take care of. What's more, with my background..."

"The Nala family was married by the late emperor, and besides the status of 'First Married Side Fujin', there is also the support of the Empress Dowager. If I only had myself, I would not even have the ability to protect myself in front of her. Even if I arrive Today, I am already in the imperial concubine position, don't you think it is easy for them to control my grandma?"

Yuhu couldn't help but said: "Master thought of Concubine Jia and Concubine Yu, but didn't mention Concubine Shu... Is the master worried that Concubine Shu has a noble family background and it will be difficult to get along with the master?"

Wanxi lowered her head, looking at the only soft bracelet left on her wrist.

"How should I put it, if it was because of Jiufu Jin, I would naturally be the first to join hands with Concubine Shu. It's just...every time I see this soft bracelet on my wrist, I can't help but think of the relationship between me and her back then." Let go of that quarrel."

"I don't hold grudges, it's just that what happened back then always made me feel that Concubine Shu and Jiu Fujin have different temperaments after all. Maybe she is an older sister, so she has a more lonely temperament than Jiu Fujin. I always feel that no matter how much I give my sincerity, she They always take half a step back. Even if they reconcile with me later, it's probably because of Jiufu Jin."

"Besides, since we are facing off against Nala, we have to worry about the empress dowager behind Nala. And the empress dowager loves Concubine Shu the most. So I don't want to implicate her for the time being. Not only to prevent her from being caught in the middle, but also to prevent me from being insufficiently prepared for her."

Yuhu also frowned: "What the master said is true. Although we have been together for many years, the slave still feels that he can't see through Concubine Shu. I always feel that she is just watching from the sidelines, hanging high, and I can't tell whether she is willing to be sincere with the master after all. Getting along with each other is only for the sake of Jiufu Jin."

Wanxi frowned slightly: "I still have a layer of concern in my heart...She is different from Concubine Jia, Concubine Chun, and Concubine Yu. The three of them are all old, and now they are fighting for their children. Concubine Shu is one year younger than me, if she fights, it's only for herself."

"But these years, even with the empress dowager's recommendation, the emperor always treats her indifferently. If she wants to win the emperor's heart, she will inevitably be the first to care for me..."

Yuhu also sighed: "No. If there is a fight for favor in this world, so what if they are sisters? Even, the slave said something inappropriate. Didn't the master and Lu Guiren almost be provoked by Empress Xiaoxian? Well...Since Shu Concubine and Master do not have the same affection as Lu Guiren, once they compete for favor, it will be even more unpredictable."

Wanxi raised her head and looked at the mirror quietly.

"On the Dezhou ship, after the death of Empress Xiaoxian, the emperor asked Prince Zhuang Yunlu and other clan princes to send the empress dowager back to the north first... At that time, concubine Shu was serving the empress dowager on the empress dowager's royal boat. If you think about it, you must Did you have some contact with Prince Zhuang?"

Yuhu's heart also trembled: "No! If Concubine Shu is sincerely on good terms with the master, then if she listens to what the empress dowager and Prince Zhuang said, why not mention the master a little bit. Then It's not like the master suddenly knows about Mr. Wei and is so anxious!"

 See you tomorrow.

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(End of this chapter)

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